Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 677 funded different design captcha component programs. You can simply download any of design captcha component soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 BARCODE VCL COMPONENT Include Barcode ,DBBarcode, QRBarcode and QRDBarcode, Create, view and print barcodes for your applications as easy as typing the code. Simply enter the desired characters and select the type. The barcode will be created! the Quick Rreport ...
Search Query points:50 ULTRA DOCUMENT TO TEXT COMPONENT 2.0.2006.1 Ultra Document to text can extract simple-text from pdf, doc, rtf, ppt, xls, htm, mht files. Ultra Document t Support typical PDF format. Convert PDF to text in batch mode. Convert doc to text Convert xls to ...
Search Query points:50 LANAPSOFT BOTDETECT ASP CAPTCHA Lanapsoft BotDetect - ASP CAPTCHA is a website security component designed to protect your registration, comment, and other online forms from automated spam submissions. It generates CAPTCHA images that easily tell spam bots and humans apart. 50 different CAPTCHA algorithms, ...
Search Query points:50 LANAPSOFT BOTDETECT ASP.NET CAPTCHA Lanapsoft BotDetect - ASP.NET CAPTCHA is a website security component designed to protect your registration, comment, and other online forms from automated spam submissions. It generates CAPTCHA images that easily tell bots and humans apart. 50 different CAPTCHA algorithms, custom ...
Search Query points:50 LANAP BOTDETECT ASP.NET CAPTCHA Lanap BotDetect ASP.NET CAPTCHA is a website security solution designed to prevent automated registrations (spambot) with CAPTCHA image. While the code cannot be read by machine (computer program), it is easily read by a human. Key features: generates CAPTCHA image ...
Search Query points:40 PIVO PING COMPONENT 1.01 Pivo.Ping allows you to effortless enable your applications to send Internet Control Message Protocol (Ping/ICMP) packets in .NET. Programmatically ping a remote server, host, route, or any network device to see if it is up. Pivo.Ping fully supports RFC 792 ...
Search Query points:40 PIVO INI COMPONENT 1.01 INI component reads and writes Windows style INI files. It provides a comprehensive set of functions making INI files a powerful way to store application settings. There are three common ways to store program information on the hard disk: in ...
Search Query points:40 PIVO EMAIL VALIDATOR COMPONENT 1.01 Having problems with the email addresses in your mailing list?Are you tired of getting bounce backs every time you perform a mailing? Email Validator will solve your email validation problems. Email Validator is an assembly that requires the Microsoft .NET ...
Search Query points:40 PIVO SMTP COMPONENT 1.01 Short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers. Most e-mail systems that send mail over the Internet use SMTP to send messages from one server to another; the messages can then be retrieved with ...
Search Query points:40 PDF EXTRACT TIFF SDK-COM COMPONENT 1.5 The PDF Extract TIFF SDK supports LZW,RunLength,CCITTFax,DCT,Flate decompress technology, it can extract pictures from PDF files and save to TIFF files, the PDF Extract TIFF SDK is a stand-alone COM component, it doesn't need Acrobat and Acrobat Reader software. The ...
Search Query points:40 ANYCHART FLASH MAP COMPONENT 1.00 Anychart is a flexible Flash-based solution, which allows you to easily display any sort of data dealing with geographical locations: contains US, World, US Counties maps. Driven by XML interface, it has no installation and is easily implemented. There is ...
Search Query points:40 ANYCHART FLASH GANTT COMPONENT 1.00 Anychart Flash Gantt is a superb, customizable component for displaying Gantt charts. Create groups, connectors and milestones with a simple XML configuration! Driven by an XML interface, it has no installation and is easily implemented. There is no need for ...
Search Query points:40 PIVO COMMAND COMPONENT 1.01 An Internet utility that returns information about commands which can be executed in command line such as ping, nslookup and dir etc. It is a component class designed for calling an external command line from within a Windows Forms application ...
Search Query points:40 CHART COMPONENT .NET 4.0 Chart Component .NET is a powerful charting component used to create attractive 3D and 2D charts for desktop applications and web pages using .NET technologies. 3D charting uses the OpenGL graphics engine to create sophisticated 3D charts and graphs. Chart ...
Search Query points:40 ACTIVE TTS COMPONENT 3.0.2007.1 Directly convert text to wav, text to mp3, text to wma, text to ogg, text to vox, text to au and text to aiff format on the fly without temporary files created. Convert text to speech at high speed ...
Search Query points:40 ANYCHART FLASH GANTT COMPONENT 1.01 Anychart Flash Gantt is a superb, customizable component for displaying Gantt charts. Create groups, connectors and milestones with a simple XML configuration! Driven by an XML interface, it has no installation and is easily implemented. There is no need for ...
Search Query points:40 EXTENDED STORED PROCEDURE COMPONENT 1 Write Extended Stored Procs for SQL Server with ease: * Control over input/output procedure parameters. * Return an arbitrary number of recordsets. * Real world code: it works as a part of the complex accounting system, 7x24. ...
Search Query points:40 ULTRA VIDEO TO FLASH CONVERTER COMPONENT 2.0.2007.2 Support converting video to flash video flv file format . Control audio bitrate and sample rate for flash video flv file. Control video bitrate and video framerate for flash video flv file. Control the flash video flv ...
Search Query points:40 CSS DESIGN WIZARD 2.00C Simple wizard requires no coding but saves significant time and effort creating professional quality CSS website designs. Increased freedom allows more exciting designs to be produced. Creates modern, compliant, SEO friendly websites by instantly reproducing versions of most modern websites ...
Search Query points:40 ACTIVE IMAGE PROCESSING COMPONENT 2.0.2007.1 Load and save multiple image format like jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp and tiff Support image resizing Support image processing method like brightness/contrast/hue/saturation/sharpness/smoothness adjustment Support drawing text, line and shape Support combing image together with alpha ...
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