Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 7822 funded different downloadable xml 1.0 software programs. You can simply download any of downloadable xml 1.0 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:55 WIXAWARE FOR WINDOWS INSTALLER XML 1.0 InstallAware is first to market with an IDE targeting Microsoft's open source WiX platform. WiX is used internally by Microsoft teams to build world-class installers such as Microsoft Office. Until today, WiX remained hard to use, as it did not ...
Search Query points:50 MS SQL SERVER TO XML CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Convert MS SQL Server 2000 or 2005 tables to XML through a step by step wizard. XML output can be fully customized to contain database fields as tags and additional tags for separating records. ...
Search Query points:50 MYSQL TO XML CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Convert MySQL tables to XML through a step by step wizard. XML output can be fully customized to contain database fields as tags and additional tags for separating records. ...
Search Query points:50 EXCEL IMPORT MULTIPLE XML FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Convert XML files to Excel. Simply browse to the XML file and send the contents to a blank Excel workbook. You must have Excel installed on your machine. ...
Search Query points:50 ALCHEMIST XML IDE PROFESSIONAL 2.2 Alchemist XML IDE, is an advanced XML Integrated Development Environment (XML IDE). Alchemist adds powerful new features, again pushing the innovation envelope that helped establish Alchemist in the market. Alchemist's best-in-class features for working with XML, XSL, XSLT, XPath, SQL/XML, ...
Search Query points:40 XML VIEWER 1.3 MindFusion's XML Viewer is used to examine the contents of an XML file in an easy-to-use environment. In addition you can make modification to the XML such as insering and deleting items as well as adding and deleting properties to ...
Search Query points:40 XMLFOX XML/XSD EDITOR 1.6.20 Graphical XML editing and validation tool XMLFox is a freeware editor for creating valid well-formed XML documents and/or XSD Schema. XMLFox XML/XSD editor is the Windows based graphical tool for authoring, updating, exploring, well-formedness checking or validating XML documents. XMLFox ...
Search Query points:40 HTML, XML, SCRIPT OPTIMIZER 1.2 Very Nice HTML, XML, Images and Script Optimizer ...
Search Query points:40 RTF TO XML 5.2.1 RTF TO XML converts RTF documents (for example, MS Word documents saved as Rich Text Format) into well- formed XML, PDF, HTML, PostScript, TXT, PCL, SVG, AWT, Print, MIF and other formats. Operated from a Graphics User Interface, or a ...
Search Query points:40 XML SITEMAP MAKER 1.01 RSS Feed Maker is a windows program that allows you to create lists of documents to create and upload RSS Feed files to your website. ...
Search Query points:40 XML CONVERTER 5.12 XML Converter unites data from ODBC, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL databases, or from MS Office files into XML documents. It gives you the ability to predefine XML transformation template scenario to create an XML with your particular multilevel tagged ...
Search Query points:40 XMLFOX ADVANCE XML/XSD EDITOR 2.6 Graphical XML editing and validation tool XMLFox Advance is XML/XSD editor for creating valid well-formed XML documents and/or XSD Schema. XMLFox Advance XML/XSD editor is the Windows based graphical tool for authoring, updating, exploring, well-formedness checking or validating XML documents. ...
Search Query points:25 DISKMETA PRO - FAST FILE SEARCH FOR PC AND INTRANET 1.0 diskMETA is an easy to use, simple and effective search software providing instant access to any text data on PC or network. diskMETA is specially designed to index up to a MILLION of document files. After installation, the program ...
Search Query points:25 WORKTIME INSPECTOR 1.0 Have you been wondering about a comfortable way to monitor your employees' activities, assess their productivity and generate reports reflecting the actual state of things in your company or in your current project? WorkTime Inspector is a compact, but powerful ...
Search Query points:25 INSTANTBAR 1.0 InstantBar is Internet Explorer toolbar designed specially for web site owners to help promoting their websites. It allows to create toolbar easily from website, and you don't need to install any additional software builders or create xml files. Any of ...
Search Query points:25 RICH CHART SERVER 1.0 Rich Chart Server generates captivating dynamic Flash charts from ASP.NET. Use the included authoring tool to visually design a chart template which can include stunning animation effects, audio narration, text and image elements, links and tooltips. Apply the template to ...
Search Query points:25 GENUSOFT MEDIA PLAYER 1.0 Genusoft Media Player is a player developed by MyDesk 2.0. It has taken Microsoft Windows Media Player as a technical hard core and used Genusoft FileDialog control, therefore, not only it is provided with all functions as a current popular ...
Search Query points:25 SMIMPORT SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 2.36 Components from SMImport suite allows to import a data from external file formats: 1. MS Excel spreadsheet (directly without OLE/DDE) 2. text delimited file 3. text fixed width file 4. XML file 5. HTML file 6. MS Access database 7. ...
Search Query points:25 JUMPSTART-IT EVENT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE 1.0 Great Windows + Internet event administration software. Create online forms. Process registrations in a snap. Book payments efficiently. Jumpstart-it automatically sends the right emails to the right people and can also use Microsoft Word to generate letters. Easy export of ...
Search Query points:20 COFFEECUP FLASH FORM BUILDER 5.0 CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder is a drag and drop program that creates the most unbelievable Web Forms you have ever seen. Add Input Boxes, Text Areas, Lists, Drop Down Boxes, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons and more. We use our own ...
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