Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 13124 funded different dvd9 to dvd5 software programs. You can simply download any of dvd9 to dvd5 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:25 FT DVD CLONE 4.39 FT DVD Clone include the high speed DVD Copy Engine, FT DVD Clone has the abllity to backup your own DVD9 disc within 30 minutes for full disc copy ,and only 10-15 minutes for Main Movies Copy ...
Search Query points:25 IDEAL DVD COPY 2.0 Ideal DVD Copy is an efficient and simple tool for you to copy any DVD movie to blank DVD or hard disk, even if you are a novice user. It can copy any DVD without any loss of quality ...
Search Query points:25 WINX DVD COPY Copy a dual-layer (DVD9) movie into one DVD5 with all the Special Features , Menus, Subtitles & Languages. DVD to DVD copy directly, Clone DVD coming true. Copy DVD to Hard Disk and burn it to ...
Search Query points:25 WINX DVD COPY Copy a dual-layer (DVD9) movie into one DVD5 with all the Special Features , Menus, Subtitles & Languages. DVD to DVD copy directly, Clone DVD coming true. Copy DVD to Hard Disk and burn it to ...
Search Query points:15 EZ SCREEN CAPTURE 1.0.5 Ever find yourself needing to take a snapshot of your desktop? Perhaps you need technical support with something on your screen, or you need to capture something to include in a document, such as the screen shots used in the ...
Search Query points:15 SUN 3D SCREENSAVER 1.0 The Sun is the most prominent feature in our Solar System. It is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the total solar system mass. One hundred and nine Earths would be required to fit across the Sun's disk. ...
Search Query points:15 COURIER 1.0 This is for anyone who has a small or private courier business. Now you can easily keep track of customers. You can know ata glance what customer uses your business the most. Also know what items were picked up and ...
Search Query points:15 MEGA PROMOTER TOOL 1.01 Axl Traffic is a completely automated way to promote your website to over 700,000 search engines, directories, link pages, online malls, and classified sites! Axl Traffic will help potential customers find you. Submitting your site consistently and properly will drive ...
Search Query points:15 NAME EXTRACTOR 1.0 Add personalization to ANY email address list. If your lists currently do NOT include first or last names, process them with Name Extractor and they will. Most emailing software can send personalized bulk email, but unless your email lists contain ...
Search Query points:15 HIDE WINDOW HOTKEY 2.0 Hide Window Hotkey is a utility which allows you to hide the windows,and programs which are running on your screen.It will instantly hide or close all (or some) programs on your screen through Mouse Hotkey or Keyboard Hotkey in order ...
Search Query points:15 SCANNET 1.1 This program is designed to search files in a LAN of Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. It allows searching files under a preset mask or a group of files with extensions shown (for example, VIDEO - avi, mpg, mpeg, wmv, etc.), and choosing ...
Search Query points:15 TIMELEFT 3.25 TimeLeft is a Winamp skinnable clock, tray clock, countdown, web countdown, reminder, alarm clock, stopwatch, timer, desktop sticker and time synchronization utility. With TimeLeft countdown you can watch the seconds ticking away, it makes some glad event so much closer. ...
Search Query points:15 1ST WEBPROMOTION 1.1 Axl Traffic is a completely automated way to promote your website to over 700,000 search engines, directories, link pages, online malls, and classified sites! Axl Traffic will help potential customers find you. Submitting your site consistently and properly will drive ...
Search Query points:15 DVD POWER BURNER 2.7 DVD Power Burner is leading DVD/CD burning software that burns data, audios, videos, and images to CDs or DVDs. Enhanced writing stability increases synchronization and the compatibility with other application programs and software. User-friendly interface and step-by-step wizards make every ...
Search Query points:15 TRAPPING 1.0 I don't think there is a free computer program any place on the internet for trappers, except for this one ! Whether your ayoung person or an seasoned trapper, this program is for you to make your hobby a little ...
Search Query points:15 DIECAST 1.0 This is for anyone who has a small or large diecast vehicle collection. Now you can easily keep track of your vehicles. Youcan know at a glance what vehicle you have, what color, what condition, the cost, value, scale and ...
Search Query points:15 AVATAR CAPTURE 1.15 Looking to create an avatar? Using Avatar Capture you can grab any image on your screen, resize it, crop it, and save it in many formats. Many people use Avatar Capture to create their own unique avatars instantly. Give it ...
Search Query points:15 WTWARE 4.0.5 Windows Terminal Services Client for diskless computer network boot. WTware package includes all the software needed to create a terminal: OS, multiple drivers, network services and a terminal services client. Any PC from 486/8Mb to modern can be used as ...
Search Query points:15 BACKUPMATE 2.0.4 BackupMate makes it easier than ever before to secure your data by making regular backups of your files. Use BackupMate to protect your important data, music and photo files from accidental deletes, overwrites, file corruptions. Compress your files using the ...
Search Query points:15 ALL MY MOVIES 4.0 Movie database manager. With this multilingual application your movie collection will be managed well. For new movie adding just type the movie title or enter (scan) a barcode and the rest information including cover image will be downloaded automatically ...
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