Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 210 funded different codecharge ad integration programs. You can simply download any of codecharge ad integration soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 CODECHARGE STUDIO 2.3 CodeCharge Studio is used for visually creating database-driven Web applications in eight different technologies: ASP/VBScript, .Net (C# and VB.NET), ColdFusion, JSP, Java Servlets, PHP and Perl. Developers can quickly convert any database into a Web application by using the included ...
Search Query points:40 VISUAL INTEGRATION STUDIO Visual Integration Studio is a visual integration design environment for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data from any data source – to any data source using a simple drag and drop, property based interface. Plus, you can code any ...
Search Query points:40 BLUESKY INTEGRATION STUDIO 4.1 BlueSky Integration Studio is a visual integration design environment for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data from any data source – to any data source using a simple drag and drop, property based interface. Plus, you can code any ...
Search Query points:40 PASSPORT HOST INTEGRATION OBJECTS 2004 PASSPORT Host Integration Objects is a Windows-based legacy integration solution that lets you programmatically connect TN3270/TN5250 applications with other ActiveX or .NET applications. Offers a path to host information at the screen buffer level, allowing you to read and write ...
Search Query points:15 NATIVE POP3 CONNECTOR 2.1.3 Native POP3 Connector (NPC) offers standard solution for the problem with receiving mail through the POP3 protocol for Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/2003 and Small Business Server 2000/2003. NPC is a solution kindred to Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/2003: Connector. Features: administration ...
Search Query points:10 SLEEP TIMER PRO 4.6 Sleep Timer Pro is the all-in-one System Utility to automate the use of your system. With Sleep Timer Pro you may shutdown, reboot, or set an alarm all with a few clicks of the mouse. Set your time in intervals ...
Search Query points:10 COMPARATOR FAST FOR WINDOWS Comparator Fast is an application that simplifies the comparison / verification / synchronization status of two different directories on any media (local drives, network drives, writable CD's, Compact Flash and electronic media, any drive/disk or device managed as valid windows ...
Search Query points:10 WINZIP 9.0 SR-1 WinZip is the original and most popular of all Windows Zip file utilities. WinZip's flexible user interface accommodates all types of users, from beginners to experienced power users. In addition to basic zipping and unzipping, features include tight integration with ...
Search Query points:10 XTREEME DHTML MENU STUDIO 4 With this program you can add a DHTML drop down menu to your web site within a few minutes. The program comes with hundreds of predefined attractive graphical looks and supports easy integration with existing web sites. Included are free ...
Search Query points:10 PRIVATE INFOKEEPER 2.55 Ablazesoft Private InfoKeeper is elegant, EXTREMELY featured, powerful and secure personal information storage tool. Private InfoKeeper acts like Security Control Center in your computer: no spyware, no "prying eyes", secure clipboard data transfer etc. APIK allows you to keep ...
Search Query points:10 CODETHATBUILDER 1.01 CodeThatBuilder is a powerful tool that enables you to create Web site navigation using CodeThatMenu, CodeThatTree or CodeThatXPBar fast and easy. With CodeThatBuilder you can design the structure and customize the appearance of your menus or trees in easy-to-learn visual ...
Search Query points:10 QS FLASH MAGIC MENU BUILDER 1.0 Key features: -Editing Software and Component included -Full customizable buttons library -Quickly loaded by browsers -More than 40 FXs, custom links (8 types) -If you need: Easy integration with ASP/PHP/.NET -Horizontal-Vertical-Free Position styles -Custom sub-menus -Multiple menus on the same ...
Search Query points:10 DHTML MENU STUDIO PROFESSIONAL EDITION 4 With this program you can add a DHTML drop down menu to your web site within a few minutes. It comes with hundreds of predefined designs and supports easy integration with existing web sites. Included are free plugins for DreamWeaver, ...
Search Query points:10 ALLWEBMENUS JAVASCRIPT MENU DREAMWEAVER EXTENSION 1.0.1 AllWebMenus is a javascript menu builder that lets you create any popup or drop-down menu visually, without any DHTML or Javascript experience required. It creates cross-browser navigation bars that work alike in all browsers supporting DHTML. This free Extension allows ...
Search Query points:10 CODE CO-OP 4.1 Keep your Windows development projects organized across multiple development languages by incorporating Code Co-op, a powerful peer-to-peer collaboration and version control tool. Code Co-op enables code management and collaboration through Email, LAN, and VPN - no server required. Teams will ...
Search Query points:10 RELAYFAX SERVER 6.7.0 RelayFax is a powerful email-to-fax and fax-to-email fax server. RelayFax Pro automates the process of sending, receiving and managing your network fax traffic. By integrating into existing email systems, RelayFax provides full faxing capabilities from your desktop. Features include ...
Search Query points:10 MDAEMON 9.0.0 MDaemon , Windows-based email server software, contains full mail server functionality and control with a strong emphasis on security to protect your email communication needs. Features include top-notch antispam security features such as Greylisting, DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), DomainKeys, ...
Search Query points:10 MDAEMON 9.5.0 MDaemon, Windows-based email server software, contains full mail server functionality and control with a strong emphasis on security to protect your email communication needs. Features include top-notch antispam security features such as Greylisting, DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), DomainKeys, SPF, ...
Search Query points:10 SE BOM EXTRACTOR 3.6.27 SolidEdge Automation Tool that easily extracts Bill of Materials from SolidEdge files for easy integration with 3rd party software, like ERP and SCM systems. Integrate SolidEdge Bill of Materials with your ERP, accounting, supply chain management systems, CNC ...
Search Query points:10 SE DRAWING EXTRACTOR 3.6.27 SolidEdge Automation Tool that easily extracts 2D and 3D drawings into AutoCAD format (DXF & DWG) for easy integration with 3rd party software, like CAM systems and CNC software. Integrate SolidEdge drawings with your CNC equipment, catalogs, websites, assembly ...
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