Softfreedownload showing you best 17 of 17 funded different ASTON 1.92 programs. You can simply download any of ASTON 1.92 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:165 ASTON 1.9.2 Aston Shell is a powerful, fast, stable and flexible shell replacement application. Aston, running with its most feature-packed Eye Candy Themes, usually consumes about half the RAM that Windows XP Desktop normally needs. It is known to be one of ...
Search Query points:25 MICROOLAP DATABASE DESIGNER FOR MYSQL 1.9.2 MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL is a visual development system intended for database design, modeling, creation, modification and reverse engineering in an easy and powerful way. It not only accelerates and makes the process of database creation clear but also ...
Search Query points:25 ESSENTIALPIM PRO 1.92 EssentialPIM Pro is the advanced version of EPIM, used by many thousands of users all over the world for organizing their personal and business lives. EPIM Pro features functions in demand from our huge group of EPIM users and only ...
Search Query points:25 MP3 EZLIB MUSIC LIBRARY/PLAYLIST MANAGER 1.9.2 EZlib is a Free MP3 Music Library/Playlist Manager, written in assembly language, featuring a front-end Title/Artist (and 12 other ID3v2 tag fields) search which can be used to build a more refined working list of songs. EZlib features a ...
Search Query points:25 NETWORKSHIELD FIREWALL 2006 BUILD 192 If data security is on the top list of your priorities, you might have been looking for a comprehensive solution to protect your network and confidential information from hacking, spyware and other undesired consequences of excessive exposure to the global ...
Search Query points:25 INTERNET CYCLONE 1.92 Internet Cyclone is a powerful, easy-to-use, Internet Optimizer for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP designed to automatically optimize your Windows settings wich will boost your Internet connection up to 200%. Internet Cyclone is compatible with all ...
Search Query points:25 WEB STATS 2003 1.92 Web Stats 2003: a powerful, fast and easy-to-use web log analyzer that generates the "who, what, where, and how" of your web site's traffic. It displays the number of visitors, the number of unique IP addresses the amount of bandwidth ...
Search Query points:25 ADVANCED PDF TO HTML CONVERTER 1.9.2 Convert PDF files into HTML so they can be used for online browsing. Graphics, hyperlinks, bookmarks and lines will all be preserved. This version has the added option to save all pages into single HTML document with improved support for ...
Search Query points:25 ATOMADERS 1.9.2 This space-shooter is based upon the classical Invaders/Galaxian idea. You have to liberate your planet system from the alien invasion using your spacefighter. Player can obtain various extra-weapons and special abilities by destroying enemy cyborgs, fighters and motherships. Each planet ...
Search Query points:25 PDFIN PDF TO DWG CONVERTER 1.92 PDF to DWG Converter, an AutoCAD Addin help you import PDF file into AutoCAD. It supports AutoCAD 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2000/i and R14. Features:Accepts single page or multipage PDF input, convert PDF file into native dwg file. Keywords: PDF ...
Search Query points:25 PDF TO DWG CONVERTER STAND-ALONE 1.92 PDF to DWG Converter ,a stand alone application help you convert pdf to dwg, pdf to dxf. It supports autocad version 2.5 to the lastest version 2006 Features:Accepts single page or multipage PDF input, convert PDF file into native ...
Search Query points:25 ADVANCED PDF TO JPG CONVERTER 1.9.2 Advanced PDF to IMAGE converter converts PDF files to images in JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF formats. The PDF to IMAGE converter is a perfect tool for implementing PDF documents data archives. Original document layout is fully preserved. Original PDF ...
Search Query points:25 ULTRA WMV CONVERTER 1.9.2 Ultra WMV Converter is a tool to help you convert,split,and join WMV, ASF to AVI, MPEG, VCD, SVCD, DVD, WMV. Use it you can convert WMV, ASF file to AVI(Divx,XviD,MPEG4), MPEG1, MPEG2, VCD, SVCD, DVD, WMV/ASF file. It also enable ...
Search Query points:10 ATOMIC CLOCK SCREENSAVER 2.3 The first accurate atomic clock was built in 1955. This led to the internationally agreed definition of the second being based on atomic time. The second is currently defined as the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the ...
Search Query points:10 ZIPWORX EXPLORER 2.5 ZipWorx Explorer v2.5 offers more Security and Encryption, by offering not only the Standard ZIP Encryption and Enhanced ZIP Compression Mode, but also full support for Strong AES Encryption - 128, 192, 256bit *ZipWorx Explorer v2.5 is a Complete ZIP ...
Search Query points:10 SAMPLE CHAMPION 3.6 Sample Champion is a powerful real-time software tool designed for high precision acoustic measurements. With Sample Champion you will be able to measure the Impulse Response of a room, or analyze loudspeaker Frequency Responses using the MLS (Maximum Length Sequence) ...
Search Query points:10 JIGSAW FUN: RELAXING SCENES EDITION 1.0 Jigsaw Fun: Relaxing Scenes Edition is an excellent puzzle game which features 25 different jigsaws ranging from easy up to tough 192 piece jigsaws. There are a wide variety of different scenes from countryside views and rivers to beautiful sunsets ...
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