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Search Query points:50 CAMZOOMER 2.0 USB based webcams usually supports dfferent resolutions for video and very often maximum is 640x480 (VGA). But that resolution is not using in most cases, we use only 320x200 or so for online video conferencing purposes, becuase 640x480 is too ...
Search Query points:50 CAMZOOMER 2.5 USB based webcams usually supports dfferent resolutions for video and very often maximum is 640x480 (VGA). But that resolution is not using in most cases, we use only 320x200 or so for online video conferencing purposes, becuase 640x480 is too ...
Search Query points:15 PROXYWAY ANONYMOUS SURFING 1.5 Anonymous web surfing software to surf Internet anonymously. ProxyWay provides high Internet anonymity, guards privacy, helps to optimize web surfing by eliminating ads and popups. ProxyWay is anonymous web surfing software that lets you: hide real IP (anonymous proxy surfing); ...
Search Query points:15 BITMAPCOMBO ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Ideal tool to pick picture from files, bitmaps, resources and any GDI handle. 2. A built-in visual picture file open/preview dialog. 3. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information. ...
Search Query points:15 LOTTO POWERPLAYER PRO 2006 2.28 Lotto PowerPlayer Pro lottery software is a powerful mathematical lottery tool which helps you analyze previous drawings using various filtering criteria ease of use, and power. Lotto PowerPlayer Pro support more than 100 lotteries, works with all pick ...
Search Query points:15 EMS DATA EXPORT 2005 FOR DB2 2.2 EMS DB2 Export is a powerful program to export your data quickly from IBM DB2 databases to any of 15 available formats, including MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word, RTF, HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, CSV, DBF and others. DB2 Export ...
Search Query points:15 MAGICBYTE PSP VIDEO CONVERTER *Magicbit PSP video Converter is the best video converter for your PSP. Helps you watch your music videos and videos on your PSP. Convert video formats from AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB and 3GP etc ...
Search Query points:15 EMS DATA EXPORT 2005 FOR INTERBASE/FIREBIRD 2.2 EMS Data Export for InterBase/Firebird is a powerful program to export your data quickly from InterBase/Firebird databases to any of 15 available formats, including MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word, RTF, HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, CSV, DBF and others. Data ...
Search Query points:15 ZZAPH 0.3 This program assists you in downloading adult related materials. It will automatically download pictures and videos from a wide variety of publicly available adult sites. In order to use it, you mark of one or more of 160 different ...
Search Query points:15 WEB THUMBNAILER 1.5 Web Thumbnailer is a master for converting images from the basic graphic formats in jpeg or png and creations thumbnails.The main difference of this program is that only having started to work with it, you can create hundreds thumbnails by ...
Search Query points:15 CSS DVD-CLONER IV 7.1 DVD-Cloner IV Platinum is software that makes high-quality 1:1 DVD backup copies with the ability to decode CSS encryptions and regional codes completely. The program supports custom copies by enabling users to select their favorite chapters, subtitles and audio options. ...
Search Query points:15 EMS DATA EXPORT 2005 FOR MYSQL 2.2 EMS Data Export for MySQL is a powerful program to export your data quickly from MySQL databases to any of 15 available formats, including MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word (RTF), HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, CSV, DBF and more. Data ...
Search Query points:15 MAHJONG ESCAPE 1.0 Your adventure begins over 4000 years ago in Ancient China. Match the magic gold tiles and travel through 11 Dynasties, unlocking ancient wisdom on your way, to collect the lost dynasty treasures. Enjoy over 175 unique levels, 6 different tile ...
Search Query points:15 OZUM 3.07 Powerful newsreader/Usenet file downloader optimized for images, sound & video. Only Ozum lets you preview/listen individual parts of multipart audio/video files before downloading and assembling the whole file. Includes a built-in viewer for images, programmable automatic news scanning robot ...
Search Query points:15 PICTURE TO GO 1.5 Picture To Go is a free graphics utility that will save you both time and effort. Search for pictures quickly on your computer. Find just the right shot using the high quality viewer. Resize and send your pictures by Email ...
Search Query points:15 MOVIES DATABASE MAC 1.24 Automatic retrieval of Multiple Movie Images and Movie Information from the Internet by entering Movie Titles or UPC codes either manually or with the use of a Barcode Scanner. Features: 1) Ability to manually enter or scan the ...
Search Query points:15 YOUNEEDIT 1.11 You need it! is a very useful comprehensive Business and Utility software suite which you can HARDLY find anywhere.It consists of 15 modules: AutoStart, AutoShut, MeasureMe, PadPlus, Find in Files, Files/Directories Compare, Add/Remove Line Numbers, Remove Blank Lines, C/C++ Source ...
Search Query points:15 GO DVD PLAYER MORPHER GOLD 1.5 Pro edition of AV DVD Player-Morpher, the versatile DVD player software coming with a DVD player, DVD/video converter, DVD morpher, subtitle editor, VCD burner, and CD cover editor. DVD Player-Morpher support DVD, SVCD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, QT, MOV, M1V, ...
Search Query points:15 3D SNOW SCREENSAVER 1.5 Christmas screensaver. Celebratory dance 3D snowflakes on your desktop. Everyone the snowflake is individual, forms of snowflakes in accuracy never repeat. It snows on your desktop does not prevent job. It is possible to make snowflakes big or small, bright ...
Search Query points:15 SHADOWCLOCK 1.5 Save your time, use ShadowClock on your desktop. It is not necessary to go down in the task bar to find out time. These analog clock are always accessible, before eyes, ShadowClock do not prevent job and entertainment. ...
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