Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1537 funded different c line counter visual studio plugin programs. You can simply download any of c line counter visual studio plugin soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 VISUAL INTEGRATION STUDIO Visual Integration Studio is a visual integration design environment for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data from any data source – to any data source using a simple drag and drop, property based interface. Plus, you can code any ...
Search Query points:80 HELP GENERATOR FOR VISUAL STUDIO 2005 2.2 HTML Help Generator for Visual Studio 2005 is the fastest way to add Help to your applications. Features HTML page and image generation, table of contents, index and search, images with hotspots and export to Word. The WYSIWYG wizard lets ...
Search Query points:80 PRACTILINE SOURCE CODE LINE COUNTER 1.0 Practiline Source Code Line Counter is a powerful source code line count software for developers and project managers. Ability to count code lines, comment lines and mixed code/comment lines in single files as well as entire directories. Preset (changeable) count ...
Search Query points:52 VISUAL BUILD PROFESSIONAL 6.0A Visual Build Pro is a tool that enables developers, software process engineers, and build specialists to create an automated, repeatable process for building their software. Visual Build provides built-in support for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET/2005, Visual Studio Team System, Visual ...
Search Query points:52 MP3 WAV STUDIO 5.94.60622 MP3 WAV Studio is an all-in-one solution for burning, ripping and playing of audio files. In addition, the program can also create, encode, decode and convert between MP3 and other formats. Additional features include jitter-correction for ripping of scratched CDs, ...
Search Query points:52 DELEAKER ADD-IN FOR VISUAL C++ 1.0 Deleaker is a helpful add-in for Visual C++ (VS 2003-2005) that lets you detect resource leaks in memory, GDI objects, handles, etc. Deleaker provides a full stack for all detected objects and allows you to easily localize them in the ...
Search Query points:52 DELEAKER ADD-IN FOR VISUAL C++ 1.2 Deleaker is a helpful add-in for Visual C++ (VS 2003-2005) that lets you detect resource leaks in memory, GDI objects, handles, etc. Deleaker provides a full stack for all detected objects and allows you to easily localize them in the ...
Search Query points:50 SHRINKURL.TO IE PLUGIN 1.0 Long URLs that don't fit on one line often aren't clickable after you e-mail them. They can also be tedious to type out on Web-enabled cellphones. Shrinks Long web addresses .to a much smaller one like ...
Search Query points:50 ASHAMPOO MUSIC STUDIO 3 3.10 Do you like music? Do you use a computer? Then you need Ashampoo Music Studio 3. This program always been a favorite of digital music fans and the latest version now includes everything you need to create, edit and manage ...
Search Query points:50 ANTENNA - WEB DESIGN STUDIO 1.6 Antenna enables you to design and develop great looking web sites rapidly. Using transparent layers and master pages, Antenna makes web site building a visual experience - more like using an art or desktop publishing package, instead of programming. ...
Search Query points:50 NATURE ILLUSION STUDIO 1.00 Transform your vacation pictures into living nature sceneries with Nature Illusion Studio. Nature Illusion Studio allows you to apply various effects such as water, weather, or sound effects on any image to emulate various natural phenomena. With the combination of ...
Search Query points:50 TOP PERL STUDIO 0.95 Top Perl Studio is an Integrated Development Environment for Perl, providing comprehensive and easy-to-use solution for editing, testing and deploying CGI/Perl based web applications. Top Perl Studio includes a built-in HTTP server which directly runs CGI/Perl code and an internal ...
Search Query points:50 VOICEMX STUDIO 4.0 VoiceMX STUDIO 4 is an advanced Text to Voice software that converts all types of Text to Voice via speech synthesis using a high quality speech engine . It can be used to text notes, documents, e-mails, e-books, web pages ...
Search Query points:50 WINDOWS STD SERIAL COMM LIB FOR VISUAL BASIC 4.2 Serial communication component VB (VB.NET) library for serial port communications. Controls multiple ports simultaneously; is fully thread safe, port re-entrant. Includes 34 functions plus modem control, ANSI emulation, ASCII/XMODEM/YMODEM protocols. Supports virtual ports (usb to serial, bluetooth serial); hardware/software flow ...
Search Query points:50 VISUAL WATERMARK SOFTWARE - PHOTO WATERMARKING SOFTWARE 2.6 Visual Watermark Software ... easy to use photo watermarking software ... visible watermarking software ... it places very strong watermarks no one can remove ... it can convert your photos to encrypted PDF ... you control the watermark placement precisely ...
Search Query points:50 AVELIFE TESTGOLD STUDIO 2.4 The powerful and stable tool for pre-employment screening, periodical certifications, training and retraining of your staff and students – from visual development of psychological and educational tests, assessments and surveys to testing and monitoring scores both on network and local ...
Search Query points:50 AUDIOCD MP3 STUDIO 3 3.0 Do you like music? Do you use a computer? Then you need Ashampoo AudioCD MP3 Studio 3. This program always been a favorite of digital music fans and the latest version now includes everything you need to create, edit and ...
Search Query points:50 BLUESKY INTEGRATION STUDIO 4.1 BlueSky Integration Studio is a visual integration design environment for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data from any data source – to any data source using a simple drag and drop, property based interface. Plus, you can code any ...
Search Query points:50 DAFX STUDIO 1.0 DAFX Studio is a professional audio enhancing studio for winamp and other soft-wares which support winamp DSP plugin. So far, it includes five main classes of audio processing modules: ◆1 "Audio Restoration", which has three parts, "DeClick", "DeHiss" and "DeNoise", ...
Search Query points:50 CAPTURE STUDIO 1.63 Screen capture and image editing tool that can auto-scroll and view web pages, or other documents, when capturing. Can capture full screen, menu, windows, object, ellipse, polygon, rectangle, fix rectangle, etc. Use this product to draw graphics, such as line, ...
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