Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 30 funded different blowsearch secured programs. You can simply download any of blowsearch secured soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:180 BLOWSEARCH SECURED MESSENGER 2.1.0 With BSM, you can communicate with all of your buddies from AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, and ICQ with just one unified program. Everything you type in AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, or ICQ is easily readable by malicious computer ...
Search Query points:10 ATLANTIS WORD PROCESSOR Atlantis is an innovative, no-nonsense word processor carefully designed with the end-user in mind. Compact, fast-loading, but still powerful and efficient, Atlantis will be the perfect companion for a wide range of your word processing tasks, - from simple to ...
Search Query points:10 DIGITAL DIARY Digital Diary is a tool to write your diaries every day without needing to write your stuff in text files (ie. Notepad). Also it comes with new features which help you to organize your time and minimize your effort. ...
Search Query points:10 CYBERSCRUB KEYCHAIN 1.0 Manage ALL Passwords with One Phrase. When you log on to KeyChain with your Master Pass Phrase you will have instant access to all of your password protected websites. Select your destination from a special list you have created- then ...
Search Query points:10 M9P EDITOR PLUS 1.0 m9P Editor Plus is a complete rich text editor that builds rich text executables using DERT. You can use it as rich text to web page or text to PDF converter. Also, Text To Speech is supported. A unique solution ...
Search Query points:10 ZIPWORX SECUREEXE 3.0 ZipWorx SecureEXE is an Advanced Protection Program System for Executables. ZipWorx SecureEXE Encapsulates Program Executables with a special loader that offers many benefits. Once the program is encapsulated the original executable file is no longer 'visible' on disk and is ...
Search Query points:10 GRANTHAALOK: THE BOOK-LIBRARY MANAGER 1.0 Granthaalok is meant for managing in a password-proteced secured way the book-lending & book-returning information of a small library, such as someone's personal (books & discs) collection, a neighborhood library or the mini-library in an academic department. (It doesn't take ...
Search Query points:10 DATASAFE PS NET 3.0 Backup, store and archive your data to a safe and secure location of your choice. DataSafe PS Net will backup all the data of your choosing and prevent its loss due to hardware failure, natural catastrophe or user experience. It ...
Search Query points:10 POKERSTARS 2.00 Download Pokerstars and enjoy a special 100% sign up bonus on first deposit. Poker Stars host 20,000+ at any given time. Poker stars is considered to be #1 in online poker tournaments. PokerStars offer World's best heads-up-action, Good volume in ...
Search Query points:10 ONLINE POKER 1.6 Download Onilne Poker and get 100% bonus up to $100. Join thousands of players and play for fun or for real money. Online Poker offers Limit / No Limit Poker Tournaments, Sit&Go, Ring games & Daily Texas Holdem Freerolls. ...
Search Query points:10 INSISTSOFT SSL VPN SERVER 1.0 Insistsoft SSL VPN Server is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPN software solution for Windows. It builds a Virtual Private Network on Internet in minutes. No client hardware or software needs to be installed. With Insistsoft SSL VPN Server software installed, ...
Search Query points:10 POKER STARS 2.00 Download Poker Stars and enjoy a special 100% sign up bonus on first deposit. Poker Stars host 20,000+ at any given time. Poker stars is considered to be #1 in online poker tournaments. Poker Stars offer Good volume in all ...
Search Query points:10 DIGITAL VAULT What would happen if your computer was lost, stolen or hacked? Computers can be replaced, but often the information they contain is valuable and confidential. Hackers and identity thieves are finding ever more clever ways to hack into systems and ...
Search Query points:10 PCPAL 1.0.1026 PCPal is a free easy-to-use tool that helps you maintain your PC optimized and secured by detecting and solving problems. PCPal monitors your PC, notifies you about important issues, and suggests fix solutions. Additionally, PCPal provides you with a 1-click ...
Search Query points:10 CORNOLIUS DATABASE APPLICATION 1.2 Cornolius Database Application enables you to build database structures based on primary-foreign key concepts. The program is equipped with a database wizard to help you build databases. So even though you may not be familiar with the steps to build ...
Search Query points:10 ABC LOCK 1.6 ABC Lock is a highly performed files security software that can hide or encrypt any number of files, folders and documents in seconds. Folders and files are protected with a password when you login the ABC Lock program . Protected ...
Search Query points:10 PIVO SSH COMPONENT 1.01 Pivo SSH was developed for commercial organization for securing remote shell access. The protocol supports compression and tunneling multiple TCP connections over one secured connection. Pivo SSH supports various authentication schemes such as password-based, public key or keyboard-interactive, allowing the ...
Search Query points:10 1 CLICK ENCRYPT FILE FOLDER ENCRYPTION 1.4.1 1 Click Encrypt is a highly secure encryption utility that brings military strength encryption power at your fingertips, assuring that your files, folders are secured and protected from intruders and spies. You can use this product to encrypt or securely ...
Search Query points:10 AKENI SECURE MESSAGING - EXPERT EDITION 2.1 Akeni Secure Messaging - Expert Edition, is a secured client/server instant message solution for business. It supports standard messaging features such as chat, conference (group chat), notification, and file transfer, and a feature rich client. Expert Messenger is easy to ...
Search Query points:10 LUCIDLINK WIRELESS CLIENT 2.2 LucidLink Wireless Client is easy to use & solves problems Wi-Fi users face connecting to different WiFi networks. Automatically detects network security settings, alerts for incompatible settings and provides instructions for resolving them, ensuring that users establish connectivity. Detects and ...
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