Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1330 funded different Batch Replacer 3.0 programs. You can simply download any of Batch Replacer 3.0 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:185 BATCH REPLACER 3.0 Batch Replacer is a multi-string search-and-replace filter necessary for webmasters, programmers and everybody who is concerned with computers. Both text and binary files can be processed by the program. Many options are available. That utility allows to search and replace ...
Search Query points:80 BATCH REPLACER FOR MS POWERPOINT 1.0 Batch Replacer for MS PowerPoint is a utility which helps you perform multi-replacement operations in MS PowerPoint files with the help of an MS Excel list. It can really save a great deal of time: no need to open each ...
Search Query points:80 BATCH REPLACER FOR MS WORD 1.6 Batch Replacer for MS Word is an utility which helps to make a multi-replacement operations in MS Word files with the help of the MS Excel list. It can really save a great deal of time: no need to open ...
Search Query points:80 BATCH REPLACER FOR MS EXCEL 1.4 Batch Replacer for MS Excel is an utility which helps to make a multi-replacement operations in MS Excel files with the help of the MS Excel list. It can really save a great deal of time: no need to open ...
Search Query points:50 CIAN TEXT REPLACER 2.01 CiAN Text Replacer 2.01 is a powerful and easy-to-use Mass Text Replacement utility, these are our most important features: - Batch unlimited text replacements on a single process and works over one file or entire folders at the same ...
Search Query points:50 CIAN TEXT REPLACER 3.80 Save time and money with this Mass Text Replacement Utility, belown are detailed the most highlight features : - Batch unlimited text replacements on a single process. - Import large list of replace rules from CSV files. - Works over ...
Search Query points:45 AP PDF TO HTML BATCH CONVERTER 3.0 AP PDF to HTML Batch Converter is a useful pdf tool, the converter produces fully functional HTML documents with text,pictures,graphics,table,links and bookmarks, using the original PDF document formatting, and it is more suitable for Internet publishing. thus exposing their content ...
Search Query points:45 PDF TO HTML BATCH CONVERTER FOR COMMAND LINE 3.0 AP PDF to HTML Batch Converter is a useful pdf tool, the converter produces fully functional HTML documents with text,pictures,graphics,table,links and bookmarks, using the original PDF document formatting, and it is more suitable for Internet publishing. thus exposing their content ...
Search Query points:40 BATCH IT! ULTRA 3.96 Batch It! Ultra is an automated Batch Imaging Editor which allows you to resize, rename, rotate, slice, create thumbnail galleries, add captions, acquire images from scanner and more. It Load JPEG, JPEG 2000, BMP, TIFF, PCX, PNG, TGA, ...
Search Query points:40 BATCH IMAGE COMMANDER 1.38 Batch Image Commander is a batch image processor made for command line operation and as a System Tray Icon application for timer based operation. Batch Image Commander allows you to create thumbnails, add text captions, rotate images, resize images, add ...
Search Query points:40 MS POWERPOINT PPT TO PDF BATCH CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Convert multiple Powerpoint presentations into PDF format without Adobe Acrobat. ...
Search Query points:40 BATCH IT! 4.66 Batch It! is an automated Batch Imaging Editor which allows you to resize, rename, add captions, add watermark, add drop shadow and more. It is a must-have tool for webmasters and digital photographers alike. It supports convert between ...
Search Query points:40 BATCH FAX2JPEG 2.00 Batch Fax2JPEG is a fax to jpeg converter able to convert variuos fax to jpeg in batches, such as: 1) Convert APRO, MightyFax apf fax to jpeg files; 2) Convert MS awd fax to jpeg files (on win2000/xp); 3) ...
Search Query points:40 PHOTOX BATCH WATERMARK CREATOR 1.3.0 Avoid unauthorized use of your product photos. Stamp your product photos with watermark. You can add text or image watermark. The watermark can be set into different position of the photo. It can also be aligned diagonally on the photo. ...
Search Query points:40 BATCH TIFF RESIZER 1.53 Batch TIFF Resizer which resize and converts single and multi page tiff, BMP and JPEG images to TIFF, JPEG or PDF files . An easy-to-use program tailored to document archival for in-house and public distribution. This program supports Password Protection, ...
Search Query points:40 HTML TO TEXT BATCH CONVERT MULTIPLE FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly convert your many HTML files into text files. Load multiple .htm and .html files into the program and export them automatically in seconds. This program will strip off all unncessary html tags so that just the text content is ...
Search Query points:40 BATCH WINFAX2JPEG 2.00 Batch WinFax2JPEG is a WinFax fxr fxs fxm fxd fax to jpg jpeg converter, able to convert WinFax fxd fxm fxr fxs fax to jpg jpeg files in batches. Both GUI and command line modes are supported. Able to keep ...
Search Query points:40 MASS TEXT REPLACER 1.3.2 Mass Text Replacer (MTR) is a software program that lets you search for a particular word or phrase and replace it with another one. The advantage of MTR is that it works over several files at the same time. In ...
Search Query points:40 MASS TEXT REPLACER 1.0 Mass Text Replacer (MTR) is a software program that lets you search for a particular word or phrase and replace it with another one. The advantage of MTR is that it works over several files at the same time. In ...
Search Query points:40 SIB ICON REPLACER 2.10 Sib Icon Replacer is a compact yet efficient tool which will take care of all your icon management needs. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation will help you access any program function in a couple of mouse clicks. The program ...
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