Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 37 funded different avalible dns programs. You can simply download any of avalible dns soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 TZO DYNAMIC DNS LITE V1.676 This is the classic version of the TZO Client software which first introduced the idea of linking a domain name to a Dynamic IP address. TZO uses true dynamic DNS client/server technology and has one of the most reliable ...
Search Query points:40 DNS MX WIZARD ACTIVEX 3.0 DNS MX Wizard is an ActiveX control that lets you query a Domain Name System (DNS) server for Mail Exchange(MX) Resource Records(RR). MX RR's contain the name of the server responsible for handling mail for a domain. Multiple resource records ...
Search Query points:40 TZO DYNAMIC DNS CLIENT 3.2.1 to a dynamic IP addresses. Cable, DSL Internet users can host their own siteTZO uses true dynamic DNS client/server technology to fix static domain name to a dynamic IP address. This allows Internet users with Cable, DSL and dialupInternet connections ...
Search Query points:10 DNS2GO 3.0 The DNS2Go client software is installed on the computer with which you want to associate your domain name. The software always knows your computer's current IP address, and it quietly and automatically notifies the DNS2Go service whenever that IP address ...
Search Query points:10 NSAUDITOR Nsauditor is a network security auditing system capable of performing real-time traffic and protocol analysis, showing detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the owning process name, loaded modules, kernel objects, memory details, remote address ...
Search Query points:10 TWEAKMASTER 2.04 TweakMASTER promotes faster Internet download speeds by carefully and intelligently tweaking numerous key Windows settings to provide a substantially faster Internet experience. It is easy to use and requires no special computer knowledge. No matter what speed you connect at ...
Search Query points:10 IPCHECK SERVER MONITOR IPCheck Server Monitor 5 offers reliable network and website monitoring using Paessler's IPCheck™ Technology, easy installation, support for WinNT/2000/XP/2003 and a web based user interface. Sensor types including PING, PORT, HTTP, HTTPS, Advanced HTTP, HTTP Transaction, DNS, SMTP, POP3, SNMP ...
Search Query points:10 SMTPTRACKER 1.8 SMTPTracker extends your SMTP server with message tracking, content saving, sql logging and anti-spam abilities. SMTPTracker works with Microsoft SMTP service, Exchange Server 2000, Exchange Server 2003 and other systems based on IIS smtp service. Key benefits: low cpu ...
Search Query points:10 IP HELPER 2.0 This IP Helper software shows you both your internal and external IP addresses, can notify you by email when they change, performs DNS and Whois lookups, and much more! ...
Search Query points:10 BELLO NETWORK MONITORING WINGUI bello network monitoring offers reliable network and website monitoring using Paessler's IPCheck™ Technology, web or windows user interface. Sensor types include PING, PORT, HTTP, HTTPS, Advanced HTTP (e.g. for content checks), HTTP Transaction, DNS, SMTP, POP3, SNMP, FTP and more. ...
Search Query points:10 IPSWITCHER BASIC 1.3.12 Are you a mobile user? Do you need to use your computer in more than one network? Do you have multiple types of Internet connections? IPSwitcher Basic is an answer to your needs! It has been developed for those people, ...
Search Query points:10 FASTREAM IQ WEB/FTP SERVER 11.0.2 Secure, ultra-fast FTP server and robust multi-threaded Web server for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista, featuring XML-based GUI remote 2-level administration scheme, CGI/ISAPI, separate upload/download speed limits, storage quotas, dynamic DNS, SSL and compression. The easiest-to-use file server for Windows to convert any ...
Search Query points:10 AXENCE NETTOOLS 3.0 NetTools is a comprehensive set of network administration tools: NetWatch - network monitoring with alerting, real-time & historical charts, WinTools lists exhaustive system information from Windows computers, port scanner, network scanner, NetStat lists local inbound & outbound connections, TCP/IP workshop ...
Search Query points:10 CC PROXY SERVER 6.4.1 is easy-to-use, inexpensive and powerful proxy software and Internet sharing software. Can be used to share Internet connection on the LAN. Features web cache, web filter, dial-on-demand, Web/IP/MAC/IP Range authorization, cascading proxy,bandwidth control and support for many proxy protocols. ...
Search Query points:10 SERVERRADAR SERVER MONITOR 5.1 ServerRadar is a powerful and easy-to-use server monitoring software. It can monitor your web server, mail server, ftp server, Database server and DNS server. In the event of server errors, ServerRadar will notify you immediately by sending emails, playing sounds, ...
Search Query points:10 DNS2P V2.0 DNS2P is just like directory assistance for your Internet connection! Imagine if your Phone number changed once a week, once a day, or once a month! Nobody would ever know what number you are using. Your Internet connection works ...
Search Query points:10 BIBIRMER TOOLBAR FOR INTERNET EXPLORER 4.5.116 Bibirmer Toolbar For Internet Explorer. It's free, with no spyware or viruses, does not open pop-ups or hijack your searches, and no personal information is required. 1.Search box for all the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN,,, Altavista) ...
Search Query points:10 XPIPCFG 3.0 A tool similar to winipcfg but built for operation on XP, 2000, NT operatingsystems. Able to print configuration, and print or purge dns records ...
Search Query points:10 BIBIRMER EXTENSION FOR FIREFOX 1.1.20 1.Search box for all the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN,,, Altavista) + Price comparison Engine.Find lowest prices and availability from online stores. 2.Get notified when you receive new e-mails to your POP3, Yahoo!, Gmail, or Hotmail accounts. ...
Search Query points:10 ACTIVE WHOIS BROWSER 3.0 Active Whois is an easy-to-use network tool for the retrieving of all information such as country, email and postal addresses for the owners of IP addresses and Internet domains. Unlike other WHOIS clients, Active Whois does not require special ...
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