Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 3053 funded different Duplicate File Detector 1.9 programs. You can simply download any of Duplicate File Detector 1.9 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:225 DUPLICATE FILE DETECTOR 1.9 Duplicate File Detector is a powerful tool to search for file duplicates on your computer. It can find duplicates of any files: text, binary, music, video or images. The following criteria can be used search for duplicates: filename, file size, ...
Search Query points:80 DUPLICATE FILE KILLER 1.8.5 It can scan and delete all duplicate files and zero-sized files on the hard driver. It can scan and distinguish from filename, extensions and date. It creates lists of duplicate and zero-sized files. You can get a detailed statistics about ...
Search Query points:80 DUPLICATE FILE DETECTIVE Powerful, professional grade duplicate file management solution. Features include a muti-threaded file system scanning engine, flexible scan-time filtering, multiple local and network file system paths (scanned in a single pass), new project wizard, Smart Marking selection technology, multi-format export (including ...
Search Query points:80 DUPLICATE MP3 FILE FIND SOFTWARE 7.0 Find and delete duplicate MP3 and music files on your computer. You decide which files to send to the Recycle Bin. ...
Search Query points:50 FILE COMPACT WIZARD 1.0 This utility can create hard links. You can do it manually or from results of analyzing your disk for duplicate data results. This will help you not to use space for duplicate files storing. Functionality of hard links can be ...
Search Query points:50 SYNCHRONEX FILE SYNCHRONIZER, BACKUP/FTP Realizes robust multi-directional file tree synchronization and backup over local & network paths in any situation: From laptop synchronization to scheduled backup tasks to incremental FTP/FTPS/DAV website upload. Supports true synchronization of (re)moved files and directories, provides collision detection, advanced ...
Search Query points:50 DUPLICATE IMAGE FINDER 1.0.18 Duplicate Image Finder finds duplicate images on your computer. DIF compares images like you do: it compares 'what they look like' on the screen. DIF can match up resized images, rotated images, images with different filenames, or images in a ...
Search Query points:50 DUPLICATE CHECKER 2.1 Duplicate file finder and remover. Duplicate Checker is a powerful tool for finding duplicate images, MP3s and any other file types. Using this utility you can organize files on your hard disk or server storage. Main features: 1) search files ...
Search Query points:50 DUPLICATE FINDER 1.5 Find and Remove TRUE duplicate files, Search duplicate file contents regardless of file name, Delete or move duplicate files, Clean up disk space, manage files better, Duplicate Finder matches byte by byte or CRC32 to give you most accurate results. ...
Search Query points:50 MAX SECURE SPYWARE DETECTOR 6.1 Spyware Detector is the only product in the market today which not only scans and removes Spyware but also blocks them from installing on your PC. It has the following features: Scans for spyware Removes spyware Recovers spyware Excludes spyware ...
Search Query points:50 NOCLONE - FIND DUPLICATE FILES 3.1.208 NoClone - file utility software to find and Remove TRUE duplicate files * True Byte-to-byte comparison , not by CRC. * Search duplicate file contents regardless of file name * Search duplicate files, file portions, file name, simple ...
Search Query points:50 FILE ACE 1.01 File Ace is the ultimate file management utility suite. It simplifies complex and time-consuming file tasks by providing tools that are powerful yet flexible and efficient. File Ace is perfect for those that work with any significant amount of files ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED FILE ORGANIZER 2.61 Advanced File Organizer is a powerful yet easy-to-use cataloging utility that helps you find any file stored on a removable media or on your hard drive in a matter of seconds. Advanced File Organizer supports all kinds of media recognized ...
Search Query points:40 EASY FILE PROTECTOR 4.21 Easy File Protector is a very flexible password protected security utility that restricts access to your files and folders by user-defined time schedule. You choose users, define restricted files/folders and time periods for them, and activate the program. After that, ...
Search Query points:40 BURN RUBBER: FILE SEARCH ACCELERATOR 2.3.0 Do you ever find yourself searching for a file you know is on your hard drive somewhere? Or maybe you need to find a file on the network, and you don't know where it is? Tired using Windows file search ...
Search Query points:40 INSTANT FILE NAME SEARCH 1.5 Instant File Name Search is a free software especially designed for filename searches. Instantly find files by name, part of name or mask (*.xls, pic??.jpg, *shrek*.avi etc.) on your PC or LAN. You can use AND/OR/NOT operators to perform advanced ...
Search Query points:40 EFFECTIVE FILE SEARCH 4.3 Effective File Search is a must-have search tool for any PC user. It performs a multitasking search for any type of a file in a PC or local network. Effective File Search offers flexible search settings, different features for working ...
Search Query points:40 FLASH FILE RECOVERY 2.1 Need a sure solution for recovering lost, corrupted or accidentally deleted photographs? Flash File Recovery is a 100% risk-free application that salvages images from digital cameras or flash memory cards. The program first scans storage media, locating all recoverable photographs. ...
Search Query points:40 UNIVERSAL FILE SPLITTER & MERGER 1.1 Universal File Splitter & Merger is a powerful, friendly and easy tool that helps you to split and merge any kind of files. You can then send, store, record, carry, upload, view, or play them. Features: * splitting/merging very ...
Search Query points:40 ANIMABILIS RS FILE ENCRYPTION 1.3 Need a military grade file encryption solution? Would you like to delete (shred) files and be 100% sure they can't be "undeleted"? Now about protecting data stored with removable drives? RS File Encryption does all that and more! ...
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