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Search Query points:40 DISKEEPER PROFESSIONAL EDITION 10.0 No matter how powerful your PC is, fragmentation will slow it down—it's just a matter of time. In fact, the harder your system works, the faster fragmentation builds up. Manual, single-pass defragmenters simply can’t keep up—in order to maintain performance; ...
Search Query points:40 DISKEEPER SERVER STANDARD EDITION 10.0 NEW! Diskeeper 10 introduces breakthrough I-FAAST™ technology (Intelligent File Access Acceleration Sequencing Technology), poised to revolutionize data access performance on Windows Server platforms worldwide. I-FAAST improves file access and creation by up to 80% (average 10%-20%). Using specially-engineered benchmarks ...
Search Query points:40 DISKEEPER SERVER STANDARD EDITION FOR 64 BIT 10.0 NEW! Diskeeper 10 introduces breakthrough I-FAAST™ technology (Intelligent File Access Acceleration Sequencing Technology), poised to revolutionize data access performance on Windows Server platforms worldwide. I-FAAST improves file access and creation by up to 80% (average 10%-20%). Using specially-engineered benchmarks ...
Search Query points:40 DISKEEPER HOME EDITION 10.0 Diskeeper 10 Home Edition is the easy, most cost-effective way to keep your PC running like it did when it was new, without the need for slow, time-consuming manual defragmentation. Diskeeper 10 Home Edition goes to work as soon as ...
Search Query points:40 DISKEEPER SERVER ENTERPRISE 10.0 Server performance comes down to one thing: How fast can the drives deliver data? No matter how much you spend on multiple processors and additional memory, that investment is wasted if the hard drive can't deliver data in a timely ...
Search Query points:40 DISKEEPER TRIALWARE FOR NETWORKS 10.0 Fragmentation cuts directly across the integrity of your systems causing crashes, slowdowns, freeze-ups and even total system failures. To keep your systems reliable and healthy, defragmentation must be done daily. Diskeeper® 10, the Number One Automatic Defragmenter® is so fast ...
Search Query points:40 DISKEEPER ADMINISTRATOR 10.0 Diskeeper 10 Administrator Edition saves time and money by providing complete centralized management for Diskeeper, including remote installation and scheduling remote control, and email alerts. With Diskeeper 10 Administrator Edition, you can handle the problems of fragmentation across your entire ...
Search Query points:40 DISKEEPER PROFESSIONAL PREMIER EDITION 10.0 Along with the high-speed defragmentation features in Diskeeper 10 Professional Edition, Professional Premier Edition adds the proprietary Intelligent File Access Acceleration Sequencing Technology (I-FAAST™). I-FAAST is a technology breakthrough that allows Diskeeper to intelligently organize your most important files, increasing ...
Search Query points:40 DISKEEPER HOME EDITION 9.0 Your Computer Is Incomplete Without Diskeeper. Automatic defragmentation is the only way to keep your computer running fast. Manual defragmenters can't keep up and are incomplete. Diskeeper is one of the fastest and most recommended automatic defragmenters ever built. Install ...
Search Query points:40 DISKEEPER PROFESSIONAL EDITION FOR 64 BIT 10.0 No matter how powerful your PC is, fragmentation will slow it down—it's just a matter of time. In fact, the harder your system works, the faster fragmentation builds up. Manual, single-pass defragmenters simply can’t keep up—in order to maintain performance; ...
Search Query points:35 ZWCAD- INTELLICAD 6 2006 Based on IntelliCAD 6, ZwCAD is a great AutoCAD alternative for all CAD users. It provides you a high degree of compatibility with AutoCAD (2.5-2006). You also can use AutoCAD commands to make the drawing and MNU, DCL, SHX, and ...
Search Query points:25 LENOGO IPOD TO PC TRANSFER BUILD 2006 4.0.1 Lenogo iPod to PC Transfer Build 2006 is an ultimate application for transferring songs from an iPod to a Windows based PC. Lenogo iPod to PC Transfer Build 2006 is a sound of blessing for frustrated Apple's iTune ...
Search Query points:25 SECRETS PROTECTOR PRO 2006 3.1 A three-in-one privacy protector tool built for those who like their personal stuff handled carefully. This product gives you the features of a folder locker, a secure eraser and a privacy manager. The Hide Secret File?s proud successor, enforced ...
Search Query points:25 SMARTFIXER 2006 1.6.64 SmartFixer is the only tool you'll need to keep your PC running fast, smooth, and error-free. It detects and repairs corrupted Word, Excel, image, music and video files. It ensures system stability and good performance, frees wasted hard drive space ...
Search Query points:25 RAPID CSS EDITOR 2006 7.3 With Rapid CSS Editor you can quickly and easily create and edit cascading style sheets of any complexity. You can write the style sheet and HTML code manually or let the program do it for you. It is easy because ...
Search Query points:25 PARTY POKER 2006 - PREMIUM EDITION 1.1 V2006 Hosted by Mike Sexton. You are sure to have fun. This game features real time simulation, simultaneous play and instant message communication with the other "live" people at the table. It's Fun and easy to learn. if ...
Search Query points:25 AUTOCAD DXF TO PDF CONVERTER 2006 3.11 AutoCAD DXF to PDF Converter allowes you batch convert DXF TO PDF, DWG TO PDF, without the need of AutoCAD Features includes: 1. Create a single merged PDF file from several DWG files or create an individual PDF ...
Search Query points:25 ALPHAWIPE TRACKS CLEANER 2006 2.1 Complete solution to protect your privacy, enhance your computer's performance and managing your computer's settings, like the autorun programs, installed browser modules and so on. Within a click the AlphaWipe Tracks Cleaner securely erases your internet tracks, application tracks, computer ...
Search Query points:25 IM LOCK ENTERPRISE 2006 IM Lock Enterprise controls and blocks access to Instant Messaging and peer to peer services that waste time and compromise computer security. Free trial version available - sets up in less than a minute. Blocks all popular services: MSN Messenger, ...
Search Query points:25 HOMEMANAGE HOME INVENTORY SOFTWARE 2006 After Using HomeManage Home Inventory Software, you will have a complete inventory of everything in your home or small business. Invaluable for insurance purposes in the case of theft or loss due to natural disaster. Use our ...
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