Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1687 funded different do KIT 5 6.0 programs. You can simply download any of do KIT 5 6.0 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:45 INSTRUMENTATION MODEL KIT 1.5 Your application interface requires non-standard manipulation controls, but the instrumentation components libraries you have access to are not enough flexible and do not allow you to achieve the results you desire? Instrumentation Model Kit is a revolutionary solution in the ...
Search Query points:45 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS KIT 1.0 What would you do if your basic services... water, gas, electricity or telephones... were cut off? Are you prepared to administer first aid? Do you have sufficient food, water and clothing to survive for several days if necessary? What is ...
Search Query points:40 NETWORK SERIAL PORT KIT 5.2 You can connect data collection serial devices: bar code scanners, modems, sensors, gages, RF equipment, telephone PBX systems, laboratory or industrial instruments, and so on - to the serial ports of your computer to deliver that data anywhere over any ...
Search Query points:40 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORT KIT 4.8.5 Virtual Serial Port Kit creates pairs of virtual serial ports in your system which are virtually connected to each other. Physical null modem cables are not required. You can connect any number of virtual port pairs. Virtual serial port pairs ...
Search Query points:40 OSA KIT PROFESSIONAL 2.11.0 Release your game on the desktop and via the browser. Increase the impact in terms of distribution and exposure for your game on the Net! Allow potential buyers to really try before they buy. OSA Kit is an ActiveX control ...
Search Query points:40 EASYTEMPLATES FLASH TEMPLATE KIT 1.11 Creating your own entire website is peanuts using Flash templates from EasyTemplates. EasyTemplates offers you the most flexible and easiest way imaginable to create Flash websites. You don't need to know Flash or HTML, just enter all your content in ...
Search Query points:40 JOB SEARCH CAREER KIT SOFTWARE 11.00 Instant Job Search Software. STOP Wasting Efforts and use Your Job Search Time Efficiently. Download Trial Software. "Time is of the Essence" .. Capture your next job Quickly. Job Search Software, USA Jobs, UK Jobs, ...
Search Query points:40 ORONT BURNING KIT 1.4 Using this software you can create and record CD and DVD with data, music and video, create and record disc images, format & erase discs, extract files from multisession discs and use many other features. Oront Burning Kit is easy ...
Search Query points:40 DTM MIGRATION KIT 1.06.11 DTM Migration Kit is a powerful yet simple data import,export and migration tool that comes in handy if you run multiple databases. Use it to import, export or migrate data between different data sources (ODBC, IDAPI or Oracle Call ...
Search Query points:40 FTP VOYAGER SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT The FTP Voyager Software Development Kit (SDK) has been designed to give you easy, flexible, and powerful control over FTP connections and file transfers. When you use the FTP Voyager SDK, you are using the same FTP client engine that ...
Search Query points:40 CLEANER KIT 1.3 A powerful toolkit for your system optimization and repair. Various programs of the Cleaner Kit are able to monitor your systen registry and clean it of obsolete and invalid entries, free your disk space by removing unnecessary duplicate files, protect ...
Search Query points:40 DTM MIGRATION KIT 1.03.01 DTM Migration Kit is a powerful yet simple data migration tool that comes in handy if you run multiple databases. Use it to import, export or migrate data between different data sources (ODBC, IDAPI, or Oracle Call Interface supported). ...
Search Query points:40 HANDYFILE FIND AND REPLACE: TEXT AID KIT 3.2.5 With HandyFile Find & Replace tool you can quickly find and replace text in a bunch of files! Diverse file filters, various search attributes, regular expressions with extended syntax, search scenarios, command line support give you full control over processing ...
Search Query points:40 EASY TEMPLATES FLASH TEMPLATE KIT 1.1 Creating your own entire Flash website is peanuts using Flash templates from EasyTemplates. EasyTemplates offers you the most flexible and easiest way imaginable to create Flash websites. You don't need to know Flash or HTML, just enter all your content ...
Search Query points:15 FULLREMOTEDISPLAY 1.1 fullremotedisplay is an easy to use remote control software,only one exemodule,both server and client. FullRemoteDisplay allows the user to control any computer via internet or intranet. Now many people have more than one computer. Imagine, you can sit ...
Search Query points:15 AV MOVIE MORPHER GOLD 2.0.15 AV Movie Morpher Gold 2.0 is a good call for home movies entertainment and commercial movies dubbing. With this one-stop video tool, you can play & morph audio - video streams in real-time, add effects to movies, convert video files ...
Search Query points:12 MUSIC FANS FACTORY 9.2.4 5 various applications for grabbing, burning, recording, editing, mixing and more, the analogs of which can be found on the Internet, each for the price of the whole Audio Tools kit. Purchasing Music Fan's Factory is like getting 5 smooth-in-use ...
Search Query points:12 WSCHART 4.2 Function characteristic: 1、the many kinds of styles statistics graph manufacture, including the stick plot, folds the graph, the cake chart, Plato, selects the shape chart, the area chart and so on; 2、output many kinds of forms document, including BMP, JPG, ...
Search Query points:12 UCERTIFY PREPKIT FOR MICROSOFT EXAM 70-176 6.09.05 Get one test free with this PrepKit!. Prepare for Microsoft 's Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (70-176) certification exam. Use this PrepKit to be certified on MCP, MCSD certifications. This PrepKit comes with Money ...
Search Query points:12 MUSIC FANS FACTORY 9.0 5 various applications for grabbing, burning, recording, editing, mixing and more, the analogs of which can be found on the Internet, each for the price of the whole Audio Tools kit. Purchasing Music Fan's Factory is like getting 5 smooth-in-use ...
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