Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 284 funded different components extended datagridview programs. You can simply download any of components extended datagridview soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 SNOTRA TECH ORACLE DATA COMPONENTS 2.3 Snotra Tech Oracle Data Components for .NET provides connected dataset for data-aware components like DataGrid, DataGridView and etc. which is intented for Oracle database. Components extend standard functions and features of ADO.NET set of components and support record locking, refreshing, ...
Search Query points:40 VAXVOICE EXTENDED SDK 4.0 Vax Voice activeX is the easiest way to add PC-to-PC voice conferencing and text chat over the LAN, WAN or Internet in your applications and Web pages. Using Vax Voice activeX three or more persons can have a real time ...
Search Query points:40 ASTRO COMPONENTS, FLASH TEXT EFFECTS 1.0.1 Astro Components, text effect plugins used directly in .fla files (Macromedia Flash MX / Flash MX Professional 2004 / Flash 8). Astro Components contain over over 400 predefined text effect variations. • Astro Components can be used by users of ...
Search Query points:40 EXTENDED TASK MANAGER 1.95 The Warecase eXtended Task Manager (XTM) is a powerful auxiliary tool designed for simplifying the environment of the software developer. XTM is an extended windows task manager and performance monitoring tool for Microsoft Windows 2000 OS and later versions of ...
Search Query points:40 LINKALERTPC EXTENDED EDITION 3.00 LinkAlertPC Extended Edition monitors the availability and performance of your organization's servers, workstations, network devices and more. Monitoring is extensive and proactive - links/devices that fail or become unavailable trigger an alert, which generates one or more notifications - ...
Search Query points:40 DATAGRIDVIEW COLUMNS .NET 2.0 ASSEMBLY 1.04.3 DataGridView Columns .NET 2.0 assembly from RustemSoft is a DataGridView Columns software package specifically designed for Windows Forms .NET 2.0 developers. The assembly allows you to use all strengths of the MS Windows .NET 2.x forms DataGridView control without waiving ...
Search Query points:40 EXTENDED STORED PROCEDURE COMPONENT 1 Write Extended Stored Procs for SQL Server with ease: * Control over input/output procedure parameters. * Return an arbitrary number of recordsets. * Real world code: it works as a part of the complex accounting system, 7x24. ...
Search Query points:40 SUPREME4 COMPONENTS, FLASH TEXT EFFECTS 2.0.2 Drag&drop text effect plugins for use directly in .fla files ( Flash MX/Pro 2004/8). Containing over 200 predefined effect variations from 40+ templates ... For users of any skill-level. Supreme4 offers advanced customization, different start-directions, alignment, automatic positioning, dynamic ...
Search Query points:40 RAIZEX 3RD PARTY COMPONENTS 3.1 RaizeX 3rd Party Components. TRzxShellTreeChk - Explorer-like tree view of the namespace, with checkboxes. Use SelectedNames:TStringList property to get list of selected (checked) filenames. TRzxTransparentGroupBar - Transparent version of TRzGroupBar. TRzxTransparentPageControl - Transparent version of TRzPageControl. You need Raize Components ...
Search Query points:40 ELTIMA JAVA/SWING COMPONENTS 2.9.5 Eltima Java/SWING Components extend the standard set of visual library components, offering new ways to present your creativity to clients. You can add new attractive styles to your software, buttons, color dialogs and integrate Eltima Java/SWING Components into your Java ...
Search Query points:40 ESBPCS FOR VCL - COMPONENTS AND ROUTINES 4.3 ESB Professional Computation Suite (ESBPCS) for VCL is a collection of over 6000 routines/methods and over 235 classes/components in over 140 units for Borland Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2005/Win32 and BDS2006/Win32, which are aimed at making "data entry and manipulation ...
Search Query points:40 PJ COMPONENTS, FLASH TEXT EFFECTS 2.0.2 PJ Components, text effect plugins used directly in .fla files (Macromedia Flash MX / Flash MX Professional 2004 / Flash 8). PJ Components contain over over 400 predefined text effect variations. • PJ Components can be used by users of ...
Search Query points:40 LUXENA INFORMIX DATA ACCESS COMPONENTS 2.6.3 IDAC allows you create Informix access applications in common BDE fashion without known BDE constraints. IDAC ensures reliability as well as usability. It is excellent for BDE migration and rapid client-server and/or n-tier development ...
Search Query points:40 VISUAL JAVA/SWING COMPONENTS LIBRARY 2.3 Eltima Java Components greatly extend the standard set of visual library components, offering new ways to present your creativity to clients. You can add new styles to your software, buttons, color dialogs and integrate Eltima Java Components into your Java ...
Search Query points:40 SHELLBROWSER COMPONENTS FOR DELPHI WIN32 5.14 The ShellBrowser components give a Delphi programmer easy access to the Win32 shell functionality. The JamShellList, JamShellTree and JamShellCombo components look and behave exactly like the corresponding parts of the Windows Explorer. The TShellBrowser component provides an easy interface to ...
Search Query points:40 SHELLBROWSER COMPONENTS FOR ACTIVEX 5.14 The ShellBrowser components give a programmer easy access to the Win32 shell functionality. The JamShellList, JamShellTree and JamShellCombo components look and behave exactly like the corresponding parts of the Explorer. For any object all controls can show the explorer context ...
Search Query points:20 OLAP MODELKIT 2.1 OLAP ModelKit is the first OLAP component for .NET written in C# and containing managed code. This component is remarkable for a XP Themed appearance and the ability to use any .NET data sources. The flexibility of the product is ...
Search Query points:20 SMLOGGING SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 1.40 SMLogging suite is a set of components for errors/exceptions logging, tracing of messages, events etc - TSMExceptionLog: the useful processing of errors and exceptions for your application in one place. Your user can automatically send to you a bug ...
Search Query points:10 QUICKUML MACOSX 2.0.1 QuickUML is a software design tool that tightly integrates a core set of UML models with code generation for several languages. An entire project is presented through a tabbed window that includes use cases, class models, object models, dictionary ...
Search Query points:10 KOOLMOVES 5.6 KoolMoves is an affordable, 5 star rated, Flash authoring tool, used by both professionals and novices to create rich interactive content for web sites. It is ideal for creating high impact web pages, banners, navigation systems, and multimedia slide shows. ...
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