Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 6216 funded different coordinate transformation software programs. You can simply download any of coordinate transformation soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 KEY TRANSFORMATION 5.271 Key Transformation can customize keyboard layout, change key on the keyboard to other keys. Its on-screen-keyboard ( soft keyboard ) is easy to use. Want the F1 key to type B? Want the Shift+Enter key to press Table? Want Shift+1 ...
Search Query points:20 VIDEOCAD 4.0 VideoCAD is a tool of view area and cameras' arrangement calculation that will help you in designing CCTV of any complexity and functions. VideoCAD is user-friendly, allowing even the beginners to use the new opportunities appearing to ...
Search Query points:20 VISUAL INTEGRATION STUDIO Visual Integration Studio is a visual integration design environment for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data from any data source – to any data source using a simple drag and drop, property based interface. Plus, you can code any ...
Search Query points:20 FUNCTION GRAPHER 2.9.1 Function Grapher is an easy-to-use software to create 2D, 2.5D, 3D function graphs, animations and table graphs. 2D Features: explicit, implicit, parametric, and in equation; Cartesian and polar coordinate systems; curve and animation; graph of inverse function and derivative function; ...
Search Query points:20 RRS UNIT CONVERTER 3.0 RR's Unit Converter is an useful tool for any kind of simple or compound unit conversions, using double precision 64-bit format values and operations, with build in dictionary for over 1000 units. Scientist, engineers, students or anyone involved in scientific, ...
Search Query points:20 GEODLL32 9.23 In the Dynamic Link Library GeoDLL geodesic functions like coordinate transformation, reference system changes, meridian strip changes, user defined coordinate and reference systems, distance calculation, maps functions and more geodesic functions are contained to bind them into own applications. The ...
Search Query points:20 ALCHEMIST XML IDE PROFESSIONAL 2.2 Alchemist XML IDE, is an advanced XML Integrated Development Environment (XML IDE). Alchemist adds powerful new features, again pushing the innovation envelope that helped establish Alchemist in the market. Alchemist's best-in-class features for working with XML, XSL, XSLT, XPath, SQL/XML, ...
Search Query points:20 FUNCTION GRAPHER 1.0.0 Function Grapher is a easy-to-use software for 2D,2.5D and 3D function graphing and table data visualization.2D and 2.5D function graphs can be plotted in Cartesian and polar coordinate systems,and 3D function graphs can be plotted in Cartesian,cylindrical and spherical coordinate ...
Search Query points:20 METADATAMINER CATALOGUE PRO 4.2.12 Extract metadata from MS Office, PDF, HTML, Adobe files, IPTC info from jpeg and tif images into XML, CSV, Word files or HTML pages without programming. Set file properties via mass update function for MS Office and NTFS ...
Search Query points:20 3DMATH EXPLORER 3.1 3DMath Explorer is a computer program that pilots 2D and 3D graphs of mathematical functions and curves in unlimited graphing space. It has many useful feature such as; 1-3D curve ploting in real time, 2-perspective drawing, 3-graph scaling (zooming), 4-active ...
Search Query points:20 DATASLAVE 1.2 DataSlave is a powerful tool for moving data. DataSlave supports many common data formats and will quickly and simply move, validate and clean your valuable data. This difficult task is now available to users without the need for ...
Search Query points:20 SEVENPAR 1.01 Purpose of the program SEVENPAR is to produce a set with seven Helmert transformation parameters valid for an specific area, with which then arbitrary points of the area can be transformed from one coordinate system into another with high accuracy. ...
Search Query points:10 ROBOIMPORT RoboImport is a Camera and CardReader Image Automation program. Work like a professional. RoboImport offers more features than the software supplied with Canon and other digital cameras. Looking for the ideal digital photographer's import workflow or reliable solution to conversion ...
Search Query points:10 INSOFTA COVER COMMANDER 2.7 This is a typical designer's task: create an image of a product box for a web site, electronic presentation or a paper publication. Cover Commander offers an easy and fast way to create such images. The program uses a software ...
Search Query points:10 ALLOK VIDEO TO MP4 CONVERTER 2.6.2 Allok Video to MP4 Converter is a easiest-to-use video converter software for portable MP4 Player, iPod, PSP, ARCHOS, Plam etc. It is also a powerful MP4 converter with fast conversion speed. And the output MP4 movie/video supports MP4 screen. ...
Search Query points:10 DIGITAL PICTURES RECOVERY SOFTWARE Digital Camera Data recovery software recover restore accidentally deleted corrupted formatted pictures images photos. Files recovery utility retrieve inaccessible undetected Compact flash card smart media card multimedia memory card secure digital card extreme xD card mmc card audio video ...
Search Query points:10 SCIMOREDB EMBEDDED DATABASE 1.5.2 ScimoreDB Embedded database is in-process running SQL database with over 20.000 deployments that has a small footprint, easy-to-use interface and yet a full set of stand-alone database server's features. Developers use ScimoreDB to simplify software development for any sized database ...
Search Query points:10 SYSTEM PURIFIER 2.64 All-in-one file shredder, privacy eraser, disk cleaner and startup manager. File shredder securely deletes sensitive files (files can not be recovered or undeleted). Disk cleaner scans for useless temporary junk files and frees space by deleting it. Privacy cleaner erases ...
Search Query points:10 SMARTPOP2EXCHANGE 6.3.2 SmartPOP2Exchange helps you to connect your existing POP3/IMAP accounts to an SMTP or Exchange mail server. An easy to use configuration tool allows you to adjust common options like download interval, timeout, log file etc. and to configure SMTP/Exchange and ...
Search Query points:10 LENOGO DVD MOVIE TO IPOD VIDEO CONVERTER 3.2 Lenogo DVD Movie to iPod Video Converter build 2006 is the fastest DVD movie to iPod video converter software so far in the world. ...
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