Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 102 funded different cnc Syntax programs. You can simply download any of cnc Syntax soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:180 CNC SYNTAX EDITOR You can probably name several all-inclusive CNC editor tools, but it is still a problem to find a good CNC editor program. CNC Syntax Editor is a feature-packed G code editor, offering highlighting of program syntax. It has a comfortable ...
Search Query points:40 SE CNC CONVERTER 3.6.27 SE CNC Converter is a must-have tool to automate extraction of 2D and 3D drawings from proprietary Solid Edge format to CNC machines compatible DXF, SAT, IGS, STP and XGL files. ...
Search Query points:10 TOP PERL STUDIO 0.95 Top Perl Studio is an Integrated Development Environment for Perl, providing comprehensive and easy-to-use solution for editing, testing and deploying CGI/Perl based web applications. Top Perl Studio includes a built-in HTTP server which directly runs CGI/Perl code and an internal ...
Search Query points:10 DOMAIN QUESTER PRO 5.3 Search for domains by unlimited number of keywords. Input unlimited number of words that relate to your business interests and these exact terms will be used as "root words" in an extensive search for available domain names. Choosing ".net without ...
Search Query points:10 SWFTER 1.0 Ever found a good Flash animation or game on a website and wanted to watch it or play it again while off line? Now with SWFter you can. Do you ever find yourself looking for your Shockwave files on your ...
Search Query points:10 ANTECHINUS JAVASCRIPT EDITOR 8.0 Become a JavaScript expert in record time with JavaScript Editor, and reap the benefits: 1. Turn your website into powerful interactive web application – instantly add multilevel menu, e-Commerce, form validation, multimedia, and much more. Or, just add JavaScript ...
Search Query points:10 RAPID PHP EDITOR 2006 7.4 Powerful, quick and sophisticated PHP editor. Convenient features enable you to instantly create and edit not only PHP, but also HTML, XHTML, CSS and JavaScript code, while integrated tools allow you to easily validate, reuse, navigate and format your code. ...
Search Query points:10 PROFESSIONAL NOTEPAD 2.9 Professional Notepad is a powerful editor that allows you view and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, PERL, SQL, Delphi, C++ and other languages source code. It is a advanced tool supporting the features you've always dreamt about, such as ...
Search Query points:10 PIVO EMAIL VALIDATOR COMPONENT 1.01 Having problems with the email addresses in your mailing list?Are you tired of getting bounce backs every time you perform a mailing? Email Validator will solve your email validation problems. Email Validator is an assembly that requires the Microsoft .NET ...
Search Query points:10 MULTI-DB QUERIER 1.31 Multi-DB Querier allows running the same SQL queries on multiple databases with similar structure at once. If running query returns resulting table, it can be exported to file of specified format. The tables from different databases can be either consolidated ...
Search Query points:10 DECRYPTSQL 2.8.0 For the sake of the decryption stored procedure but have a headache?Please use our DecryptSQL.Its ability is fast but again the accurate decryption has already been encrypt of stored procedure.Now feels the DecryptSQL bring you of convenience! Key Features ...
Search Query points:10 SWFTER 1.1.0 Ever found a good Flash animation or game on a website and wanted to watch it or play it again while off line? Now with SWFter you can. Do you ever find yourself looking for your Shockwave files on your ...
Search Query points:10 TXTPRO TEXT EDITOR 4.03 txtPro Text Editor is your all-in-one multi language code editor, text editor and HTML editor! Great looking color syntax highlighting combined with auto indentation give you the feedback you need to code productively. Turn on line numbering (if you like), ...
Search Query points:10 LIGHT PAD 4.4 LightPad is a simple yet powerful editor designed for the webmaster. It supports HTML, CSS, Java script, PHP and Perl files editing with syntax highlighting to assist with web development. New document creation is fast and easy, with default templates ...
Search Query points:10 DZSOFT PERL EDITOR DzSoft Perl Editor is a tool for writing, editing, and debugging Perl/CGI scripts. It has a comfortable and intuitive interface both for beginners and advanced programmers. DzSoft Perl Editor is deceptively simple, but it is really a very powerful tool. ...
Search Query points:10 SVOI.NET : PHP EDIT 4.2 "Svoi.NET - PHP Edit" - is a user-friendly tool for editing and testing and debugging PHP scripts and HTML/XML pages. Also has power syntax highlighting for PHP, Perl, HTML, XML, Java, Javascript, VBScript, CSS, SQL, C++, Python, etc. Can work ...
Search Query points:10 PE EXPLORER 1.97 PE Explorer is a multi-purpose PE (portable executable) file editor and binary header analysis tool for Windows developers. It tells you just about every little detail you could possibly want to know about a PE file (exe, dll, ActiveX, and ...
Search Query points:10 MASS TEXT REPLACER 1.0 Mass Text Replacer (MTR) is a software program that lets you search for a particular word or phrase and replace it with another one. The advantage of MTR is that it works over several files at the same time. In ...
Search Query points:10 CODETHATPACKER 2.1 CodeThatPacker is a powerful JavaScript compression utility. CodeThatPacker removes comments and whitespaces from your scripts, supports all JavaScript syntax including regular expressions and automatic semicolon insertion, can copy several js-files into one, compresses JavaScript in HTML files. CodeThatPacker comes in ...
Search Query points:10 DESKADS 1.1.0 DeskAds is a marketing and news tool that gives marketing and information websites the possibility to send daily graphical news or messages on their subscribers' desktops. With DeskAds, you can easily update the screens of those clients that have opted ...
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