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Search Query points:90 MS ACCESS COMPARE TWO TABLES & FIND (COMBINE, JOIN) DIFFERENCES SOFTWARE 7.0 Find content differences between two tables in a MS Access database. Furthermore, you have the option to create a new table based on the differences of your choosing. Thus, you can selectively merge two tables together. ...
Search Query points:50 MS ACCESS ORACLE IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 This application will allow you to transfer tables to and from Microsoft Access and Oracle databases. Importing and exporting can be done without SQL knowledge. This program saves time if you need to transfer tables between the two databases quickly. ...
Search Query points:50 MS SQL SERVER COMPARE TWO TABLES SOFTWARE 7.0 Find content differences between two tables in a MS SQL Server database. Find added and deleted records. Find changed data within the tables. ...
Search Query points:50 MS ACCESS FOXPRO DBF IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 This application will allow you to transfer tables to and from Microsoft Access and FoxPro databases. Importing and exporting can be done without SQL knowledge. This program saves time if you need to transfer tables between the two databases quickly. ...
Search Query points:50 MS ACCESS MERGE (COMBINE) FIELDS INTO ONE SOFTWARE 7.0 Join two or more fields (columns) into one in Microsoft Access. A wizard guides you through the process of selecting fields (in a table) to be merged. The values in the selected fields will be combined and put into ...
Search Query points:50 MS ACCESS JOIN TWO TABLES SOFTWARE 7.0 Horizontally merge (combine, match, union) two Access tables into one by a common column (field) of data. The two tables can be located in the same Access file or two different Access files. No complicated options or SQL knowledge required. ...
Search Query points:50 ACCESS CONTROLLER 3.12 Desktop locking security utility to protect desktop when you are not near PC. Password protection can be automatically activated on boot or with a click of an icon in the system tray. Log access attempts and enforce a custom background ...
Search Query points:50 EXCEL COMPARE TWO WORKSHEETS & FIND DIFFERENCES SOFTWARE 7.0 Compare 2 Excel sheets / files and show the differences for each cell. The comparing process will produce a report that is easy to understand. ...
Search Query points:50 MYSQL COMPARE TWO TABLES SOFTWARE 7.0 Find content differences between two tables in a MySQL database. Find added and deleted records. Find changed data within the tables. ...
Search Query points:50 VBA CODE COMPARE 0.4 VBA Code Compare allows you to compare and merge any Visual Basic code embedded into a VBA project (macros, sheet code, module code etc.). This tool uses direct access for working with VBA modules. Thus, you don't have to export ...
Search Query points:50 FILES COMPARE TOOL 2.7 Files Compare is a visual tool for files and directories comparison. It helps you to compare and merge different versions of the same textual file. A color-coded side-by-side comparison makes it easy to understand differences between two files at a ...
Search Query points:50 MS ACCESS ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE FIELDS SOFTWARE 7.0 Apply math to fields (columns) in MS Access. You can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, division between two fields or on one field by a user-specified (constant) number. ...
Search Query points:50 ACCESS LOCK - Access Lock is a system-tray security utility, which enables you to lock your PC with a password by two methods. The first one hides your desktop and shows a screen saver while the second one does not hide it allowing ...
Search Query points:50 BEYOND COMPARE 2.3.1 Beyond Compare is a directory and file compare utility. Synchronize files between laptop and PC, home and office, etc. Compare directory trees side-by-side with mismatches highlighted. Display text files side-by-side with changes highlighted. Great for merging ...
Search Query points:50 ACTIVE FILE COMPARE 2.0 Active File Compare is an advanced utility for the comparison and synchronization of any text files in visual mode, it reports the results of the comparison in two side-by-side windows on the screen. This utility is an excellent tool for ...
Search Query points:40 MS ACCESS FIND AND REPLACE SOFTWARE 7.0 Search for and replace data (characters) in your Microsoft Access database tables. You decide which tables to make replacements in. Replacements are not made in special cases such as booleans (True/False) and primary keys. ...
Search Query points:40 MS ACCESS DELETE (REMOVE) DUPLICATE ENTRIES SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this program to search and delete duplicate data (values, records, rows and numbers) in your MS Access database. All redundant entries are eliminated except for the first one. You select which fields (columns) to use as criteria, so you ...
Search Query points:40 DBF TO MDB (ACCESS) 1.51.01 The DBF to MDB (Access) program allows you to convert your dbf files to MDB (Microsoft Access) format. MDB format is the most frequently used format, but sometimes Access is unable to open DBF files or damages them. Besides, MS ...
Search Query points:40 MS ACCESS ADD DATA, TEXT & CHARACTERS TO TABLES SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly add text to beginning, end or inside data (entries, values, cells, records, rows, and numbers) in fields in MS Access tables. Some advanced features include: add text next to certain characters throughout all entries in fields. Also, add text ...
Search Query points:40 MS ACCESS EXTRACT EMAIL ADDRESSES SOFTWARE 7.0 Search and find email addresses in Microsoft Access databases. Emails are saved to text file. ...
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