Softfreedownload showing you best 22 of 22 funded different blackberry viewers programs. You can simply download any of blackberry viewers soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 ABC AMBER BLACKBERRY CONVERTER 1.04 ABC Amber BlackBerry Converter is a very useful tool that converts messages and contacts from IPD (BlackBerry backup) files to any document format (PDF, HTML, CHM, RTF, HLP, TXT, DOC, MDB, XLS, etc.) easily and quickly. All you have to ...
Search Query points:40 BLACKBERRY DATABASE VIEWER PLUS 1.0 View and sync Microsoft Access, Excel, Foxpro,Oracle, SQL Server or any ODBC enabled database on BlackBerry.Update data on BlackBerry. Make a phone call from transferred database. Features: Make a phone call for the selected field's numeric contents, which will be ...
Search Query points:40 ABC AMBER BLACKBERRY CONVERTER 3.06 ABC Amber BlackBerry Converter is a very useful tool that converts messages and contacts from IPD (BlackBerry backup) files to any document format (PDF, HTML, CHM, RTF, HLP, TXT, DOC, MDB, XLS, etc.) easily and quickly. All you have to ...
Search Query points:40 BLACKBERRY DATABASE VIEWER 1.0 BlackBerry Database Viewer will help you to view the contents of your desktop databases like MS Access, FoxPro, dBase, Excel and any ODBC Compliant Database like Oracle, SQL Server on BlackBerry through the USB cable. It has two components: One ...
Search Query points:10 EYESPYFX MAGELLAN 1.0 Broadcast your web cam from home or work, view from anywhere. View via WWW or mobile phone. Camera listings show only live cameras.Full password privacy protection. No requirement for a web page or FTP. Works with fixed or dynamically assigned ...
Search Query points:10 AUTORUN CD 4.07 Enhance your Autorun CDs by adding a Welcome Message, Screen Background, Splash Screen, License Agreement, Install Viewers. Either open one file, or let user select file(s) to open. With file selection dialog, user can open files in subfolders, ...
Search Query points:10 EF COMMANDER 5.50 File manager, easy to use, full customized (colors, fonts, columns, keys, icons, etc.), tabbed interface, fast FTP client, link to PDAs with WinCE, multirenamer, internal packers, internal viewers, burn on CD/DVD, internal text and HEX editors, synchronize function, encode/decode UUE, ...
Search Query points:10 IMAGEBOX 1.01 ImageBox - your friends and colleagues will appreciate it! It creates a slide show of your photos, images and music as stand alone EXE. Do you find it difficult to share your photos with your friends? How wonderful it would ...
Search Query points:10 EXIFVIEWER 1.01 Every digital photo has some extended information, like ImageDescription, Model, Orientation, Copyright, Flash, ExposureTime, UserComment. It's not shown by ordinary viewers. EXIFViewer deals with just this kind of information. The utility helps you to sort, move or copy photos using ...
Search Query points:10 PARABEN'S CASE AGENT COMPANION 1.0 Paraben's Case Agent Companion is designed to optimize both the time of the forensic examiner and the agent working a case. Built in viewers for over 225 file formats, searching, and reporting make Case Agent Companion the most comprehensive forensic ...
Search Query points:10 SPACE HOUND 4 4.0.1718 Sniff out wasted space with The Best Duplicate File Finder available. Space Hound 4 eliminates duplicate and unused files that are cluttering up your hard drive and causing problems. Make your operations faster because your system doesn't have to ...
Search Query points:10 WWW-SHARP 1.20 www-Sharp is program for wysiwyg web-design and creating server-side and client-side HTML applications. It includes powerful HTML editor, XML editor, tools for creating HTML help applications, .Net IDE, viewers for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), Active Directory Services (ADS), Databases, Script ...
Search Query points:10 EF COMMANDER 5.74 File manager, easy to use, full customized (colors, fonts, columns, keys, icons, etc.), tabbed interface, fast FTP client, link to PDAs with WinCE, multirenamer, internal packers, internal viewers, burn on CD/DVD, internal text and HEX editors, synchronize function, encode/decode UUE, ...
Search Query points:10 POCKETLEARN VIEWER FOR WINDOWS 1.0 PocketLearn Viewers run on a variety of devices, including mobile phones, Pocket PCs, and Windows PCs. They are used to view HTML based PocketLearn content files that can be created using both free and commercial tools available from ...
Search Query points:10 MOBILEADMIN 2.0 MobileAdmin is a set of tools for the monitoring and control of servers and applications specially designed for operating through mobile devices (Mobile phones, Smartphones, PDA, etc.). MobileAdmin has a clients both for mobile devices (including RIM BlackBerry) and for ...
Search Query points:10 REMOTE DESKTOP FOR MOBILES 2.0 Remote Desktop for Mobiles is a communication tool that gives you the unique ability to connect to your desktop computer through mobile devices and interact with it remotely. You can use this software with almost all currently popular mobile phones ...
Search Query points:10 ABIDIA WIRELESS EBAY FOR SMARTPHONE 3.0.2 Abidia Wireless enhances the eBay auction platform with effortless anytime anywhere access from wireless handheld devices and mobile phones; featuring customizable real-time synchronization with eBay accounts, wireless searching, cached browsing, wireless bidding, and the ability to effortlessly manage auction listings ...
Search Query points:10 DEVICE SEIZURE 1.0 Forensically analyze PDA & cell phone data. Supports Palm, Windows CE/Mobile, BlackBerry, & Psion devices as well as certain Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Siemens, LG, Samsung, & Symbian based phone models. Also supports GSM SIM card aqcuisition. Focuses on the ...
Search Query points:10 ABC AMBER IPD MERGER 1.03 ABC Amber IPD Merger is the award-winning, powerful tool that allows you to easily merge a number of IPD (BlackBerry Backup) files into a single IPD file. The software supports more than 50 languages and can be run from a ...
Search Query points:10 BIFROST INVENTORY MANAGEMENT 1.0 Bifrost Inventory Management is an easy-to-use tool. The user-friendly interface let you easily and quickly organize your household possessions. Bifrost Inventory Management record and store the details of your personal property. It lists name, category of item, status of item, ...
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