Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 265 funded different brick 1.3 programs. You can simply download any of brick 1.3 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:145 QUICK BRICK 1.3 Quick Bricks is an original interpretation of legendary Collapse game. The aim of the game is to remove as many bricks from the board as possible. Click at the group of three or more bricks of the same color ...
Search Query points:40 QUICK BRICK 1.43 Quick Bricks is an original interpretation of legendary Collapse game. The aim of the game is to remove as many bricks from the board as possible. Click at the group of three or more bricks of the same color ...
Search Query points:10 ACKY'S XP BREAKOUT 1.0 Put your mind and reflexes to test in the ultimate game of brick busting. The graphics are a dynamic mesh of particle effects and object morphing to keep you mesmerized. The gameplay is enhanced by new power items ...
Search Query points:10 BALL ATTACK 1.15 Ball Attack is an Arkanoid/Breakout style game. Original solutions give a new twist to the classic "ball-and-bricks" concept. A number of unique elements that never before appeared in such games give Ball Attack absolutely fresh look and feel. The Ball ...
Search Query points:10 VISION BACKUP SERVER W/ MSSQL AND EXCHAN 10 Vision Backup Server w/MS SQL and Exchange is a robust backup and recovery tool designed to protect your "connected world". This is accomplished by enabling your organization to protect their entire network and remote branch offices through one single screen. ...
Search Query points:10 BONGOBOOGIE 1.5 Discover your next game addiction: Bongo Boogie! You'll go wild for manic monkeys and quirky coconuts in this next generation brick wall game for the whole family. Figure out funky symbols granting you G-Blast, an Extra Life or taking you ...
Search Query points:10 LODE RUNNER 1.5 Do you remember that classic game by Broderbund? The idea is simple: you control the hero who avoids the guards and collects all the treasure to move on to the next level. The hero cannot kill guards, but can dig ...
Search Query points:10 CHRISTMAS BOUND 1.0 The Bugs have stolen all christmas parcels from Santa Claus. Yello the little bouncing tennis ball tries to bring them back. This addicting christmas game has elements of Arkanoid (the brick busting game) but combined with puzzle solving and more ...
Search Query points:10 CRASH BALL 1.0 A revolutionary new take on an old classic. Try this unique brick breaker featuring never-before seen obstacles. Warp portals that teleport your ball around the screen. Black holes that distort its path and even moving bricks for the ultimate target ...
Search Query points:10 SUPER SMASHBALL 1.0 A new challenging Brick Busting game similar to the arcade classics Arkanoid and Breakout. Use your bat to launch a bouncing ball into a wall of bricks and destroy them. There are many styles of bricks to devastate, including shields, ...
Search Query points:10 MISS PACFISH 2.6 Everybody remembers MsPacMan from the early days that so many of us played over and over again. This awesome remake with unrivaled graphics, sound and game play will keep you up for hours. Extremely addictive and very challenging. As we ...
Search Query points:10 HYPERBALLOID COMPLETE EDITION 1.21 Hyperballoid Complete Edition is a highly addictive arkanoid game of new generation. It captures you from the first level and keeps on the edge of your seat until the very end. Check out absolutely new levels with three different brick ...
Search Query points:10 LODE RUNNER 1.0 Do you remember that classic game by Broderbund? The idea is simple: you control the hero who avoids the guards and collect all the treasure to move on to the next level. The hero cannot kill guards, but can dig ...
Search Query points:10 BALL ATTACK 1.10 Ball Attack is an Arkanoid/Breakout style game. Original solutions give a new twist to the classic "ball-and-bricks" concept. A number of unique elements that never before appeared in such games give Ball Attack absolutely fresh look and feel. The Ball ...
Search Query points:5 REGFIX MANTRA 2.1 With due course of time, Windows Registry gets effected due to newer software installations, uninstallation, Adwares, spywares, Trojans, viruses etc. These changes generate inconsistencies in the Windows registry. The inconsistencies may be of varied nature like Empty keys, false uninstall ...
Search Query points:5 EDONKEY2000 LITE 1.3 eDonkey2000 Lite is modified version of the original eDonkey2000. This is special pro edition without banners and installer doesn't include bundled adware. In this version you have unlimited upload/download ratios. This version also includes The BitTorrent Plugin. ...
Search Query points:5 SIZEPOPUP 1.3 This software allows you sending short texts in computers networks (LAN/WAN). It's similar to the WinPopup, unfortunately win2000 and XP haven't got the WinPopup. Communication is based on a TCP/IP protocol.SizePopup has easy list of users and their IP addresses. ...
Search Query points:5 EAHIDE ADV 1.3 EAHide Pro is a kind of software which is used for anti-spam on the web. The system makes the e-mail address shown as hidden messages in the web codes by encoding the e-mail address on the appointed webs. While it ...
Search Query points:5 SILVER INVENTORY SYSTEM 1.6.2 Silver Inventory System is a complete inexpensive system for management of sales, purchases and payments. This system will help you in creation invoices, sale orders, purchase orders, receiving lists, payment receipts, product labels with bar codes and ...
Search Query points:5 KGB 1.3 KGB'secrets Advanced MultiUser Contest Edition. Self-development game KGB'secrets is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your general attention, visual memory, multiple objects tracking, logics, visual processing speed, short term (working) memory, to increase your ...
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