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Search Query points:65 RUMMY 500 BY MEGGIESOFT GAMES 16.2 MeggieSoft Games Rummy 500 is a comprehensive implementation of the popular card game also known as 500 Rum. Play against an online opponent or against your computer. Rummy 500 has a rich user interface with many customizable visual, audio, and ...
Search Query points:40 3C GIN RUMMY 4.1 One of the most popular card games Gin Rummy. Gin Rummy has enough simple rules and exciting gameplay. The game is played by two players, each receiving ten cards. The object of the game is to arrange as many as ...
Search Query points:40 GIN RUMMY BY MEGGIESOFT GAMES 16.2 MeggieSoft Games Gin Rummy is a very comprehensive implementation of the popular card game including Hollywood and Oklahoma variations. Play against an online opponent or against your computer with many customizable visual, audio, and game options. Gin Rummy is a ...
Search Query points:25 VIRTUAL PERSONALITY 5.00 A professional telephone-internet-mobile voice changer utility. High quality natural voice. Works with the PC speakers telephone and internet. Needs only a standard voice modem. Endless voices. Supports voice/ bidirectional conversation recording (or any phone on the same line). ...
Search Query points:25 MAGIC UTILITIES 2007 5.00 Magic Utilities is a cute program designed to make your computer clean and more stable. These utilities include Uninstaller Plus, StartUp Organizer,Process Killer and Disk Cleaner. Magic Utilities enables you to easily and safely uninstall programs, inspect and manage the ...
Search Query points:25 HSLAB PRINT LOGGER FE 5.0.0 Lower your printing expenses by setting quotas for printing! HSLAB Print Logger logs and limits all printing activity on network print server. Monitoring set of print job parameters, software records information into XML database that lets users operate charges, limit ...
Search Query points:25 VIRTUAL PERSONALITY+ 5.00 A professional telephone - internet voice changer utility. High quality natural voice. Works with the PC speakers as well as over a telephone mobile and internet. Doesn't need any modem for telephony. Pitch and frequency independent controls. You speak ...
Search Query points:25 TURBOFTP 5.00 TurboFTP is a secure FTP client with a wealth of features. It supports secure FTP over SSL/TLS and SFTP over SSH2. The built-in Folder Synchronizer helps you synchronize local and remote folders with ease. The Task Scheduler offers scheduled FTP ...
Search Query points:25 EMPLOYEE PROJECT CLOCK 5.00 Employee Project Clock is a employee time recording system. Employee Project Clock is an ideal solution for companies that must keep track of several employees' project time on one or more workstations. ...
Search Query points:25 ACCOUNTS AND BUDGET 5.0.0 Accounts and Budget gives you all necessary tools to manage your budget and your bank accounts. Manage your expenses, incomes and transfers ordered by categories. Make summaries of transactions. Plan your budget and display budgetary differences. Manage periodic transactions. ...
Search Query points:25 CYBERMATRIX CLASS SCHEDULER 5.00 CyberMatrix Class Scheduler is an easy to use single or multi-user application for scheduling student's classes. The software is ideal for schools and other institutions that need to quickly schedule classes. ...
Search Query points:25 NETWORK CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT .NET STANDARD EDITION 5.00 Network Configuration Management .Net Standard Edition is a utility that manage network config. It includes: IP Manager: create different TCP/IP settings profiles, and switch between them instantly without reboot. All you need is just to configure ONCE any of your ...
Search Query points:25 CYBERMATRIX MEETING MANAGER 5.00 CyberMatrix Meeting Manager is an easy to use multi-user application for scheduling meetings and meeting room resource scheduling in office buildings etc. ...
Search Query points:25 ALAUXSOFT ACCOUNTS AND BUDGET FREE 5.0.0 Accounts and Budget gives you all necessary tools to manage your finance. Manage your expenses, income and transfers ordered by category. Make report of transactions. Plan your budget and display budgetary differences. Manage periodic transactions. Choose foreign currencies. ...
Search Query points:25 APYCOM JAVA MENUS AND BUTTONS 5.00 Apycom Java Menus and Buttons is a ready-made, professional solution that allows webmasters to create superior navigation systems for their websites. Drop down and pull down menus, animated menus with killer visual effects, flat and 3d tabs, XP-style menus and ...
Search Query points:10 TITAN POKER BIORHYTHMS Titan Poker Biorhythms calculates the high, low & critical periods of your biorhythms to give you an indepth look at what's in store for you before you go play Titan Poker. - Charts can be printed out in Dutch, ...
Search Query points:10 LAXIUS POWER III 1.1 Open-ended, award-winning 200H RPG, Laxius Power III is the epic conclusion of the famous trilogy. In a huge world full of creatures (more than 500), it features 150 quests in a non-linear gameplay, including 6 guilds to enter and 2 ...
Search Query points:10 TRUETERM CONJUGATION PALM 2.0 For German, English (GB/US), Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese (incl. Brazilian), Dutch and Swedish. Between 500,000 and 1 million conjugated forms, up to 20 conjugated tenses, irregularities are partly highlighted in color. Demoversion includes the letter "A" (all Languages). Also available ...
Search Query points:10 SPECIAL ENGLISH FRENCH WM5 4.0 TrueTerm Special. Editable dictionary with user dictionary. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary English/French & French/English (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus English (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus French (150,000 entries). Conjugation English (500,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation French (600,000 ...
Search Query points:10 ROYALDOYLE BLACKJACK ANALYZER 2.1.0 RoyalDoyle Blackjack Analyzer is a professional grade statistical analysis tool that can be used to validate your particular style of blackjack play. Ideal for beginner, intermediate, and expert blackjack players. Royal Doyle Blackjack contains all ...
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