Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1162 funded different diy pc oscilloscope programs. You can simply download any of diy pc oscilloscope soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:45 VIRTINS POCKET OSCILLOSCOPE 1.0 Virtins Pocket Oscilloscope is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument software. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market which search trigger event after data collection, it features a specially designed data acquisition approach which is able ...
Search Query points:45 VIRTINS SOUND CARD OSCILLOSCOPE 2.1 Virtins Sound Card Oscilloscope is a powerful PC based virtual instrument software. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market which search trigger event after data collection, it features a specially designed data acquisition approach which is able ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED SCREENSAVER DIY 2.43 Advanced Screensaver DIY is a powerful tool to make and distribute screensavers for Windows . Screensaver DIY has a fully integrated workspace that permits you to work efficiently and make professional screen savers in minutes. Screensaver Maker can make screensaver ...
Search Query points:40 SCREENSAVER DIY 2.4 Screensaver DIY lets you create screensaver based on Shockwave Flash (no limit to your imagination!), Image Slide Show (display your favorite photos) and Movie (Quick Time, Mpeg, AVI...). Several options are available: More Files Support; MIDI, MP3, WAV, WMA Background ...
Search Query points:15 VIRTINS POCKET INSTRUMENT 1.0 Virtins Pocket Instrument is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument software. It consists of a real time oscilloscope, a real time spectrum analyzer and a signal generator, and can run them simultaneously. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes ...
Search Query points:15 VIRTINS SOUND CARD MULTIINSTRUMENT 2.1 Virtins Sound Card MultiInstrument is a powerful PC based virtual instrument software. It consists of a sound card real time oscilloscope, a sound card real time spectrum analyzer and a sound card signal generator, and can run them simultaneously. Unlike ...
Search Query points:15 TUNEBITE DRM FREE MUSIC & VIDEOCLIPS 3.0 RERECORDS PROTECTED WMA, M4P, M4B MUSIC & AUDIOBOOKS OR WMV & M4V VIDEOCLIPS Tunebite = Multiple-Speed-Rerecording in Digitial Qualtiy. Converts legally DRM protected files to free MP3, WMA, WMV and MPE4. Automatically recording of DRM-protected music, audio books and video ...
Search Query points:15 VIRTINS SOUND CARD SIGNAL GENERATOR 2.1 Virtins Sound Card Signal Generator is a powerful PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a sound card based Signal Generator and an off-line Oscilloscope. 1. The dual channel Signal Generator (Sweep/Arbitrary/Function Generator) provides the following types of waveform for ...
Search Query points:15 TUNEBITE DRM FREE MUSIC & VIDEOCLIPS 3.0 RERECORDS PROTECTED WMA, M4P, M4B MUSIC & AUDIOBOOKS OR WMV & M4V VIDEOCLIPS Tunebite = Multiple-Speed-Rerecording in Digitial Qualtiy. Converts legally DRM protected files to free MP3, WMA, WMV and MPE4. Automatically recording of DRM-protected music, audio books and video ...
Search Query points:15 VIRTINS SOUND CARD SPECTRUM ANALYZER 2.1 Virtins Sound Card Spectrum Analyzer is a powerful PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a sound card real time oscilloscope and a sound card real time spectrum analyzer and can run them concurrently. Unlike most of the sound card ...
Search Query points:15 VIRTINS POCKET SIGNAL GENERATOR 1.0 Virtins Pocket Signal Generator is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a Signal Generator and an off-line Oscilloscope. 1. The dual channel Signal Generator (Sweep/Arbitrary/Function Generator) provides the following types of waveform for output: (1) Sine ...
Search Query points:15 VIRTINS POCKET SPECTRUM ANALYZER 1.0 Virtins Pocket Spectrum Analyzer is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a real time oscilloscope and a real time spectrum analyzer and can run them concurrently. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market ...
Search Query points:10 DISKPATCH PARTITION REPAIR 2 DiskPatch Partition Repair is a menu driven DOS program designed to help you solve a wide range of harddisk problems. Mass data loss, a situation where access to an entire disk or partition is lost, is often caused by damage ...
Search Query points:10 WEBCAMMAX Stream videos, movies, desktop screen, pictures to virtual webcam; add floating text, frame, transform, emotion effects over real webcam. For all webcam programs (ICQ, AIM, MSN, Camfrog, Skype, Paltalk, Yahoo Messenger and etc). Your chat mate will be attracted by ...
Search Query points:10 ANEWSOFT MP3 RECORDER 2.0 Anewsoft MP3 Recorder is an audio recording software. It can record audio from your computer to files of MP3 or wave formats. You can record sound from microphone, streaming audio from the Internet, or music played by Winamp, Windows Media ...
Search Query points:10 IUNDELETE [NTFS] 2 iUndelete is an easy to use, read-only file recovery utility to quickly and safely recover data that was deleted from a NTFS drive. ...
Search Query points:10 ADRC DATA RECOVERY TOOLS V1.0 1.0 ADRC Data Recovery Tools v1.0 contains a collection of DIY data recovery tools that supports a wide variety of drives (fixed drives or removable drives) and file systems (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS) for Windows 95/ 98, Windows ME, ...
Search Query points:10 MYDESK 2.0 PROFESSION MyDesk 2.0 is a really general codeless visual programming system in the world. It can be used to create individuating and professional computer software without using computer languages. As a highly effective factory of software, large numbers of standard ...
Search Query points:10 AUDIO SPECTRUM ANALYZER - OSCILLOMETER 5.07 Audio Spectrum Analyzer is a set of Real-Time Multi-Channel Gauges for investigation of data accepted from any ADC you will want or 16-, 24- and 32-bit ADC of sound card. FFT Spectrum Analysis, OscilloScope, Frequency counter, AC/DC voltmeter, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, ...
Search Query points:5 AIT_TRAINS 1.9 AIT Trains is an action puzzle game with simple rules and 175 levels in two modes. This addictive game with enchanting music and beautiful graphics will glue you to the PC for hours together. It is a best remake of ...
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