Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1324 funded different delphi change proxy settings programs. You can simply download any of delphi change proxy settings soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:60 PROXY SWITCHER STANDARD 3.7.1 Different internet connections do often require completely different proxy server settings and it's a real pain to change them manually. Proxy Switcher provides proxy settings management solution and anonymous surfing capabilities. This includes flexible proxy server list management, proxy server ...
Search Query points:50 SUPER PROXY HELPER 1.00 Super Proxy Helper will help you to check proxy,find anonymous,free or fastest proxy,check of proxy status,response time,country,proxy type (Transparent, Anonymous or High anonymity),import and export proxy,download proxy lists from web.Change your proxy settings quickly.Protect your privacy while staying online.The application ...
Search Query points:50 DELPHI PROJGENIE II PRO 2.1 Project Genie prints all the Units for any Project, incl. Forms, *.DFM files & any included database table structure(s). The mission of ProjGenie II Pro is to automate documentation of a Project's entire source code. Demo version is limited to ...
Search Query points:50 FTP CLIENT ENGINE FOR DELPHI 2.6 MarshallSoft Delphi FTP component library provides direct control of the FTP client protocol from a Delphi application program. Transfer files; upload, delete, list, append files. Supports wildcards. Supports many proxy servers, multiple concurrent FTP sessions and passive mode. Create and ...
Search Query points:50 SMLOGGING SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 1.40 SMLogging suite is a set of components for errors/exceptions logging, tracing of messages, events etc - TSMExceptionLog: the useful processing of errors and exceptions for your application in one place. Your user can automatically send to you a bug ...
Search Query points:50 SMIMPORT SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 2.36 Components from SMImport suite allows to import a data from external file formats: 1. MS Excel spreadsheet (directly without OLE/DDE) 2. text delimited file 3. text fixed width file 4. XML file 5. HTML file 6. MS Access database 7. ...
Search Query points:40 NETADJUST ANONYMOUS PROXY 5.4 NetAdjust Anonymous Proxy is an Internet utility to let you browse the Web anonymously by hiding your IP number. When you surf the Internet your unique identification number (IP number) can be detected by any Website you visit. NetAdjust Anonymous ...
Search Query points:40 INTERNET ACCESS MONITOR FOR MS PROXY SERVER 3.2 Internet Access Monit for MS Proxy Server or is a software for monitoring the efficiency of the Internet bandwidth usage by your company employees. With Internet Access Monitor you can easily find out which employees load up the bandwidth most ...
Search Query points:40 FASTREAM IQ REVERSE PROXY 1.0R Secure your web server with load-balancing, bw limits, authentication and 128-bit industry strength SSL/TLS, authentication, bandwidth limiting and load balancing with failover protection as well as GZip acceleration and absolute URL translator and only the best architectural design and highest ...
Search Query points:40 TRIVIAL PROXY 1.6 Trivial HTTP sniffer tool that allow to see and log network activity of the any applications(browsers, email clients etc.). ...
Search Query points:40 CHANGE PROPORTION DRAWING GAME 01.10 Change proportion of object. The computer draw an object. YChange proportion of object. The computer draw an object. You need to recize it. Use emagin and eyes for game. This game develop how to draw ability. Change proportion of object. ...
Search Query points:40 ORACLE CHANGE CASE TO PROPER, UPPER & LOWER SOFTWARE 7.0 Change case for values in Oracle tables. Change to upper case, lower case, title case (proper case), and setence case. The data found in each field of a table can be quickly converted. ...
Search Query points:40 MS SQL SERVER CHANGE CASE TO PROPER, UPPER & LOWER SOFTWARE 7.0 Change case for values in MS SQL Server 2000 or 2005 tables. Change to upper case, lower case, title case (proper case), and sentence case. The data found in each field of a table can be quickly converted. ...
Search Query points:40 FOXPRO CHANGE CASE TO PROPER, UPPER & LOWER SOFTWARE 7.0 Change case for values in FoxPro tables. Change to upper case, lower case, title case (proper case), and sentence case. The data found in each field of a table can be quickly converted. ...
Search Query points:40 POSTGRESQL CHANGE CASE TO PROPER, UPPER & LOWER SOFTWARE 7.0 Change case for values in PostgreSQL tables. Change to upper case, lower case, title case (proper case), and sentence case. The data found in each field of a table can be quickly converted. ...
Search Query points:40 CHANGE FORGOTTEN PASSWORD LITE 2.0 Recover and change forgotten passwords in multiple applications. Did you upgrade your computer and lose your passwords? Have you visited web sites that require you to log in, and allow Microsoft Internet Explorer to cache those logins and passwords? Recover ...
Search Query points:40 INTERNET ACCESS MONITOR FOR PROXY+ 3.2 Internet Access Monitor for Proxy+ is a software for monitoring the efficiency of the Internet bandwidth usage by your company employees. With Internet Access Monitor you can easily find out which employees load up the bandwidth most heavily, when ...
Search Query points:40 USERGATE PROXY SERVER Usergate proxy server is a comprehensive Internet management tool designed to connect local network users to the Internet using only one connection line and protect your local network from hacker attacks. It provides a centralized control over all connections, utilized ...
Search Query points:40 NO SPAM TODAY! SMTP PROXY No Spam Today! is an SMTP proxy spam filter. Acting between the internet and your mail server, incoming mail is accepted from the open internet, checked for spam or viruses, and then delivered to your existing SMTP mail server. NoSpamToday! ...
Search Query points:40 ANONYMITY 4 PROXY - A4PROXY 2.81 Award winning personal anonymous proxy server and anonymizer for surfing the Web with privacy. Check anonymous public proxy servers and surf through them, modify/cloak any HTTP variables, block cookies, monitor client requests, confirm anonymity for each request. FTP and ...
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