Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 2456 funded different computer lockdown tools programs. You can simply download any of computer lockdown tools soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 ALL IN ONE COMPUTER TOOLS 2.4 This tool will allow you to: Shred files using a very sophisticated algorithm which compliant with the U.S. Department of Defense's 5220.22 M standard Encrypt files with TwoFish, 256 bits, 16 rounds algorithm Clear internet tracks saved by Internet Explorer ...
Search Query points:50 PC TOOLS ANTIVIRUS 2.0 PC Tools AntiVirus is a full anti-virus package designed to protect your computer from virus, worm and Trojan horse threats and infections by: scanning your computer system for these types of infections and quarantining or deleting them, and providing your ...
Search Query points:50 ARMOR TOOLS 6.6 A suite of tools which ensure your privacy and keep sensitive information secure. Armor Tools will let you work on the computer without leaving traces of your activities - deleting documents, programs, and other files without the possibility to restore ...
Search Query points:50 XR PERFMON TOOLS 3.0 XR PerfMon Tools remotely monitors MS Windows computers using WMI technology, providing valuable information for system administrators to optimize the efficiency and setup of servers and workstations. XR PerfMon Tools can get from a computer more than 1 million different ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED PRESENTATION TOOLS COLLECTION 3.3 Add Powerful presentation functionality to your Web / Intranet pages. With the advanced presentation functionality you will be quickly adding impressive and dynamic capabilities bringing your information alive ! These versatile components provide the ability for web authors ...
Search Query points:50 ARMOR TOOLS 4.3 A suite of tools which ensure your privacy and keep sensitive information secure. Armor Tools will let you work on the computer without leaving traces of your activities - deleting documents, programs, and other files without the possibility to restore ...
Search Query points:50 EASY AUDIO TOOLS 1.00 Easy audio tools is a powerful, multifunction multimedia software. Receive and record radio stations from the web, Allows you to record any audio source from your computer into WAV MP3 WMA OGG vorbis files, Manage the WAV MP3 OGG ...
Search Query points:50 SHUTDOWN MANAGER AND TOOLS Features: - Clipboard Viewer: view your clipboards content, save images to BMP, JPG, GIF formats with several options, saves text content to file, send text content to keyboard to emulate keystrokes (i.e.: saves time when have to enter long ...
Search Query points:50 WINDOWS XP TOOLS 2.0 Windows XP Tools helps keep your computer running at top efficiency and speed with powerful tools to optimize system performance and diagnose, repair and prevent PC problems and crashes. 10 great tools for Windows XP that will improve your PC ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS 5.92 AATools includes 12 different state-of-the-art tools for assessing optimizing, managing, and safeguarding your network and computers, all in one easy to use program. It performs an inspection on everything vital to network security as it pertains to the protection of ...
Search Query points:50 PC TOOLS FIREWALL PLUS 1.0 A powerful personal firewall for Windows that protects your computer from intruders and controls the network traffic in and out of your PC. By monitoring applications that connect to the network Firewall Plus can stop Trojans, backdoors, keyloggers and other ...
Search Query points:50 ACTMON COMPUTER MONITORING SOFTWARE 5.20 Records all computer activities, including keyboard, chat, email, and visited websites. Useful in exercising parental and professional control over resources. It can even log passwords typed during Windows 2000/XP login. A unique file protection makes ActMon files truly invisible, even ...
Search Query points:40 COMPUTER MONITOR KEYLOGGER 1.0 Secretly monitor all activity on your computer, capturing keystrokes, programs, internet explorer websites and screenshots. Completely invisible and easy to use, all information captured is stored in an encrypted log file. The log file can be sent secretly at ...
Search Query points:40 IPD LAN MANAGER AND TOOLS 3.3 This program promises to put small/medium businesses on equal footing with larger companies in regards to LAN Management, but at a fraction of the cost. Here are some of the features of IPD LAN Manager: *Automatically graphs top 10 ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED PDF TOOLS COMMAND LINE 1.3 Advanced PDF Tools is a fast and easy to use utility to maintain your PDF files, it allows you to edit or add data into the document information fields of single or multiple PDF files, it also allows you to ...
Search Query points:40 PROTEA ANTIVIRUS TOOLS, CLAMAV VERSION 1.03.02 Protea AntiVirus Tools for Lotus Notes/Domino automatically scans and cleans the message body, attached files, rich text fields and OLE objects in Domino mail, keeps Domino bases virus-free. ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED PDF TOOLS 1.3 Advanced PDF Tools is a fast and easy to use utility to maintain your PDF files, it allows you to edit or add data into the document information fields of single or multiple PDF files, it also allows you to ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED REPLACE TOOLS 3.0 This is a file browser with a replacer, a finder function and a batch replacer. The batch replacer is a multi-string search-and-replace filter. It can find strings in files and replace them with whatever text you specify. Both text and ...
Search Query points:40 COMPUTER ALARM CLOCK 1.21 Computer Alarm Clock is a cute, easy to use software application that will change the way you start your day forever. You can use it to give yourself reminders of important events that happen throughout the day. It is an ...
Search Query points:40 NON TOCCARE IL MIO COMPUTER! 1.0.0 Scopri da solo questo screen saver "Non toccare il mio computer!" che avvisera' i malintenzionati quando sarai lontani dal tuo pc... ...
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