Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 6436 funded different chinese english chinese dictonary software programs. You can simply download any of chinese english chinese dictonary soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:130 POWERWORD: CHINESE ENGLISH DICTIONARY 5.5 PowerWord is designed for people learning or practicing Chinese at all levels. It is also a handy tool for Chinese to learn English. For beginners, PowerWord guides you word by word through explanations, examples, pronunciations and translations. For professionals, PowerWord ...
Search Query points:90 MB FREE CHINESE ZODIAC SOFTWARE 1.30 MB Free Chinese Zodiac Signs Software determines your Chinese zodiac sign from your date of birth based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar.This program gives a detailed interpretation of the sign you belong to according to Chinese Astrology. It gives ...
Search Query points:90 MB FREE CHINESE ZODIAC AND STAR SIGNS SOFTWARE 1.0 MB Free Chinese Zodiac and Star Signs Software is a combination of Chinese animal sign and sun sign interpretation software. This program finds out your animal sign and gives a detailed report of characteristics and features of your sign as ...
Search Query points:90 MB FREE CHINESE ASTROLOGY SOFTWARE 1.0 MB Free Chinese Astrology Software determines your Chinese zodiac sign or animal sign from your date of birth and also gives a reading based on the great powers of the Chinese Oracle known as the I Ching. It offers an ...
Search Query points:90 CHINESE CULTURE WINDOW(MUSIC) 1.0 It is a path for you know Chinese traditional music and Chinese Culture . Chinese traditional music is mystical, melodious and fascinating! you will have a tour of Chinese traditional music by this software.Are you ready? Abundant in file ...
Search Query points:90 MB FREE CHINESE ZODIAC SOFTWARE 1.0 MB Free Chinese Zodiac Signs Software determines your Chinese zodiac sign from your date of birth based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar.This program gives a detailed interpretation of the sign you belong to according to Chinese Astrology. It gives ...
Search Query points:80 CHINESE CHARACTER BIBLE 2.0 Learning Chinese is not as difficult as it sounds, only to master Chinese characters either patience OR a right tool is required. If you learn Chinese, you need to learn Chinese Character. If you learn Chinese Character, you need to ...
Search Query points:80 CHINESE SLIDING-BLOCK 2.74 A simple and interesting game derived from a story widely known in China about 1,800 years ago. At that time, China is in the age of Three Kingdoms. CaoCao ( The biggest block in centre ...
Search Query points:80 MONKEYKING CHINESE 1.5 MonkeyKing Chinese is for people who are serious about learning Chinese language. It's a simple, efficient, and comprehensive tool and designed for the beginners and senior learners to learn Chinese language and culture. Includes: 1, English-Chinese double language Dictionary. 2, ...
Search Query points:80 LEARN CHINESE AND SPEAK MANDARIN 2.7 Learn Chinese and Speak Mandarin is a revolutionary and award winning new system for learning Chinese designed by language experts. The program contains personalized lessons that give special attention to everyday language and pronunciation. Users have access to two different ...
Search Query points:80 LEARN CHINESE 2.32 You've known why to learn Chinese but have you found out an efficient and useful way to achieve your aim? Here it is! LEARN CHINESE 2.32. It focuses on studying spoken Chinese from which you also can learn Chinese character, ...
Search Query points:50 GOLD DICTIONARIES ENGLISH PPC 3.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language English with foreign languages German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. For PocketPC2003 & Mobile Edition! Also available for Windows and PalmOS! ...
Search Query points:50 GOLD DICTIONARIES ENGLISH PALMOS 2.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language English with foreign languages German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language Also available for Windows, WindowsCE, PocketPC and Mobile ...
Search Query points:50 CAFE ENGLISH 1.0 Cafe English is the world's biggest spoken English learning software. This huge software has 40 chapters spread in 6 CDs. Each chapter focuses on a specific part of your daily life. Rich multimedia content with tons of audio and video ...
Search Query points:50 SPECIAL ENGLISH SWEDISH WM5 4.0 TrueTerm Special English-Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Dictionary English-Swedish-English (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus English (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus Swedish (210,000 entries). Conjugation English (500,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation Swedish (500,000 conjugated forms). Editable dictionary with user ...
Search Query points:50 GOLD DICTIONARIES ENGLISH HPC 2.7 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language English with foreign languages German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. For HPC till PPC2002 only! ...
Search Query points:50 TELEPHONE ENGLISH 1 English is the language of business communication the world over. PublicSoft Telephone English will help you improve your communication over the phone by helping you speak better English on the telephone. You will learn key phrases and replies that are ...
Search Query points:50 GOLD DICTIONARIES ENGLISH WM5 4.0 7 dictionaries in one product! Source language English with foreign languages German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. Optionally additional languages can be integrated into ...
Search Query points:50 SPECIAL ENGLISH PORTUGUESE WM5 4.0 TrueTerm Special English-Portuguese. Each language combination contains two directions of translation (Portuguese and Brazilian). Dictionary English/Portuguese & Portuguese/English (over 600,000 entries). Thesaurus English (280,000 entries) and Thesaurus Portuguese (50,000 entries). Conjugation English (500,000 conjugated forms) and Conjugation Portuguese (1,000,000 conjugated ...
Search Query points:50 SUPERVERSION ENGLISH PPC 3.0 7 Dictionaries, 8 Thesauruses and 8 Conjugation in one product! Source language English with foreign languages German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Each language combination contains two directions of translation. Over 600.000 entries per language combination. For PocketPC2003 ...
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