Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 690 funded different c editors call tree programs. You can simply download any of c editors call tree soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 PLANT AND GROW YOUR MONEY TREE 1.0 If you'd like to plant and grow your very own Money Tree from home using your PC -- without having to sell your firstborn child to raise the capital -- this information may be critical to your online success. Why? ...
Search Query points:40 FILE TREE PRINTER 3.0.0 File Tree Printer is used to export directory or CD/DVD listings to a text file, which can be displayed, edited or printed by other programs such as Notepad, Wordpad, Microsoft Word. It is an easy to use and efficient tool ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED JAVA TREE MENU 3.8 With this feature packed and highly customisable Java Tree Menu quickly add great menu navigation aids to web sites, help systems, documentation, intranets and much more. Advanced yet both Easy and Quick to implement. No knowledge of java programming required ...
Search Query points:40 TREE NOTES 1.17 Tree Notes is a universal, very user friendly and powerful note manager that organizes your notes in a neat tree. You can use it as a planning tool, project management tool, personal information manager (PIM), to-do manager, journal ...
Search Query points:40 DELUXE TREE 1.0 Enhance your website with Deluxe JavaScript Tree Menu! Deluxe Tree is a professional solution that allows webmasters to create superior DHTML navigation systems for their web sites. JavaScript API to change your menu "on-the-fly", animation effects, floating, drag-n-drop, scrolling, XP ...
Search Query points:40 XCEED EDITORS FOR .NET 1.0 Provides customizable, modular editor controls for Windows Forms programmers. These controls can be combined to create unique ones with capabilities that surpass what is available in Visual Studio .NET. Developers can extend classes to create their own. The result is ...
Search Query points:40 FAMILY TREE PILOT 1.02 Family Tree is genealogy software that allows you to create an image of your family tree including personal photos. This software will help you to gather and organize information about your relatives. With this program you will be able to ...
Search Query points:40 TREE SERVICE 1.0 If you do any tree services, such as removal, pruning, chipping or any other such services, this software is for you. Nowyou can keep track of all past tree service jobs. You can tell what customer hires you the most, ...
Search Query points:40 AGELONG TREE 3.0.4 Agelong Tree is a computer program intended for building family trees, storing and displaying information about people and events in their lives. Agelong Tree has a wide spectrum of features: it automatically builds a family tree for any person, has ...
Search Query points:40 CALL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM 3.8 - A Call Accoungting System which is compatible with any PBX. The call detail record (CDR) can be programmed after installation and multiple CDR format can be used at the same time. - Support any call charge scheme and ...
Search Query points:40 VOICE CALL 4.2 Voice Call is an answering machine and telephone dialer with Caller ID and Speakerphone support. It will restore itself from the system tray on the ring of your phone and even can set Winamp on pause. Callers can ...
Search Query points:40 TREE MDI 3.65 Tree MDI is a GRML, CSV, and text delimited file and web browser. It reads, displays, edits, and saves content in all formats. As an MDI browser, it supports multiple browser windows. Each browser window has its own content ...
Search Query points:40 CALL CORDER 3.7 Call Corder records telephone conversations directly to your hard disk with a single push of button, optionally playing a legal disclaimer before recording (ideal for use in business environment). It stores calls as standard Windows sound files, adding a memo ...
Search Query points:40 CALL ACCOUNTING MATE 2.6.1 Call Accounting Mate is an industrial strength, fast and reliable call accounting software that can be used in institutions such as offices, hospitals, universities, and organizations that need to allocate telecom costs to various individuals, departments or cost centers. It ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED CALL CENTER 5.6 An advanced, yet simple-to-use phone answering machine for your voice modem. All the features you'd expect are supported: call monitoring and logging, Caller ID with pop-ups and voice alerts, "white" and "black" lists, customizable and personalized greetings, and conversation recording. ...
Search Query points:40 RED CALL RECORDER 1.0 Would you like to record phone calls ? 'Red Call Recorder 1.0' is the perfect way. When accepting a call, this program will immediately recognize the caller, than just click the button and start recording. You can pause, or continue ...
Search Query points:40 POMPOLIC : CALL FOR HEROES SCREENSAVER 1.0.0 Something different from the flying fish or floating windows logos as a screensaver. Based on images from 3D action/RPG game set in a fantasy world entitled: Pompolic: Call for Heroes. ...
Search Query points:22 CRYSTAL REVS FOR C 1.42 *** Understand Code in Less Time *** Reading a 50-line function or a 500-line function? View the flowchart first. You will save time. Comment-based flowcharts for a wider audience. Export flowcharts as .bmp or .jpg files and also to ...
Search Query points:22 CRYSTAL FLOW FOR C++ 1.42 *** Understand Code in Less Time *** Create Flowchart from Source Code with one click. Get a clear view of the code with flowcharts. Inherited legacy code? A new member of the team? You will be up to speed ...
Search Query points:22 CRYSTAL FLOW FOR C 1.42 Create Flowchart from Source Code with one click. Get a clear view of the code with Flowcharts. Inherited legacy code? A new member of the team? You will be up to speed in significantly less time. Export flowcharts as .bmp ...
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