Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1370 funded different asp 2.0 date picker programs. You can simply download any of asp 2.0 date picker soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 MAGIC DATE PICKER 1.0 Magic Date Picker is a very easy-to-use utility for changing the date on your computer. It might come in handy when you are using a time-limited demo of a shareware program that check computer date. If the date is too ...
Search Query points:80 SMART DATE PICKER ASP.NET CALENDAR WEB CONTROL 1.173 Smart date picker comes with many convenient features and has a very sophisticated formatting mechanism, Advanced JavaScript API and Event Model. For the end-user, Smart date picker is easy to use, and for the developer it is easy to implement. ...
Search Query points:45 LUNCH PICKER 2.0 Lunch Picker is designed to save you or your work staff the endless discussions over where to eat lunch. Lunch Picker randomly selects three restaurants that you can use to narrow your choices. It even has a payment ...
Search Query points:45 LITTLE RGB COLOR PICKER 2.0 Select a color from the palette and this handy little utility displays the html hex code and the RGB values for that color. Fine tune the color using the sliding controls. Also shows a color sample. Copying the codes to ...
Search Query points:45 WEBMASTER COLOR PICKER 2.0 Use this Photoshop-like color picker to help choose colors for your websites, programs or office applications. Displays Decimal, RGB, VB and HTML color codes for each selected color. ...
Search Query points:45 IPSEARCHLIGHT GEOLOCATOR FOR ASP CLASSIC 2.0 The IPSearchLight ASP Component (AcitveX Server Object) tracks web users country, state, city & even postal code. The technology is non-invasive and undetectable. IPSearchLight is beneficial for localization, statistics and credit-card security. ...
Search Query points:45 TRAY DATE 2.0 Tray Date is a very small program that displays the current date in an attractive tray icon. Tray Date's executive file is a very small file so there will be virtually no startup lag as a result of ...
Search Query points:40 DATE AND TIME CALCULATOR 1.00.0000 Date and Time Calculator will let you easily add and subtract dates and time intervals in just a few clicks. It features common date-related calculations, detailed date information (julian day number, day of year, etc), moon phase information, birth date ...
Search Query points:40 ASP/EXPORT2PDF 1.25 ASP/Export2PDF is a server side COM component that allows web developers to export from DAO or ADO recordsets into PDF file. ...
Search Query points:40 LOTTERY NUMBER PICKER 1.0 Chuck your superstitions to the side, and put your lottery dreams in this script instead. Generates 6 random 2-digit numbers for you to use. ...
Search Query points:40 TITLEBAR DATE 2 Displays the day of the week and date in the titlebar of the active window. Titlebar Date's executive file is a very small file so there will be almost no startup lag as a result of Titlebar Date starting ...
Search Query points:40 ASP/IMAGE2WBMP 1.00 ASP/Image2WBMP is a server side COM component that allows web developers to convert images to "wireless bitmaps" wbmp format (WBMP is a graphics format used in WML - WAP). Allows you to convert many image file types to WBMP including: ...
Search Query points:40 EASY DATE CONVERTER 7.56 Does date arithmetic (adds a number of days to a date and calculates the number of days between two dates) and converts among Gregorian dates, Julian dates, Annus Novus dates, Julian day numbers and day-in-year dates of the form ...
Search Query points:40 ASP/ENCRYPT 1.10 ASP/Encrypt is a server side COM component that allows web developers to strong encrypting and decrypting of text and files. Supports the latest industry-standard strong encryption and hashing algorithms including: Blowfish, Cast 128, Cast 256, Rijndael, Serpent, Twofish, TEA, MARS, ...
Search Query points:40 ASP/VERIFY 1.27 ASP/Verify is a server side COM component that helps web developers prevent automated registrations.(known as CAPTCHA?). ...
Search Query points:40 COLOR PICKER ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Color popup cells dimension is changeable and can customize design. 2. Not only have all appearances and features of Windows Color Picker but also other extended features. 3. Can load or customize ramp palette file(.pal) at design ...
Search Query points:40 ASP/REGISTRY 1.00 ASP/Registry is a server side COM component that helps web developers to encapsulate access to the Windows system registry in a web application. ...
Search Query points:40 ASP/ODBC CONFIG 1.00 ASP/ODBC Config is a server side COM component that helps web developers to managing a ODBC Data Source Name (DSN). Allow you to create new DSN, edit, remove existing DSN. ...
Search Query points:40 ABSOLUTE COLOR PICKER 3.0 Absolute Color Picker is freeware that lets you select a color anywhere on your screen or by means of various color models and convert it into HTML-based hexadecimal representation. Featuring color history builder, color scheme generator and management system, it ...
Search Query points:40 INFO-PACK.COM COLOR PICKER 1.01 Color Picker is a windows color picker. Use it to check the color of any pixel on a windows screen. Copy that value to the clip board with a click of a button Get the ...
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