Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 4724 funded different display 1280 by 860 resolution utility programs. You can simply download any of display 1280 by 860 resolution utility soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:90 DISPLAY RESOLUTION MANAGER 3.0 Disputing display resolution and brightness settings with your colleagues or kids?! Stop the squabbles with this program! This is a utility that allows multiple users sharing a computer to set their own display resolution, brigtness and contrast options. It will ...
Search Query points:55 SMARTSLEEP - AUTO SHUTDOWN UTILITY 2.6 SmartSleep is the most powerful shutdown utility available today. SmartSleep supports these operations: Shutdown, log off, reboot, black screen, file execution and display message. You can also schedule these tasks, so it can turn off your PC every Sunday ...
Search Query points:45 1-ABC.NET UTILITY BOX 1.00 The Utility Box combines four powerful Windows XP cleaning and optimization tools to an even more powerful program that helps you to keep your system running fast and secure. Windows and nearly all other software that is installed on ...
Search Query points:45 MOBILE CARD RECOVERY UTILITY Sim card message recovery solution is non-destructive and read only tool that recovers all corrupted data from your mobile phone sim card. Cell phone sim card data files recovery services retrieve read and unread inbox messages, outbox messages, sent items ...
Search Query points:40 LINK UTILITY 2.0 Link Utility- a handy tool for checking links on site and sustaining its efficiency. The program not only checks and highlights broken links on your web site, but also searches for the so-called orphaned files i.e. files with no links ...
Search Query points:40 MSN DISPLAY PICTURE ADDER 1.0 The MSN Display Picture adder allows you to quickly import any folder containing images into MSN Messenger as Display Pictures. Allows for quick and effortless adding of new MSN Display Pictures, such as downloaded picture packages. Once you have the ...
Search Query points:40 1-ABC.NET UTILITY BOX 1.20 This product combines 7 Windows XP cleaning and optimization tools to keep your system running fast and secure. Hard Drive Washer deletes unnecessary data, Surf Trail Washer deletes your internet trail, Registry Washer cleans up your Registry. Startup Booster allows ...
Search Query points:40 WINDOWS DATA RESTORATION UTILITY Windows Files restoration utility retrieve formatted and deleted Windows FAT NTFS file system data. Software provides restoration of corrupted root directory, MBR master boot record, DBR dos boot record, file allocation table and MFT master file table due to hardware ...
Search Query points:40 MIDI UTILITY V420 The program helps you (as any one) to accompany your melody tunes in just a few seconds. You need not (but not limit to) to enter the chord progression. The program will do it automatically. The program produces ...
Search Query points:40 DESK DOCTOR LOW RESOLUTION WIN 1.1.9 Desk Doctor gives you a new way to prevent and rehabilitate RSI at your desk. You avoid the chronic illnesses, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis, which are now workplace epidemics. Desk Doctor detects and rehabilitates problems even before ...
Search Query points:40 IMPORT UTILITY FROM TO3000 TO PROJETEX 1.0 Import Utility: Converts data from Translation Office 3000 to Projetex 2005. Projetex 2005 is Project Management Software for Expert Teams. It tremendously simplifies task of corporate and freelance workflow management, data and files sharing within company and provides multiple benefits ...
Search Query points:40 TEROID MULTI SEGMENT DISPLAY 1.0 This control emulates the LED or LCD multi segment displays commonly used on electrical and electronic items, and provides a more impressive and eye-catching alternative to the Label control. It will display upper and lower case letters, numbers, and all ...
Search Query points:30 XD++MFC LIBRARY PROFESSIONAL EDITION 8.60 8.60 XD++ MFC Library Professional Edition is an MFC extension library that allows you to create the most advanced user interface in the world. It combines easy of use and very powerful feature set implemented by highly customizable collection of MFC ...
Search Query points:25 GAIA WALLPAPER DESKTOP 1.20 This wallpaper manager offers intelligent desktop management and cool wallpaper effects. Customize your wallpapers per category. User-friendly interface with personalized advanced features. Enhance your desktop by adding life to your wallpapers. It resizes your wallpapers intelligently, whatever your screen ...
Search Query points:25 ONE CAT IMAGE SQUASHER 1.01 One Cat Image Squasher provides a simple to use step by step procedure to resize your picture collections. Choose from two methods: manual and wizard. With the wizard, you simply provide the memory size of the target device ...
Search Query points:25 GAIA WALLPAPER DESKTOP PRO 1.20 This wallpaper manager offers intelligent desktop management, cool wallpaper effects and user profiles with themes. Customize your wallpapers per category. User-friendly interface with personalized advanced features. Enhance your desktop by adding life to your wallpapers. It resizes your wallpapers ...
Search Query points:25 WONDERSHARE FLASH TO VIDEO CONVERTER 1.0.0 Wondershare Flash to Video converter is an outstanding software that converts Macromedia Flash to any other popular video formats that could be played on PC, iPod, PSP, Zune, and some Cell Phone. It provides plenty of methods to help you ...
Search Query points:25 DIGITAL PICTURES RECOVERY Digital camera pictures photos recovery software repair restore deleted lost missing video files folders midi avi gif quicktime mpeg. Data retrieval utility undelete unformat unerase corrupted images removable media memory flash card USB drive mobile iPod. Retrieve damaged jpg jpeg ...
Search Query points:25 MUSIC LIBRARY 2.0.957 Music library is a CDDB-enabled comprehensive music database manager designed for MP3 and record collectors. It lets you catalog any music files or media such as MP3's, WAV's, audio CD's, vinyl's and cassettes etc. with a MS Access database. You ...
Search Query points:25 HOO WINTAIL 3.1 Hoo WinTail is a real-time file viewer for Windows like the UNIX tail -f utility. It can be used to view the end of a growing file. It is ideal for viewing application traces or server logs in real time. ...
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