Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 384 funded different Chord pickout 1.5 programs. You can simply download any of Chord pickout 1.5 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:185 CHORD PICKOUT 1.5 This program uses its artificial intelligence to guess chords for you. All you have to do is to load a media file (wav or mp3) and click a button. Chord Pickout will transcribe the music and write down the recognized ...
Search Query points:80 CHORD PICKOUT 1.2 This program uses its artificial intelligence to guess chords for you. All you have to do is to load a media file (wav or mp3) and click a button. Chord Pickout will transcribe the music and write down the recognized ...
Search Query points:40 GO CHORD COMPOSER 6.12 Go Chord Composer is a composer software with automactic accompaniment function, with Built-in 100 accompaniment styles make it easy for the user to quickly design a perfection song. 1.There are 100 styles in software, you can select more then one ...
Search Query points:40 CHORD ALCHEMY 4.0 ChordAlchemy offers a rich and robust set of capabilities for looking up chords, determining what chords you are playing and hearing how they sound. Chord variations are easily handled by ChordAlchemy's powerful, Advanced Chord Theory and Chord Diagram ...
Search Query points:10 SERVICEBUILDER 4.41202 This database can handle scheduling... such as actors, musicians, singers, dramas, choruses and hymns... Automatically send personalised emails to your entire music team! Automatically send emails to those scheduled this week, or next! It's a filing cabinet! One place to ...
Search Query points:10 THE PALETTE - MELODY COMPOSING TOOL 4.4.3 The Palette program is a tool for the creation of 'theoretically correct' melodies. The program is based on composition theory and the theory of harmony. The strong theoretical base makes the melody composing process easier. The program ...
Search Query points:10 GUITAR CHORDS 01.18 Basic Guitar chords and signatures. Find and save list of chords. Basic guitar chords A sheet of the most used rock chords. Suitable for beginners. Empty chord sheet All about how to play guitar chords and guitar chord charts. Once ...
Search Query points:10 TOTAL POWER GUITAR 1.09 Teach yourself guitar quickly and easily. Learn chords, scales, and soloing. Total Power Guitar uses a unique style of teaching. You play music in the very first lesson, then learn to play chords, scales, songs, and ...
Search Query points:10 C-MAJOR CHORDS EXERCISES 8 Find and save list of chords. Basic chords A sheet. Suitable for beginners. Empty chord sheet An empty sheet of chords templates to print out and use. Find and save list of chords. Basic chords A sheet. Suitable for beginners. ...
Search Query points:10 GUITAR SCALES METHOD 1.1 If you want to master guitar scales, modes, and improvisation... on all chords, in all keys, all over the fretboard... effortlessly and without hesitation... then the GUITAR SCALES METHOD multimedia course will make your dream come true! This interactive software ...
Search Query points:10 MUSICEASE TRADITIONAL SONGBOOK FOR CHILDREN AND AD 1.00 Provides transposable sheet music for over 300 traditional kids and adult song classics. Transpose, print, and play. Optionally display chord names/fret diagrams, tablature, scale to different sizes and automatically reformat, re-arrange/delete verses, play with band accompaniment. Displays on ...
Search Query points:10 CHRISTIAN VIRTUAL HYMNAL 2.0 If your church uses the Celebration Hymnal, the Hymnal for Worship and Celebration, the 1991 Baptist Hymnal, the Lutheran Book of Worship, With One Voice, the 1989 United Methodist Hymnal or the 1990 Presbyterian Hymnal, the Christian Virtual Hymnal is ...
Search Query points:10 MIDI UTILITY V420 The program helps you (as any one) to accompany your melody tunes in just a few seconds. You need not (but not limit to) to enter the chord progression. The program will do it automatically. The program produces ...
Search Query points:5 REGAUDITOR 1.5 RegAuditor gives you a quick look at the Adware,malware and spyware installed on your computer including parasites and trojans. RegAuditor tells you by colored icons ( green icon - safe, yellow icon - unknown, red icon - harmful ) whether ...
Search Query points:5 DIRECT AUDIO CONVERTER AND CD RIPPER 1.5 Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper is a very useful tool to convert audio files between various audio formats and rip CD audio tracks directly to MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, FLAC, Monkey's Audio APE or MusePack MPC. You can convert ...
Search Query points:5 INALBUM LITE 1.5 InAlbum is a fun and easy to use software to turn your digital photos into a stunning photo album slideshow. InAlbum Lite helps you turn your digital photos into stunning photo albums. It's fun, quick, and easy. Simply start ...
Search Query points:5 HTML TEXT EXTRACTOR 1.5 If you're frustrated that a website has unselectable text or if you need to view some HTML that's been encrypted then this application is a must. HTML Text Extractor is the simplest and easiest way to view and save the ...
Search Query points:5 SPR POS (SUPER PACKED RESTAURANT POS SYSTEM) 3.01 So many details have to go just right to make your business a success. When there are 15 tables demanding their checks at once, employees calling in sick, and cases of meat disappearing from the kitchen, SPR POS for Restaurant© ...
Search Query points:5 7ART GRACEFUL HORSES SCREENSAVER 1.5 Do you love Horses? I do! Kind and sensitive, fast and furious, full of life horses are best friends of so many people. Let's run to meet the Wind and breath in the fresh air of Life together with the ...
Search Query points:5 ACCELMAN 3.0 AccelMan is a modern and uniquely multipurpose file manager: you can use it as a regular file manager; as an ACDSee-style images viewer, that supports 40+ formats; as a bookmarks storage; as a playlist editor; as a media player (23 ...
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