Softfreedownload showing you best 17 of 17 funded different colasoft capsa 6.0.1 programs. You can simply download any of colasoft capsa 6.0.1 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 PACKET SNIFFER - COLASOFT CAPSA 6.3 Colasoft Capsa is an extremely network sniffer designed for protocol analysis and network diagnosis. Colasoft Capsa analyzes the network traffic of the local computer, or the local network. With real time packet capture and analysis, Colasoft Capsa makes your network ...
Search Query points:80 COLASOFT CAPSA ENTERPRISE 6.0 Expert network sniffer designed for protocol analysis and network diagnosis, Colasoft Capsa analyzes the network traffic of local computer or local network. With the ability of real time packet capture and accurate data analysis, Colasoft Capsa makes your network transparent ...
Search Query points:80 COLASOFT CAPSA PROFESSIONAL 6.0 Expert network analyzer designed for packet decoding and network diagnosis, Colasoft Capsa monitors the network traffic transmitted over a local host and a local network, helping network administrators troubleshoot network problems. With the ability of real time packet capture and ...
Search Query points:50 COLASOFT PACKET PLAYER 1.1 Colasoft Packet Player is a replay tool which allows you to open captured packet trace file and playback in the network. Colasoft Packet Player supports many packet trace file formats created by many sniffer software, such as Colasoft Capsa, Ethereal, ...
Search Query points:50 COLASOFT PING TOOL 1.1 Colasoft Ping Tool is a powerful graphic ping tool, it supports ping multiple IP addresses at the same time, and compares response time in a graphic chart. You can view historical charts and save the charts to a *.bmp file. ...
Search Query points:40 COLASOFT ETHERLOOK 1.0 An easy to use TCP/IP network traffic monitor for the Windows-based platforms. With the abilities of real time monitoring all traffic flowing around the local network and to/from the Internet, you can manage and supervise the corporate network more easily ...
Search Query points:40 COLASOFT PACKET BUILDER 1.0 Colasoft Packet Builder is useful tool used for creating custom network packets, you can use this tool to check your network protection against attacks and intruders. Colasoft Packet Builder provides you very powerful editing feature, besides common HEX editing raw ...
Search Query points:40 COLASOFT MAC SCANNER 1.1 Colasoft MAC Scanner is a scan tool using to scan IP address and MAC address. It can automatically detect all subnets according to the IP addresses configured on multiple NICs of a machine and scan the MAC addresses and IP ...
Search Query points:25 DELUXEFTP 6.01 Unlike other Free FTP clients, DeluxeFTP does not force you to view ads, registration reminders or unwanted e-mail advertisements, nor does it limit you based upon time or 'personal use'. Features include Explorer look & feel, custom FTP commands, ...
Search Query points:25 STEALTH KEYBOARD INTERCEPTOR FOR WIN NT/2000/XP 6.0.1 Stealth Keyboard Interceptor for Windows NT/2000/ XP (SKIn2000) is a monitoring program which allows to intercept all keystrokes, mouse clicks, captions of active windows, static text and other. It has a unique set of features that makes SKIn2000 the powerful ...
Search Query points:25 EASY MEMORY PRO 6.01 Easy MEMO Pro is not only a memory game, it is THE memory game. Of course, like any concentration games, you have to find pairs of identical pictures. - You can improve your memory with the Teacher mode - You ...
Search Query points:25 MAILING LIST EXPRESS PRO 6.01 Mailing List Express Pro is designed to create and support mailing lists for your clients and subscribers. All you have to do is draft one message and it will be sent to an entire list of mail recipients. ...
Search Query points:25 CRYPTAINER LE FREE ENCRYPTION SOFTWARE 6.0.1 Cryptainer LE totally free 128 bit disk encryption software. Simple, easy to use encryption application that creates encrypted "vaults". One can store any kind of data in them. Cryptainer LE allows you to encrypt any file or folder on any ...
Search Query points:25 TAKE COMMAND 6.01 Take Command offers a new approach to working in Windows, bringing users the power of the command line and the ease of use of the Windows interface. Take Command supports existing CMD.EXE commands and batch files, and adds thousands of ...
Search Query points:25 4NT 6.01 If you are frustrated by the limitations of the Windows command line, then 4NT is the one command line tool you truly need. By adding thousands of features that Microsoft omitted, 4NT makes the command line easy to use, giving ...
Search Query points:25 EASY MEMORY - THE MEMORY GAME 6.01 Easy MEMO is not only a memory game, it's the memory game of all time! Of course, like any concentration games, you have to find pairs of identical pictures. You can also play friends, the computer or even your ...
Search Query points:25 MAILING LIST EXPRESS 6.01 Mailing List Express is a powerful tool in any marketing and communications arsenal. You simply write one message and send it to your whole mailing list. The program's real power, however, is in its ability to personalize your communications. You ...
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