Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 5096 funded different delete duplicate values from firebird sql programs. You can simply download any of delete duplicate values from firebird sql soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:130 MS SQL SERVER DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE ENTRIES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to search and delete duplicate data (values, records, rows and numbers) in your MySQL database. All redundant entries are eliminated except for the first one. You select which fields (columns) to use as criteria, so you can ...
Search Query points:90 ORACLE DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE ENTRIES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to search and delete duplicate data (values, records, rows and numbers) in your Oracle tables. All redundant entries are eliminated leaving behind only one unique instance. You select which fields (columns) to use as criteria, so you ...
Search Query points:90 MS SQL SERVER REMOVE (DELETE, REPLACE) TEXT, SPACES & CHARACTERS FROM FIELDS SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly clear out text, characters, spaces, enters and tabs from fields in MSSQL using different methods. Features include: Remove/Replace All Spaces in Fields, Remove Extra Spaces at Beginning of Fields, Remove Extra Spaces at End of Fields, Remove All Spaces ...
Search Query points:90 MYSQL DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE ENTRIES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to search and delete duplicate data (values, records, rows and numbers) in your MySQL database. All redundant entries are eliminated except for the first one. You select which fields (columns) to use as criteria, so you can ...
Search Query points:90 MS ACCESS DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE ENTRIES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to search and delete duplicate data (values, records, rows and numbers) in your MS Access database. All redundant entries are eliminated except for the first one. You select which fields (columns) to use as criteria, so you ...
Search Query points:80 EXCEL DELETE DUPLICATE CELLS IN MULTIPLE FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Remove / clear cells that are duplicates in many sheets in many files. Duplicates are found on a per sheet basis. You must have Excel installed on your machine. ...
Search Query points:80 EMS SQL MANAGER 2005 LITE FOR INTERBASE/FIREBIRD 4.4 EMS SQL Manager Lite for IB/FB is an excellent freeware tool for InterBase and FireBird administration. It has minimal required set of instruments for those users who are new to InterBase server and needs only its basic functionality. It provides ...
Search Query points:80 FIND AND DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Find and delete duplicate and similar files on your computer. You decide which duplicates to send to the Recycle Bin. Search and remove doubles (multiples copies) of all files with this finder. ...
Search Query points:80 EMS SQL MANAGER 2005 FOR INTERBASE/FIREBIRD 4.4 EMS SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird is a powerful tool for InterBase and Firebird administration and development. SQL Manager 2005 is compatible with any Firebird version up to 2.0 and InterBase version up to 7.5 and supports all of the latest ...
Search Query points:60 DUPLICATE FILE KILLER 1.8.5 It can scan and delete all duplicate files and zero-sized files on the hard driver. It can scan and distinguish from filename, extensions and date. It creates lists of duplicate and zero-sized files. You can get a detailed statistics about ...
Search Query points:60 DUPLICATE REMOVER FOR MICROSOFT EXCEL 1.0 With this handy add-in you can easily find and remove duplicates or unique records from Microsoft Excel lists or tables. Search for duplicates in one range or compare two lists with different number of columns, choose columns for comparison. You ...
Search Query points:60 FIREBIRD DATA WIZARD 6.7 Firebird Data Wizard is a powerful Windows GUI utility for managing your Firebird data. It provides you with a number of easy-to-use wizards for performing the required data manipulation easily and quickly. Firebird Data Wizard allows you to generate PHP ...
Search Query points:60 EXCEL UNIQUE & DUPLICATE DATA REMOVER 1.2 Find (search) and remove (delete) duplicate and unique entries, values, cells, records, rows, numbers in any list or table with this Excel Addin. Finding and removing duplicates and uniques will save you hours of tedious work. The results can be ...
Search Query points:60 FIREBIRD MAESTRO 6.12 Firebird Maestro is a powerful solution for the Firebird server administration and development. It allows you to create, edit, copy, extract and drop all the database objects such as tables, views, procedures, domains, generators, etc., build queries visually, execute queries ...
Search Query points:60 EXCEL UNIQUE & DUPLICATE DATA REMOVER 1.2 Find (search) and remove (delete) duplicate and unique entries, values, cells, records, rows, numbers in any list or table with this Excel Addin. Finding and removing duplicates and uniques will save you hours of tedious work. The results can be ...
Search Query points:60 MS WORD REMOVE (DELETE) DUPLICATES IN DOCUMENTS SOFTWARE 7.0 Search and delete duplicate lines, entries, values, records, rows and numbers in any list in multiple Word files. Simply add Word files into this application and click 'Remove Duplicates Except First'. Use this product to compare and eliminate all matching, ...
Search Query points:50 FULL CONVERT PROFESSIONAL SQL SERVER ED. 1.3 Full Convert provides powerful and comfortable way to convert data of many databases. Databases supported: Microsoft Access, dBase, FoxPro, Microsoft Excel, Interbase/Firebird, Lotus 1-2-3, MySQL, Oracle, Paradox, SQL Server, Text files. All editions feature target database tree-like browser with multiselect ...
Search Query points:50 EMS MS SQL MANAGER PROFESSIONAL 1.8.5 EMS MS SQL Manager is a powerful graphical tool for Microsoft SQL Server administration and development. It makes creating and editing MS SQL Server database objects easy and fast, and allows you to run SQL scripts, manage users and their ...
Search Query points:50 FULL CONVERT STANDARD SQL SERVER EDITION 1.3 Full Convert provides powerful and comfortable way to convert data of many databases. Databases supported: Microsoft Access, dBase, FoxPro, Microsoft Excel, Interbase/Firebird, Lotus 1-2-3, MySQL, Oracle, Paradox, SQL Server, Text files. All editions feature target database tree-like browser with multiselect ...
Search Query points:50 FOXY SQL FREE 1.1 Foxy SQL Free is a database script and query tool designed for DB professionals. It allows you to execute SQL commands and queries against any database. Supported DB: Oracle, MS SQL, IB, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, Sybase ASE and more. ...
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