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Search Query points:80 DREAMCODER FOR ORACLE DBA 2.2 DreamCoder for Oracle is a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and administration tool for Oracle Databases. With the intuitive DreamCoder's GUI increase your code quality and reduce the development process time. DreamCoder for Oracle you will easily be ...
Search Query points:40 DREAMCODER FOR ORACLE PROFESSIONAL 1.8 DreamCoder empowers developers to be more productive by providing an intuitive graphical user interface to Oracle. DreamCoder is a powerful, low-overhead tool that makes PL/SQL development faster and easier. Advanced editors allow users to work on multiple files simultaneously — ...
Search Query points:40 DREAMCODER FOR POSTGRESQL PROFESSIONAL 1.3 DreamCoder for PostgreSQL is a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for PostgreSQL Databases. With the intuitive DreamCoder's GUI increase your code quality and reduce the development process time. DreamCoder for PostgreSQL you will easily be able to build and ...
Search Query points:40 DREAMCODER FOR ORACLE PROFESSIONAL 2.2 DreamCoder empowers developers to be more productive by providing an intuitive graphical user interface to Oracle. DreamCoder is a powerful, low-overhead tool that makes PL/SQL development faster and easier. Advanced editors allow users to work on multiple files simultaneously — ...
Search Query points:10 INVESTOR'S FORGET-ME-NOTS DICTIONARY 9984921786 This concise and easy-to-use dictionary covers over 4000 internationally recognized investment terms and is perfect for everyone who aims to comprehend English and French financial newspapers and magazines and take into account the latest forms of investing at the level ...
Search Query points:10 GLOSSARY OF INTERNATIONAL BANKING & FINANCE ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS 9984921700 The Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations will be of value not only to professional traders, journalists, students, but to anyone interested in the mechanics and terminology of today's markets. Acronyms and abbreviations, pronounceable words of convenience ...
Search Query points:10 MULTILINGUAL DICTIONARY OF STOCK EXCHANGE & INVESTMENT TERMS 9984921751 The Multilingual Dictionary of Stock Exchange & Investment Terms meets the need for concise definitions of often highly technical terms for professional traders, journalists, or students. Ideal for any business traveler, this reference contains an extensive vocabulary, covering a wide ...
Search Query points:10 BANKING FINANCE GLOSSARY 9984921700 Ideal for any business traveler, this glossary covers topics relating to banking and finance - from office practice to stock market and accounting terminology. The Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations (En-Ru) will be of value not ...
Search Query points:10 EMS SQL MANAGEMENT STUDIO FOR POSTGRESQL 1.0 EMS SQL Management Studio is a complete solution for database administration and development. SQL Studio unites all must-have tools that focus on the most critical database management tasks in one powerful and easy-to-use environment that can work round the clock. ...
Search Query points:10 STOCK INVESTMENT MULTILINGUAL DICTIONARY 9984921751 Ideal for any business traveler, for home, school and office, it contains an extensive vocabulary, covering a wide range of topics relating to business - from office practice to stock exchange & accounting terminology in English, German, French, Italian, Russian, ...
Search Query points:10 BUSINESS FINANCE MULTILINGUAL DICTIONARY 9984921735 This dictionary contains an extensive vocabulary, covering a wide range of topics relating to business and finance - from office practice to stock market and accounting terminology in English, German, French, and Russian. ...
Search Query points:10 BUSINESS & FINANCE MULTILINGUAL DICTIONARY 9984921735 This dictionary contains an extensive vocabulary, covering a wide range of topics relating to business - from office practice to stock market and accounting terminology in English, German, French, and Russian. The Business & Finance Multilingual Dictionary covers the expanding ...
Search Query points:10 EMS SQL MANAGEMENT STUDIO FOR SQL SERVER 1.0 EMS SQL Management Studio is a complete solution for database administration and development. SQL Studio unites all must-have tools that focus on the most critical database management tasks in one powerful and easy-to-use environment that can work round the clock. ...
Search Query points:10 EMS SQL MANAGEMENT STUDIO FOR MYSQL 1.0 EMS SQL Management Studio is a complete solution for database administration and development. SQL Studio unites all must-have tools that focus on the most critical database management tasks in one powerful and easy-to-use environment that can work round the clock. ...
Search Query points:10 DICTIONARY OF COMPUTING FOR EVERYONE 9984921743 Ideal for any business traveler, it contains an extensive vocabulary, covering a wide range of topics relating to computing science and is available in English and Russian. You do not have to be a computer expert to be able to ...
Search Query points:10 COMPUTING DICTIONARY 9984921743 Ideal for any business traveler, this dictionary contains an extensive vocabulary, covering a wide range of topics relating to computing science and is available in English and Russian. You do not have to be a computer expert to be able ...
Search Query points:10 STOCK INVESTMENT MULTILINGUAL 9984921751 Ideal for any business traveler, for home, school and office, this reference contains an extensive vocabulary, covering a wide range of topics relating to stock market and accounting terminology in English, German, French, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. ...
Search Query points:10 NATO-RUSSIA MILITARY DICTIONARY 998492176X This NATO-Russia Military and Political Dictionary provides a comprehensive guide to military and political terminology, and is ideal for all military personnel, those learning English and Russian for military purposes or anyone in related industries dealing with the military and ...
Search Query points:10 INVESTOR DICTIONARY 9984921786 This concise and easy-to-use dictionary covers over 4000 internationally recognized investment terms and is perfect for everyone who aims to comprehend English and French financial newspapers and magazines and take into account the latest forms of investing at the level ...
Search Query points:10 BUSINESS FINANCE MULTILINGUAL 9984921735 Ideal for any business traveler, this dictionary contains an extensive vocabulary, covering a wide range of topics relating to business and finance - from office practice to stock market and accounting terminology in English, German, French, and Russian. ...
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