Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 14011 funded different block user from sharefolder xp programs. You can simply download any of block user from sharefolder xp soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:55 MAGIC BLOCK 2.3 Magic Block is an addictive Tetris-style arcade logic game. It requires from the gamer rapid response and an ability to take right decisions without long thinking. The colored blocks are constantly falling onto the playing field, and you have to ...
Search Query points:55 FIND 'N' BLOCK PERSONAL FIREWALL 3.0 Find 'n' Block Personal Firewall is designed to prevent outsiders from accessing your network. This software is made to evaluate each connection request as it is received. All connections requests from unauthorized applications are blocked. The software accomplish this by ...
Search Query points:50 PUBLIC SHAREFOLDER FOR OUTLOOK 1.2 Share Outlook without Exchange. Shared calendars, shared contacts, shared inbox. Public ShareFolder makes it possible for several users to connect simultaneously the same Outlook PST files with full access and rights for read and write for all connected users. To ...
Search Query points:45 USER MANAGER PRO 6.01.05040 Rapid mass management of security on servers/workstations Allows system administrators to report on and make global changes to local user credentials, groups, rights, registry settings, and more across an entire network in a single operation. ...
Search Query points:45 USER TIME CONTROL 2.1 User Time Control Center lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits. You can schedule time intervals and the number of ...
Search Query points:45 RENTBOSS SINGLE USER 3.14 RentBoss is the only property management software for individual landlords with a built-in lease agreement organizer. This brainlessly simple, affordable and feature-packed tool tracks tenants, rental properties, incomes, expenses, etc. RentBoss comes with a wealth of Wizards, Reports, Work Order/To ...
Search Query points:45 BUG TRACKING/DEFECT TRACKING UNLIMITED USER LICENSE 2.5 Bug Tracker is an application for bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking, and managing bugs during software testing stage. Auto task assignment helps assign bugs to the proper developer. You can use the powerful filter with AND, OR operator and ...
Search Query points:45 USER MONITOR 2.01 The User Monitor is a program that performs hidden monitoring of a user's actions. The User Monitor controls all of the user's actions that were performed on the computer, it also provides information about the time spent on the computer, ...
Search Query points:45 BLOCK WEB SITE BUDDY 3.22 Block Web Site Buddy is an essential software to block web sites that have unwanted content. Stop downloading advertising banners and get rid of undesired web sites to keep your privacy and reduce internet traffic. Block Web Site Buddy ...
Search Query points:45 BUG TRACKING/DEFECT TRACKING 10 USER LICENSE 2.5 Bug Tracker is an application for bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking, and managing bugs during software testing stage. Auto task assignment helps assign bugs to the proper developer. You can use the powerful filter with AND, OR operator and ...
Search Query points:45 RENTBOSS SINGLE USER 3.6 RentBoss is the only property management software for individual landlords with a built-in lease agreement organizer. This brainlessly simple, affordable and feature-packed tool tracks tenants, rental properties, incomes, expenses, etc. RentBoss comes with a wealth of Wizards, Reports, Work Order/To ...
Search Query points:45 BUG TRACKING/DEFECT TRACKING SINGLE USER LICENSE 2.5 Bug Tracker is a high-performance bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking tool for project managemnet during software development and software testing stage. The auto task assignment makes it easy for you to assign the bugs to the proper developer automatically ...
Search Query points:45 NETDOG BLOCK PORN V3.8 NetDog Porn blocker,block porn websites on the internet easily! Special Intelligent content Filtering Engine block porn websites on the Internet. The content filtering engine examines in real-time all the data (such as Web sites, e-mails, net chat contents, FTP, ...
Search Query points:40 BLOCK BOMBER 1.0 An explosive puzzle game. Use your mouse to locate matches in a constantly changing grid of blocks and bombs. Find matches quickly to get multiplier bonus points. Use the bombs to scramble the game board. If ...
Search Query points:35 MAX SECURE SPYWARE DETECTOR 6.1 Spyware Detector is the only product in the market today which not only scans and removes Spyware but also blocks them from installing on your PC. It has the following features: Scans for spyware Removes spyware Recovers spyware Excludes spyware ...
Search Query points:35 FLASHCOMS COMMUNITY CHAT 3.5 Community Chat is a feature-rich, multi-room cross-platform web chat application. Community Chat can be installed to any web server both under unix/windows platform and does not require any additional software. The Chat can be integrated with web site users database ...
Search Query points:35 SPAMSTOPUP PE SpamStopUp is an e-mail filter that effectively blocks unwanted junk e-mail messages. It filters mail on the fly, working unnoticeably to the user. You can precisely define filtering methods and forget about junk e-mail messages clogging your inbox. SpamStopUp supports ...
Search Query points:35 QMAILFILTER 1.2 QMailFilter is an easy-to-use Microsoft Outlook add-on designed to provide an advanced intelligent protection against spammers, viruses, unsolicited emails and dangerous HTML code (Web-bugs). QMailFilter uses Bayesian filtering technology that identifies about 99% of incoming spam messages and it contains ...
Search Query points:35 PROGRAM SELECTOR PRO 2000/XP 4.3 Program Selector Pro 2000/XP is a computer security program that provides access control and usage management. When installed, it replaces the standard Windows 2000/XP user interface (task bar, Start button, and icons) with a convenient user configurable list box ...
Search Query points:35 1 FIREWALL 1.0 1 Firewall is the no. 1 firewall system for your Windows computer, that can monitor your network activity, block and alert you about unathorized publishers, protect your privacy! 1Firewall lets you be in control of everything happening in your network. ...
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