Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 280 funded different asp ActiveGantt Scheduler programs. You can simply download any of asp ActiveGantt Scheduler soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 ACTIVEGANTT SCHEDULER COMPONENT 2.5.17 The ActiveGantt Scheduler Component is a Gantt chart that you can use to add advanced Gantt scheduling capabilities to your application in very little time. An ActiveGantt control displays all types of data that can be presented in a ...
Search Query points:40 EMAIL SCHEDULER 1.1 Regular emails delivery scheduler. Email Scheduler monitors the list of tasks in MS Outlook 2000/XP/2003. Once the task containing a keyword in subject field and one or several messages attached gets activated, the corresponding action is taken: either the message ...
Search Query points:40 HIBASE TASK SCHEDULER 2.09 In UNIX systems, the cron daemon exists to automate tasks that should be done periodically. Unfortunately, Windows provides only a very limited ability to automate tasks. HiBase Task Scheduler comes to the rescue. The program allows you to schedule various ...
Search Query points:40 AUTOTASK 2000 TASK SCHEDULER 3.54 AutoTask 2000 is a task scheduler designed specifically for Windows. AutoTask is an extremely versatile event scheduling software that can be ran as a service or as a desktop application in the background. AutoTask has very flexible scheduling and conditional ...
Search Query points:40 TOURNAMENT SCHEDULER PRO 4.0 Tournament Scheduler Pro is a complete tournament management software program. Perfect for leagues and organizations running tournaments. Have a great looking tournament bracket chart in no time. Just add your teams or players, add game times & locations, and ...
Search Query points:40 CYBERMATRIX EMPLOYEE SCHEDULER 1.00 CyberMatrix Employee Scheduler is an easy to use single or multi-user application for creating and managing employee schedules. Employee schedule administrators can save time by using Employee Scheduler to automatically generate optimal schedules for their employees. Employees can be assigned ...
Search Query points:40 LANAPSOFT BOTDETECT ASP CAPTCHA Lanapsoft BotDetect - ASP CAPTCHA is a website security component designed to protect your registration, comment, and other online forms from automated spam submissions. It generates CAPTCHA images that easily tell spam bots and humans apart. 50 different CAPTCHA algorithms, ...
Search Query points:40 IPSEARCHLIGHT GEOLOCATOR FOR ASP CLASSIC 2.0 The IPSearchLight ASP Component (AcitveX Server Object) tracks web users country, state, city & even postal code. The technology is non-invasive and undetectable. IPSearchLight is beneficial for localization, statistics and credit-card security. ...
Search Query points:40 MACRO SCHEDULER This is Windows Automation Made Easy. The only solution with VBScript built in, a dedicated windows automation language with over 200 functions, full variable support, a native code editor and debugger, a macro recorder that creates real human code and ...
Search Query points:40 ANASOFT SCHEDULER PE 1.0 BETA4 Anasoft Scheduler PE is a strong and user-friendly personal scheduling tool. It can help you arrange your daily plans in life and work neatly. Tasks to Schedule: 1) Running a program, opening a file, visiting a web site, ...
Search Query points:40 CYBERMATRIX CLASS SCHEDULER 5.00 CyberMatrix Class Scheduler is an easy to use single or multi-user application for scheduling student's classes. The software is ideal for schools and other institutions that need to quickly schedule classes. ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED TASK SCHEDULER Advanced Task Scheduler - is a multifunctional task scheduler, which allows launching programs and batch files, opening documents and Internet pages, displaying popup reminders, playing sounds, shutting down and restarting computer, turning off monitor only, stopping running processes, establishing and ...
Search Query points:40 LAUNCHPAD EVENT SCHEDULER 3.23 LaunchPad is a task scheduler for Windows. You can run those onerous, oft-put-off tasks after normal operating hours, like disk optimization, tape backups, daily reports, etc. In addition, you can run DOS commands, run/quit any program, communicate with programs using ...
Search Query points:40 ASP/ODBC CONFIG 1.00 ASP/ODBC Config is a server side COM component that helps web developers to managing a ODBC Data Source Name (DSN). Allow you to create new DSN, edit, remove existing DSN. ...
Search Query points:40 ACRESOFT CALENDAR 2007 + SCHEDULER 0.0 A program for birthdays, anniversaries, appointments etc. Contains 12 month calendar pages, a Multi-Year Calendar, and a scheduler for appointments. It has a page for printing out pictures for your Calendar, with your favorite words on the picture. Use ...
Search Query points:40 GREEN COMPUTING SHUTDOWN SCHEDULER 1.0 With rising energy prices and the threat of global warming, everyone could stand to conserve energy. Unfortunately, because of scheduled anti-virus, backup, and similar programs, many businesses and home users leave their computers on full time, paying for energy ...
Search Query points:40 OUR SCHEDULER 2.1.4 Our Scheduler is a wide range-scheduling program designed for offices/businesses with complex scheduling issues. Schedule people, rooms, tee offs, or equipment, you determine what you want to schedule. It is network-ready and schedules 24/7. Color code your appointment types, add ...
Search Query points:40 LBE EMAIL SCHEDULER 1.0.9 Keep in touch by email. * Send emails to your customers, friends and family * Use it for automatic reminders * Doesn't require Outlook or Outlook Express * Supports HTML emails to make your message more attractive * Attach files ...
Search Query points:40 FILE ACCESS SCHEDULER 4.32 Protect your files from being executed, viewed, changed and deleted. It will automatically enable a chosen protection based on currently logged-in user, current time and the schedule you specify. Disable Internet access, certain games and other software applications during certain ...
Search Query points:40 WEBSITE LINK EXCHANGE ASP SCRIPT Pro Data Doctor optimized link exchange web directory ASP script is highly search engine friendly and has been developed according to search engine optimization SEO requirements. Website promotional source code helps to instantly index your links on others site that ...
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