Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 5383 funded different Easy Pocket PC Installer 1.0 programs. You can simply download any of Easy Pocket PC Installer 1.0 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:230 EASY POCKET PC INSTALLER 1.0 Tired of making installers for Windows Mobile based devices? Let EasyPPC Installer free you from complex and hard to use interfaces. EasyPPC Installer works the way you think it should, Drag and Drop your files, set a few properties, and ...
Search Query points:60 CONVERT DVD TO POCKET PC 1.0 The Pocket DVD Wizard lets you use your computer to make backup copies of your DVDs, Mpeg, Avi and DivX video and then play them on a handheld device such as a Pocket PC, Palm or PSP. Imagine the possibilities! ...
Search Query points:55 WONDERSHARE POCKET VIDEO CONVERTER 1.0.0 Wondershare Pocket Video Converter is a powerful video converter for Pocket PC, Smart Phones, Palms, and more mobile devices. The Pocket Video Converter is capable of converting almost all popular video formats such as vob, DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, ...
Search Query points:55 WONDERSHARE POCKET DVD STUDIO 1.1.0 It's time to go mobile wild. Take your favorite DVD movies, then convert them into your new pocket device with Wondershare Pocket DVD Studio, the premiere video converter for movie lovers who need to watch popular videos from anywhere at ...
Search Query points:55 WONDERSHARE POCKET DVD RIPPER 1.0.0 It's time to go mobile wild. Take your favorite DVD movies, then convert them into your new pocket device with Wondershare Pocket DVD Ripper, the premiere video converter for movie lovers who need to watch popular videos anywhere and anytime. ...
Search Query points:55 POCKET DVD STUDIO 4.1 Convert DVD and video files into wmv/avi format for PC, Pocket PC, Smartphone, Portable Media Center, Palm, etc. Key Features: 1. Blazing fast video conversion speed that no one else can compare. Our unique hardware based optimization technology does ...
Search Query points:55 1CLICKADDNREMOVE INSTALLER UNINSTALLER 1.4 1 Click Add n Remove is an Install and uninstall wizard that completely takes the place of Windows Add Remove program but offers many more functions. The Standard Add Remove Program often can not completely uninstall applications or broken registry ...
Search Query points:55 PLATO DVD TO POCKET PC CONVERTER 4.39 Plato DVD to Pocket PC Converter is simply and easy to use. Just a few clicks , you could choose subtitle, audio track , and customize output video and audio quality ...
Search Query points:55 IMTOO DVD TO POCKET PC RIPPER * ImTOO DVD to Pocket PC Ripper is powerful DVD ripping software which helps you rip and convert DVD to Pocket PC video (wma), Windows Media Audio(wma) and mp3 easily and fast. * Features: 1. It offers super ...
Search Query points:55 SKINCRAFTER INSTALLER 1.0 SkinCrafter Installer is easy to use and well organized freeware developer tool meant for skinning of install packages created with Windows installer. SkinCrafter Installer uses SkinCrafter engine for skins implementation. SkinCrafter performs skinning Windows applications, allowing absolute visual customizations. In ...
Search Query points:55 EASY AVI/VCD/DVD/MPEG CONVERTER 1.12 Easy AVI/VCD/DVD/MPEG Converter is a powerful tool for powerful video conversion. The main features include: convert avi,vcd,svcd,dvd,mpeg1 , mpeg2,wmv from or to earch others in batch mode, support for DivX AVI ,VCD , DVD , WMV , MPEG1 , MPEG2, ...
Search Query points:50 SG TRUCO (POCKET PC) 1.0 Are you tired of playing always the same card games? We give you something different... SG Truco is a version of the South American card game Truco for two players for PocketPC. Based on the Argentine version it is you ...
Search Query points:50 VIRTINS POCKET INSTRUMENT 1.0 Virtins Pocket Instrument is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument software. It consists of a real time oscilloscope, a real time spectrum analyzer and a signal generator, and can run them simultaneously. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes ...
Search Query points:50 VIRTINS POCKET OSCILLOSCOPE 1.0 Virtins Pocket Oscilloscope is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument software. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market which search trigger event after data collection, it features a specially designed data acquisition approach which is able ...
Search Query points:50 VIRTINS POCKET SPECTRUM ANALYZER 1.0 Virtins Pocket Spectrum Analyzer is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a real time oscilloscope and a real time spectrum analyzer and can run them concurrently. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market ...
Search Query points:50 TIMEPANIC FOR WINDOWS AND POCKET PC 1.0 TimePanic is a time tracking solution that comes with a Windows and with a Pocket PC application. Both applications can be synchronized via ActiveSync. At the simplest level, TimePanic can replace your notepad that you use to write down ...
Search Query points:50 VIRTINS POCKET SIGNAL GENERATOR 1.0 Virtins Pocket Signal Generator is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a Signal Generator and an off-line Oscilloscope. 1. The dual channel Signal Generator (Sweep/Arbitrary/Function Generator) provides the following types of waveform for output: (1) Sine ...
Search Query points:50 XCHECKERS FOR POCKET PC 2.1 Play 10 great checkers games on your Pocket PC: American, Brazilian, Canadian, International, Italian, Pool, Portuguese, Russian Shashki, Russian give-away and Spanish Checkers. xCheckers supports many levels, setup mode, allows save games in files, create book of openings and more... ...
Search Query points:50 EASY 3D CREATOR With Easy 3D Creator you can create stunning 3D screen savers in a few minutes with no programming. All you need is to set some parameters that determine your screen saver's appearance and behaviour in step-by-step mode, seeing the result ...
Search Query points:50 KRAKOUT RE FOR POCKET PC 1.0 Krakout RE is arkanoid style game. In this arkanoid style game you should destroy bricks on screen using balls. Do not allow balls go out from screen using paddle. ...
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