Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 345 funded different blackberry spell check programs. You can simply download any of blackberry spell check soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 JAVASCRIPT SPELL CHECK 1.2 JavaScript Spell Check is the spell checking component for JavaScript. JavaScript Spell Check extends your Website: A Pop-Up Spell Checker Window similar to that in Microsoft Word. This is ideal for spell checking website forms and data entry; Ajax ...
Search Query points:80 ASP SPELL CHECK 1.8 ASP Spell Check provides an Spellchecker component for Microsoft ASP (VBScript) . Word-processor style spell checking installs in minutes. Provides spelling validation for HTML Website Forms, Content management (CMS), Browser HTML Editors and Intranets. HTML and XHTML ...
Search Query points:80 JAVASCRIPT SPELL CHECK 1.4 JavaScript Spell Check is the spell checking component for JavaScript. JavaScript Spell Check extends your Website: A Pop-Up Spell Checker Window similar to that in Microsoft Word. This is ideal for spell checking website forms and data entry; Ajax ...
Search Query points:80 SPELL CHECK ANYWHERE 4.0H Add spell checking to virtually all Windows programs. Includes 16 professional langauge dictionaries such as Medical, Legal, German, Italian, Spanish, Finnish, Swedish, Dutch, British, Canadian English, Danish, and etc. Adds spell checking to 1,000s of Applications including all Outlook Express, ...
Search Query points:80 ASP SPELL CHECK 1.62 ASP Spell Check provides an Spellchecker component for Microsoft ASP (VBScript) . Word-processor style spell checking installs in minutes. Provides spelling validation for HTML Website Forms, Content management (CMS), Web-mail, Browser WYSIWYG HTML editors and Intranet applications. HTML ...
Search Query points:50 DELPHI SPELL CHECKER PRO 1.23 Delphi Spell Checker PRO, award-winning Spell Checking Add-in for Borland Delphi 6-7. Check Spelling in forms, hints, TStrings and captions in 18 languages, using 26 dictionaries, right in your Delphi 6-7 IDE. Delphi Spell Checker PRO integrates directly into the ...
Search Query points:50 DELPHI SPELL CHECKER 1.22 Delphi Spell Checker is the first Spell Checking Add-in for Delphi. Check Spelling in forms, hints, TStrings and captions in 18 languages, using 26 dictionaries, right in your Delphi 5-7 IDE. Delphi Spell Checker integrates directly into the IDE ...
Search Query points:40 ABC AMBER BLACKBERRY CONVERTER 1.04 ABC Amber BlackBerry Converter is a very useful tool that converts messages and contacts from IPD (BlackBerry backup) files to any document format (PDF, HTML, CHM, RTF, HLP, TXT, DOC, MDB, XLS, etc.) easily and quickly. All you have to ...
Search Query points:40 ACTIVEURLS CHECK&GET - WEB-MONITOR, BOOKMARK MANAGER AND WEB-PAGE ARCHIVER 3.0.0 Web-Monitor, Bookmark Manager, Web Capture Tool and Web-Page Archiver. Checks web sites for updates and notifies you of changes. Automatically captures changed web pages and highlights the new content. Manages bookmarks, detects dead links and duplicates. Imports, exports and synchronizes ...
Search Query points:40 CHECK IF URL EXISTS (IS VALID) SOFTWARE 7.0 Verify links (URLs) to see if web sites are still active. This program can extract the links inside a web page and check if those links exist as well. You have the option to save the valid or invalid links ...
Search Query points:40 STAR CHECK WRITER 1.00 Star Check Writer is a simple yet powerful application program used to make the process of printing your checks fast and easy. It prints on your own personal checks. Stop hand writing your checks, you have a computer and printer, ...
Search Query points:40 M6.NET PR QUICK CHECK 1.00 The M6.Net PR Quick Check is a extremely easy to use, free Page Rank checker tool that allows you to check the PR of a page or a web site and compare it with the previous PR of the same ...
Search Query points:40 CHECK PRINTING CHEQUE EXPRESS SYSTEM 5.6 More than a cheque writer, Cheque Express System provides a complete cheque printing and management solution. If you need to print a lot of cheques and envelopes, you must try our this cheque printing system. Cheque Express System ...
Search Query points:40 BLACKBERRY DATABASE VIEWER 1.0 BlackBerry Database Viewer will help you to view the contents of your desktop databases like MS Access, FoxPro, dBase, Excel and any ODBC Compliant Database like Oracle, SQL Server on BlackBerry through the USB cable. It has two components: One ...
Search Query points:40 ACTIVEURLS CHECK&GET - WEB-MONITOR, BOOKMARK MANAGER AND WEB-PAGE ARCHIVER 3.0.0 Web-Monitor, Bookmark Manager, Web Capture Tool and Web-Page Archiver. Checks web sites for updates and notifies you of changes. Automatically captures changed web pages and highlights the new content. Manages bookmarks, detects dead links and duplicates. Imports, exports and synchronizes ...
Search Query points:40 BLACKBERRY DATABASE VIEWER PLUS 1.0 View and sync Microsoft Access, Excel, Foxpro,Oracle, SQL Server or any ODBC enabled database on BlackBerry.Update data on BlackBerry. Make a phone call from transferred database. Features: Make a phone call for the selected field's numeric contents, which will be ...
Search Query points:40 ABC AMBER BLACKBERRY CONVERTER 3.06 ABC Amber BlackBerry Converter is a very useful tool that converts messages and contacts from IPD (BlackBerry backup) files to any document format (PDF, HTML, CHM, RTF, HLP, TXT, DOC, MDB, XLS, etc.) easily and quickly. All you have to ...
Search Query points:40 GAME CONFIG CHECK 1.0 check your pc configuration for games ...
Search Query points:20 NOTEMAGIC Ever wonder why such a wimpy text editor shipped with Windows? Why Notepad has no features? How do you spell check a text document? How do you open more than 1 text file at a time? How do you open ...
Search Query points:20 HEYDOC! 060501.080 Enter personal general health information in addition to specific information about, weight, blood pressure, sodium intack, pain level, prescriptions, allergic reactions, emergency contact information, cholesterol levels, fever pedomter counts, menstruel tracking, glucose level, blood type, perscription tracking, organ donor, vitamines ...
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