Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 6241 funded different earthing rod length software calculation programs. You can simply download any of earthing rod length calculation soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 EXCEL ADVANCED SORT BY CHARACTERS, POSITION, LENGTH, COLOR, DATES SOFTWARE 1.1 Sort a group of selected cells in MS Excel using different methods. Features include: A-Z Sort Selected Cells Starting at Second Character Position, Starting at Third Character Position, Starting at x Character Position, Starting at Second Word, Starting at Third ...
Search Query points:50 #CALCULATION COMPONENT 2.0.2126 #Calculation component is a powerful calculation engine for your applications. This ActiveX component integrates expression parsing and evaluation. It is suitable for heavy-duty number crunching. It also allows defining variables and sets of related formulas that implement spreadsheet-like recalculations. ...
Search Query points:30 UNIT CONVERTER SOFTWARE Data Doctor Length Area Unit Converter Calculator converts unit of length and area in other available units and computes prices of buying, selling and purchasing property. Software provides accurate, precise and exact cost of properties of any preferred unit. Utility ...
Search Query points:30 3DMATH EXPLORER 3.1 3DMath Explorer is a computer program that pilots 2D and 3D graphs of mathematical functions and curves in unlimited graphing space. It has many useful feature such as; 1-3D curve ploting in real time, 2-perspective drawing, 3-graph scaling (zooming), 4-active ...
Search Query points:30 REAL ESTATE PRICE CALCULATOR Data Doctor?s Free Area length Unit converter and Price calculator utility performs conversion of all major area length unit and price calculation of lands plots flats for properties real estate business. Software supports windows 98 NT ME XP 2000 2003. ...
Search Query points:30 GNCUTTER - NESTING AND GUILLOTINE CUTTER 1.1 Defines how to cut rectangular pieces from glass, ceramic, metal, drywall or wood stocks with minimal waste of material. The most of cutting tasks have to be done on construction sites where you should figure out how to cut pieces ...
Search Query points:20 WORD PASSWORD 10.0.6745 Word Password is a guaranteed password recovery tool ("password cracker") for Word. The unique Guaranteed Recovery technology unlocks a file within a minute regardless of the password length. Unlike competing products, Word Password guarantees successful and instant password recovery. The ...
Search Query points:20 EXCEL PASSWORD 10.0.6745 Guaranteed password recovery tool ('password cracker') for Excel. The unique Guaranteed Recovery technology allows unlocking a file within a minute regardless of the password length. Unlike competing products, Excel Password guarantees successful and instant password recovery. The program features an ...
Search Query points:20 CURTIPOT ACID-BASE PH AND TITRATION 3.2.3 A pH Calculator, a Virtual Titrator, a Real Titration Data Analyzer, a Distribution Diagram Generator - that's CurTiPot, the all-in-one freeware to learn, teach and work with chemical equilibrium of acids, bases, salts and buffers at home, classroom, interactive "dry ...
Search Query points:20 GUITAR & DRUM TRAINER 2.3 Play any instrument better by getting more out of your practice time. Easily learn your favorite songs and music on guitar or any instrument with GDT. * Slow down music without changing pitch ...
Search Query points:20 CUE SPLITTER 0.6 CUE Splitter is a freeware tool that split a single big audio track, mostly an album or a compilation, into the relative individual audio tracks, using informations contained in the associated "CUE" file. Sometimes you can find a ...
Search Query points:20 PASSWORD RECOVERY .MDB 2.0.1 Have you lost the Password of your database Access? Don't worry more, you can already recover it with this great program. Password Recovery. MDB is a program dedicated to that you can ...
Search Query points:20 AUTO BACKUP Automatic backup of your critical data to local disk, Network neighborhood and remote FTP servers. It can work as a service too. You can create multi-tasks to backup your data.You can use Auto Backup to make a reserve copy of ...
Search Query points:20 AUDIO MID RECORDER 3.95 Audio Mid Recorder is a powerful real-time sound recorder from any resource such as Mid, MP3, WAV, WMA, RM, OGG,VQF, CD, DVD, MPEG, AVI, MOV, GAME, FLASH, Streaming Audio on Internet... , even from all peripheral equipment such as Microphone, ...
Search Query points:20 SF PASSWORD GENERATOR PERSONAL 1.0 SF Password Generator Personal is a program designed for generating strong passwords easily and quickly. Using SF Password Generator, you can easily create extremely strong passwords up to 128-character length. While generating a password, you can use letters, digits, uppercase ...
Search Query points:20 HEAVYMATH CAM 3D 3.1 HeavyMath Cam 3D is the only webcam software which enables you to record 3D anaglyph stereo video from two webcams. Two webcams with the same focal length is all you need. The preview window shows the anaglyph video. Record ...
Search Query points:20 ANY PASSWORD 1.4 Any Password is an easy-to-use tool that lets you store and arrange all your passwords, user IDs, and related information in a tree form. The program saves this information in encrypted files which can be protected by a password. So, ...
Search Query points:20 PASSWORD GENERATOR PRO 3.6.1 Password Generator Pro automatically generates passwords, serial numbers, and random numbers. It features 5 methods for generating the passwords: normal, masked, dictionary mode, pronounceable and character list. All the functionality is available in command line form. Can generate up to ...
Search Query points:20 SECURE PASSWORD GENERATOR 2.2 Secure Password Generator is software to create random passwords. The longer your password is, the stronger it makes your protection. Secure Password Generator lets you create passwords from 1 to 100 000 characters long. The program works in Windows XP, ...
Search Query points:20 VIDEOCAD 4.0 VideoCAD is a tool of view area and cameras' arrangement calculation that will help you in designing CCTV of any complexity and functions. VideoCAD is user-friendly, allowing even the beginners to use the new opportunities appearing to ...
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