Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 628 funded different delphi load table programs. You can simply download any of delphi load table soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:60 SMIMPORT SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 2.36 Components from SMImport suite allows to import a data from external file formats: 1. MS Excel spreadsheet (directly without OLE/DDE) 2. text delimited file 3. text fixed width file 4. XML file 5. HTML file 6. MS Access database 7. ...
Search Query points:60 DELPHI PROJGENIE II PRO 2.1 Project Genie prints all the Units for any Project, incl. Forms, *.DFM files & any included database table structure(s). The mission of ProjGenie II Pro is to automate documentation of a Project's entire source code. Demo version is limited to ...
Search Query points:50 F-IN-BOX, DELPHI EDITION 3.0 TFlashPlayerControl is a Delphi / Builder / VCL component to enhance Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX features. Load movies from any TStream descendant (TResourceStream, TMemoryStream). Protect movies. Create Flash-enabled applications which are ready to work even when Flash Player ActiveX is ...
Search Query points:50 DYNAMIC TABLE 1.0 Dynamic Table is an amazing javascript that easily adds sort functionality to the HTML tables on your web pages. It is blazingly fast and very easy to set up. Dynamic Table executes on the client machine which avoids unneccessary load ...
Search Query points:40 JAMDTA KOMPONENTE FUER DELPHI 3.4 TJamDTA is a component for Delphi and C++ Builder that allows you to build DTA / DTAUS files that contain standardized information about money tranfers (wire transfers) between German banks. ...
Search Query points:40 DELPHI SWF SDK 2.0.3 Main features: SWF reading and recreating; visual objects creating (shape, button, text); advanced objects creating (morphing shape, sprite); various image (jpg, bmp, png, gif); wave and MP3 sound inserting as event or streaming; FLV video; ...
Search Query points:40 FTP CLIENT ENGINE FOR DELPHI 2.6 MarshallSoft Delphi FTP component library provides direct control of the FTP client protocol from a Delphi application program. Transfer files; upload, delete, list, append files. Supports wildcards. Supports many proxy servers, multiple concurrent FTP sessions and passive mode. Create and ...
Search Query points:40 SMTP/POP3 EMAIL ENGINE FOR DELPHI 4.0 MarshallSoft SMTP / POP3 email component Delphi library to send, receive and parse mail including HTML and MIME Base64 and quoted-printable encoded attachments, from within an application. Supports SMTP (ESMTP) and POP3 authentication. Supports ISO-8859 and UTF-8 messages. Run up ...
Search Query points:40 CLIENT/SERVER COMM LIB FOR DELPHI 3.0 Client/Server Delphi comm component library for TCP/IP winsock communication across a network such as the internet or intranet (lan). Allows multiple servers and clients to run simultaneously. Supports "one time" passwords for improved security. Servers can handle multiple connections concurrently. ...
Search Query points:40 WINDOWS STD SERIAL COMM LIB FOR DELPHI 4.2 Serial communications component Delphi library for serial port communications. Controls multiple ports simultaneously; is fully thread safe, port re-entrant; can send Windows messages on completion of events. Includes 34 functions plus modem control, ANSI emulation, ASCII/XMODEM/YMODEM protocols. Supports virtual serial ...
Search Query points:40 DELPHI SPELL CHECKER PRO 1.23 Delphi Spell Checker PRO, award-winning Spell Checking Add-in for Borland Delphi 6-7. Check Spelling in forms, hints, TStrings and captions in 18 languages, using 26 dictionaries, right in your Delphi 6-7 IDE. Delphi Spell Checker PRO integrates directly into the ...
Search Query points:40 PL TABLE 4.0 This Periodic Table is an excellent tool for both students and serious researchers. It has over 20 types of data on each element and all known isotopes in customizable, user-expandable tables. All sixteen numeric data types (plus any user-added data) ...
Search Query points:40 ACTIVE TABLE EDITOR 2.2.2 Remember the time when you finished designing Data warehouse and everything was working fine. However there is little problem you need to give the end users ability to edit mapping tables manually. While it is still possible to achieve this ...
Search Query points:40 METATREE COMPONENT (FOR DELPHI 5,6,7) 1.4 MetaProducts Corporation has released MetaTree Component version 1.4 for Delphi 5,6,7, a control to show hierarchical information as a graphs tree. A user can select the desired node using mouse. It looks like a flat projection of a tree on ...
Search Query points:40 SMEXPORT SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 4.77 SMExport for Delphi/CBuilder is a component suite for data export from TDBGrid/TDataSet (with BDE or without) into: - XLS (Excel spreadsheet without OLE) - MS Excel (using OLE) - MS Word (using OLE) - MS Access (using DAO 3.5 or ...
Search Query points:40 SHULTC TABLE 04 7.08.02 Wide eyes develop speed reading. Our eyes have their clearest vision in the central zone of view. Everything that lies outside this central zone is seen as a frog would see it. This broad field of vision makes the searching ...
Search Query points:40 PARTITION TABLE DOCTOR 3.5 Partition Table Doctor is the only real data recovery software for hard disk partition recovery when you experience a drive error (other than hardware failure) this versatile tool automatically checks and repairs the Master Boot Record, partition table, and the ...
Search Query points:40 GOOGLE PAGERANK FOR DELPHI 1.5.0 GPRD is set of two components to implement into Delphi applications the revealing and showing Google PageRank value. Full sources available when purchasing. ...
Search Query points:40 WEB TABLE EXTRACTOR 1.2 Web Table Extractor is an add-on for Internet Explorer (IE) allowing you to extract tables from web pages in an effective and quick manner. Also allows you to easily select tabular data online and convert it into files for Microsoft ...
Search Query points:40 WEBCAB OPTIMIZATION FOR DELPHI 2.6 Add refined procedures for solving and performing sensitivity analysis on uni and multi dimensional, local or global optimization problems which may or may not have constraints; to your .NET, and COM Applications. Specialized Simplex Linear programming algorithm, including sensitivity analysis ...
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