Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 10011 funded different description of stenographer programs. You can simply download any of description of stenographer soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:45 STENOGRAPHER 1.1 Stenographer is a hybrid of a tuned audio player and a text editor that is used to type the text of seminars, interviews, lectures, etc. recorded on a dictating machine or using a microphone. The program is designed to make ...
Search Query points:40 FIND ERROR DESCRIPTION 1.0 The ErrorShow program formats a message string. The program requires a message definition as input. It can come from a message table resource in an already-loaded module. Or the caller can ask the program to search the system's message table ...
Search Query points:15 COMPUTERSAFE Special Limited Offers available - See Web Site for Details As its name suggests, ComputerSafeTM provides an internal Safe inside your computer where you can store your vital information and protect yourself against identity theft and data security breaches. ...
Search Query points:15 WINDOWS SERVICE FINDER 1.0 Windows Service Finder is an handy tool for system administrators and hackers. It shows the complete list of installed services on operating system, both device drivers (kernel) and Win32 EXE, and for each service it reports detailed informations about: name, ...
Search Query points:15 ACCESSOR PRO 2.0 Accessor Pro gives a quick access to main Windows functions, folders and documents. What's new in Accessor Pro v.2.0: 1. New Items are added into Main Menu, such as: - Find Files and Folders, - Empty Recycle Bin, - ...
Search Query points:15 XL REPORT BUILDER 2.0.2 The Program XL Report Builder is a powerful and flexible tool for creating reports of any level of difficulty in the form of the Microsoft Excel Book. XL Report Builder allows to extract data simultaneously from several databases and to ...
Search Query points:15 VIRTUALTOUR 4.0 Ever want to show your place to the world? This is a fun and easy way to make a tour. Just take some pictures around your house with your digital camera. Stand in your front hall, take a picture, turn ...
Search Query points:15 WORLD TIME 1.0 Dubbed "The 'Swiss Army Knife' of world clocks" with unlimited configurable clocks, each with it's own time zone, configurable Daylight Saving Time, Lat Long, and description in a 12 or 24 hour analog/digital user configurable display, that minimizes to the ...
Search Query points:15 BITMAPCOMBO ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Ideal tool to pick picture from files, bitmaps, resources and any GDI handle. 2. A built-in visual picture file open/preview dialog. 3. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information. ...
Search Query points:15 PATTERNCOMBO ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Ideal tool to select GDI brush from customized patterns list. 2. Support solid brush, hatch brush, customizing texture brush. 3. A built-in professional patterns Pick/Edit dialog. 4. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, ...
Search Query points:15 LINECOMBO ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Ideal tool to select GDI pen(Line) from customized pattern lines list. 2. Support solid line, hatch line, customizing texture line. 3. A built-in professional pattern lines Pick/Edit dialog. 4. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as ...
Search Query points:15 COLORCOMBO ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Ideal tool to select color from 16 colors, system colors or customized color list. 2. A built-in professional color dialog. 3. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information and ...
Search Query points:15 NSAUDITOR Nsauditor is a network security auditing system capable of performing real-time traffic and protocol analysis, showing detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the owning process name, loaded modules, kernel objects, memory details, remote address ...
Search Query points:15 RFFLOW PROFESSIONAL FLOWCHARTING 5.02 RFFlow is the ideal program for creating a wide variety of flowcharts, organization charts, and diagrams for education, business, and industry. It's easy to draw and edit charts with RFFlow. Simply drag a shape from a stencil to ...
Search Query points:15 METAL DETECTOR - TREASURE HUNTER PRO 4.0 This program was made for Metal Detector users by Metal Detector users! The author (programmer) contacted over 100 metaldetector users and asked them what features they wanted in a computer program for their hobby, and 'Metal Detector -Treasure Hunter Professional' ...
Search Query points:15 GEO DATA EUROPE AND INTERNATIONAL 1.01 Geodata of the European and International countries with municipalities and postal codes. Georeferences as UTM- and geographic coordinates (WGS84, ETRS89). Suitable for branch searches, periphery searches and distance computations. These countries are available: Albania, Andorra, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Canada, ...
Search Query points:15 GOOGLE SUBMITTER 3.4.0 Create and add your database of URIs and descriptions to Google and automatically save database for repeat use. Save time and resources over manual submission. Add each subdomain to be spidered in a single command. Supports full ...
Search Query points:15 NSAUDITOR NETWORK SECURITY AUDITOR 1.1.15 Nsauditor is a network security scanner that allows to audit and monitor network computers for possible vulnerabilities , to see all open ports on your system and owner program names, including the process loaded modules, kernel objects, memory details, remote ...
Search Query points:15 REMORA USB QUICK LAUNCH Remora (r?m´ere) : warmwater fishes of the family Echeneidae, characterized by an oval sucking disk on the top of the head. With this apparatus the remora, or suckerfish, attaches itself to sharks, swordfishes, drums, marlins, and sea turtles. In this ...
Search Query points:15 FITW (FINE TUNING OF WINDOWS) Utility for fine tuning of Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP. More than 285 most necessary and often used settings. Exists a possibility of saving and loading a necessary configurations, changing and uninstalling of programs, changing of startup programs, etc. Automatic determination of system's ...
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