Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 908 funded different ayghost 2.0 programs. You can simply download any of ayghost 2.0 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:145 AYGHOST 2.0 AYGHOST is a simple but sufficient cloning software. With AYGHOST you can create, restore and check images, and you can also backup from disk to disk as well as act multicast systems. The created images include partition images and ...
Search Query points:5 TURTLES, VOLUME 1 SCREEN SAVER - HATCHLINGS 1.0 Turtles, Volume 1 contains over 20 stunning photographs of Chelodina longicollis (Eastern Long-necked Turtle), Emydura subglobosa (Red-bellied Short-necked Turtle), Macrochelodina siebenrocki (Siebenrock's Snake-necked Turtle), Phrynops williamsi (Williams' South American Side-necked Turtle), Phrynops hilarii (Hilaire's Side-necked Turtle), and Elseya novaeguineae (New ...
Search Query points:5 EXE TO SERVICE 2.0 Exe To Service allows you to install any Windows executable as a service. Windows services are background processes that do not interfere with the logged user's environment. By converting a program to a service, you receive full control over its ...
Search Query points:5 TURTLES, VOLUME 2 SCREEN SAVER - HATCHLINGS 1.0 Turtles, Volume 2 contains over 20 stunning photographs of Trachemys venusta venusta (Meso-American Slider), Graptemys versa (Texas Map Turtle), Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-Eared Slider), Chrysemys picta dorsalis (Southern Painted Turtle), Chrysemys picta picta (Eastern Painted Turtle), Emys blandingi (Blanding's Turtle), ...
Search Query points:5 ORACLERECOVERY 2.1.0650 OracleRecovery is a comprehensive tool designed to recover data from damaged Oracle databases and backups. Special wizard-style interface gives users more control over the recovery process. OracleRecovery restores tables, fields, fields types and values, as well as all backup objects, ...
Search Query points:5 AUTOSCREENRECORDER FREE 2.0 AutoScreenRecorder 2.0 Free is a completely free screen recording software for you. It is free for unlimited personal and business use. It has no expiry date and can be distributed with free of charge. Please tell all your ...
Search Query points:5 RSS WIZARD 2.9 RSS Wizard is an HTML to RSS converter than can generate the RSS feed out of virtually any web page without having to edit it first. RSS Wizard generates RSS 2.0 feeds and allows you to create, edit and publish ...
Search Query points:5 RUNIT! 2.0 RunIt! enables you to add files, websites and programs to your RunIt! index, all according to keywords you selected, so it is easy for you to remember how to find that file, then with a press of hotkeys (also assigned ...
Search Query points:5 ACTUAL REMINDER 2.0 Talking powerful program-calendar for any reminders with image of the calendar for the current month on your desktop. Actual Reminder can say the time every hour and it can also inform you about the holidays for the current day in ...
Search Query points:5 MASK SURF STANDARD 2.0 Mask Surf is a personal anonymous surfing program and an Internet track cleaner. It lets you protect your identity online by masking the information related to your OS, browser, system language and IP address. The program also lets you clean ...
Search Query points:5 PANORADO APPLET 2.0 The panorado Java applet enables you to design websites with interactive panoramic pictures or other kinds of large pictures. Features: * It is platform-independent and executable on all browsers supporting Java 1.4 (or newer). It is downloaded ...
Search Query points:5 MOUSE WHEEL CONTROL 2.0 Mouse Wheel Control enhances the features of the mouse wheel. With it, you can use the mouse wheel everywhere, change its functionality or extend its use. There are a lot of programs where the mouse wheel is not used or ...
Search Query points:5 FLYTREEVIEW FOR ASP.NET 2.0 4.1 FlyTreeView for ASP.NET 2.0 is a genuine tree web control. The control implements cross-browser support, unlimited style and behavior customization along with collection of predefined treeview styles, context menu, drag-and-drop, radio buttons and checkboxes, on-demand nodes population, fast and flexible ...
Search Query points:5 SWIFT 2.0 Search and Download MP3's, Games, Software and lots of cool stuff with the best Peer to Peer File Sharing software all the while running your pc running like New. Yes, Swift produces unmatched results and amazing download speeds + the ...
Search Query points:5 TV TO IPOD VIDEO TRANSFER 2.0 With TV to iPod Video Transfer you may record TV shows as you watch TV. TV to iPod Video Transfer encodes and compresses video data from TV tuner card to your iPod in it makes it fast to record ...
Search Query points:5 ESTIMATOR 2.0 Estimation, Rate Analysis and Project Management Software for Architects, Builders, Engineers and Construction Companies.With Estimator you can prepare detailed, abstract, material and labour estimates of residential and commercial buildings. You can also prepare Tenders, Measurement Book, Cost Abstract, Labour and ...
Search Query points:5 MF ENCRYPTION PAD 2.0 MF Encryption Pad is a simple (and free) application that lets you encrypt and decrypt rich text messages using cut and paste. MF Encryption Pad uses 256-bit AES encryption with a key that it generates from the 'Pass Phrase' ...
Search Query points:5 MOVIES DATABASE MAC 1.24 Automatic retrieval of Multiple Movie Images and Movie Information from the Internet by entering Movie Titles or UPC codes either manually or with the use of a Barcode Scanner. Features: 1) Ability to manually enter or scan the ...
Search Query points:5 LIVEDJPRO 1.0.510 All venues. All DJs. liveDJpro has something for everyone. We are not the type to waste money by producing expensive graphics. It is the functionality that counts. Unique design concepts and years of development has resulted in a complete DJ ...
Search Query points:5 SCI-FI VOICES - MORPHVOX ADD-ON 1.0 Greetings Galactic Adventurer! It's time to blast off with the Science Fiction Voice Pack. This free voice add-on gives MorphVOX, five new Science Fiction voices. From the makers of MorphVOX, Sci-Fi Voices is meant to enhance role-play in online ...
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