Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 995 funded different battery win size programs. You can simply download any of battery win size soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 LAPTOP BATTERY MONITOR 1.0 Laptop Battery Monitor, is an intelligent laptop battery monitoring software. It accurately displays an estimated time, until your battery will discharge, or fully charge. You no longer have to worry on how much battery power you have left, when you ...
Search Query points:40 MS ACCESS FILE SIZE REDUCE SOFTWARE 7.0 Shrink, trim, decrease, compress the filesize of your big MS Access files. Some Access files do not reduce as well as others so results may vary. You must have Access installed on your machine. ...
Search Query points:40 VIEW FOLDER SIZE PRO 4.15 View Folder Size Pro is the newest version of a slim add-on utility for Windows platforms. This highly configurable application enables you to view total file and folder size details directly in Windows Explorer without having to switch to another ...
Search Query points:40 MS WORD FILE SIZE REDUCE SOFTWARE 7.0 Shrink, trim, decrease, compress the filesize of your big Word documents. Some Word files do not reduce as well as others so results may vary. ...
Search Query points:40 ATOMIC WEBPAGE SIZE CALCULATOR 1.01 Atomic WebPage Size Calculator is a Webpage size and download speed calculator. Use it to ensure that visitors to your website are not waiting too long to download your pages. If they are, then they are most likely leaving before ...
Search Query points:40 POCKETPC BATTERY MONITOR 1.0 Battery power information is an essential feature on the PocketPC and very important for people depending on their PocketPC's, and not only. PocketPC Battery Monitor, displays battery info on your PocketPC Today screen. An intelligent algorithm accurately calculates the ...
Search Query points:20 FSUM 2.51 Free command line utility for file multi-checksum generation and verification. It allows to create/verify popular file hashes/checksums: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2(256,384,512), RIPEMD-160, PANAMA, TIGER, CRC-32, ADLER32, and the message digest used in eMule/eDonkey (ed2k) software. Its most common use ...
Search Query points:20 ISLAND PAI GOW POKER 1.0 Many palms, the sun and the beach make an exotic background; nice music and excellent graphics of the game Island Pai Gow Poker win a favor right away. While playing the novice and the man who is an expert in ...
Search Query points:20 NETWORK CLIPBOARD FOR WINDOWS - 128bit Secure. - Clipboard Viewer: view your clipboards content, save images to BMP, JPG, GIF formats with several options, saves text content to file, send text content to keyboard to emulate keystrokes (i.e.: saves time when have to enter ...
Search Query points:20 ARPCACHE VIEWER 1.01.01 ARPCache is a secret, undocumented section of the registry used to store information for Add/Remove Program items in the latest versions of Windows. If you open Add/Remove Programs in the newer versions of Windows, you will notice that certain information ...
Search Query points:10 MP3RESIZER 1.1 MP3Resizer is designed to optimize the capacity of your portable music player by reducing the size of MP3 files. This is especially useful when listening to MP3 files on a mobile phone, MP3 player, Pocket PC, etc. Portable MP3 players ...
Search Query points:10 WORD TO PDF CONVERTER 3.0 Word to PDF Converter is the fast, affordable way to create professional-quality documents in the popular PDF file format. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create PDF files by simply click the "Save as PDF" button from MS Word, ...
Search Query points:10 OPEN VIDEO CAPTURE 1.0 Open Video Capture can capture video from webcam, TV Tuner card, digital video, digital camera and other capture devices. It can set video compression codec and audio compression codec, output frame size and frame rate. It also snapshots pictures with ...
Search Query points:10 RFFLOW PROFESSIONAL FLOWCHARTING 5.02 RFFlow is the ideal program for creating a wide variety of flowcharts, organization charts, and diagrams for education, business, and industry. It's easy to draw and edit charts with RFFlow. Simply drag a shape from a stencil to ...
Search Query points:10 INTERNETFILESIZE 3.51 Haven't you ever met with http:// or ftp:// links with unknown file size. Sometimes, file size is determined incorrectly. But now it is a not problem with InternetFileSize. Now you can easily determine file size, type and modification date in ...
Search Query points:10 SXBANDMASTER 0.92 BUILD SXBandMaster is hi-tech multifunctional application that act at the same time as: ISP Dialer, Download Manager (FTP, HTTP), Offline Browser for websites (with JavaScript interpreter) and FTP-sites, FTP Upload Application, Mail Agent and Time Synchronizer. In the first build of ...
Search Query points:10 COFFEECUP RSS NEWS FLASH 4.5 Add your own news to your Website or news from Yahoo, CNN, and CNET using Flash. Use RSS News Flash to announce news and link to other pages. Save space while improving the look and feel of your site. Take ...
Search Query points:10 PRINT CENSOR PROFESSIONAL 4.7 Spending too much money on paper, printer servicing, ink and cartridges? Employees printing e-mails, articles and food recipes from the Internet? Eliminate unnecessary expenses by installing Print Censor and setting individual printing quotas. You can also gather statistics ...
Search Query points:10 ADSEN FAVICON 1.0 Adsen FavIcon is a simple favion freeware creator that lets people make a fav icon for their website, which shows up in IE's favorites. It can use either bmp or jpg files, and will convert them to ico format using ...
Search Query points:10 MULTI CAM PRO 2.0 2.0 Watch up to 24 webcams simultaneously! Save any new pictures! Click on a webcam's thumbnail to view it full size! Even use a webcam as your screensaver!Features: * Automatically downloads webcam images * Can watch up to 24 webcams simultaneously ...
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