Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 2341 funded different Advanced Phone Recorder 1.7 Full programs. You can simply download any of Advanced Phone Recorder 1.7 Full soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:120 ADVANCED PHONE RECORDER 1.8.2 APR is a call recorder software for desktop computers. If you have a voice modem installed to your pc, you can use it as a call recorder. Connect your telephone to your modem, make a phone call as usually and ...
Search Query points:120 ADVANCED PHONE RECORDER 1.7.9 APR is a call recorder software for desktop computers. If you have a voice modem installed to your pc, you can use it as a call recorder. Connect your telephone to your modem, make a phone call as usually and ...
Search Query points:100 PHONE RECORDER PLUS 1.0 Phone Recorder Plus Answering Machine: Phone Recorder Plus 1.0 is a software allows you recording many hours of phone calls and save them into professional log. also, Phone Recorder Plus supports with full answering machine features. general point: Automatically records ...
Search Query points:80 ADVANCED KEY AND MOUSE RECORDER 2.1.4 Advanced Key and Mouse Recorder is designed to record and replay the keyboard and mouse activities for automating the plodding and repetitive tasks. You may utilize it to record and save mouse movements, mouse clicks, and keyboard keystrokes in any ...
Search Query points:60 RED CALL RECORDER 1.0 Would you like to record phone calls ? 'Red Call Recorder 1.0' is the perfect way. When accepting a call, this program will immediately recognize the caller, than just click the button and start recording. You can pause, or continue ...
Search Query points:60 MY SCREEN RECORDER PRO 2.48 Record your PC screen activity to AVI, WMV or Flash files. This advanced screen capture tool can record anything on the computer screen, including the entire desktop, windows, menus, cursors, and even video with sound. You can ...
Search Query points:60 MY SCREEN RECORDER 2.59 Record your PC desktop screen activity to an AVI file. This advanced screen capturing tool can capture anything you see on the computer screen, including the entire desktop, windows, menus, cursors, and even video with sound. My ...
Search Query points:55 ADVANCED ENCRYPTION PLUG-IN PRO FOR WINDOWS EXPLORER 4.0.2 AEPE PRO lets you encrypt/shred/make sfx files from Windows Explorer's context menu using 17 encryption algortithms including Advanced Encryption Standard, CAST, Blowfish, Twofish, RC2 and so on. AEPE has full support for ZIP archives. Well, you don't need any ...
Search Query points:50 HUELIX AUDIO RECORDER 1.2 Huelix Audio Recorder turns your PC into a sophisticated audio recording studio. Record audio from any port of audio hardware with great ease. Supports all major audio compression formats - WMA, MP3, Ogg, and WAV and allows you to fine ...
Search Query points:50 POWER MP3 WMA RECORDER 1.00 Power MP3 WMA Recorder makes high-quality recordings directly from your sound card. It can record streaming audio directly to MP3, WMA and OGG files, no tempory wav file involved, saving your hard disk life, and faster. Sound quality of the ...
Search Query points:50 AUDIO MID RECORDER 3.95 Audio Mid Recorder is a powerful real-time sound recorder from any resource such as Mid, MP3, WAV, WMA, RM, OGG,VQF, CD, DVD, MPEG, AVI, MOV, GAME, FLASH, Streaming Audio on Internet... , even from all peripheral equipment such as Microphone, ...
Search Query points:50 WEBCAM AND SCREEN RECORDER 2.078 Records webcams, full screen or part of the screen to a video file such as AVI and WMV. You can also record sound with the video. Use it to capture webcam sessions with your buddies and save those precious memories ...
Search Query points:50 RIVER PAST SCREEN RECORDER PRO 7.1 Easy-to-use and fast screen recording software. Capture screen from the full screen, window, region, or cursor area to AVI or WMV, with choices of video codec with quality setting, including Cinepak, Indeo 3, 4, 5, MS Video 1, MS RLE, ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED CALL CENTER 5.6 An advanced, yet simple-to-use phone answering machine for your voice modem. All the features you'd expect are supported: call monitoring and logging, Caller ID with pop-ups and voice alerts, "white" and "black" lists, customizable and personalized greetings, and conversation recording. ...
Search Query points:50 PHONE AND FAX SPIDER 2.0 Advanced Phone and fax number extractor from the web, which finds or collect phone and fax numbers that are targeted by utilizing the major search engines like google, yahoo, msn etc. Harvest thousands of targeted phone and fax numbers an ...
Search Query points:50 CTI RECORDER 1.0 This program records phone calls on Siemens Hipath PBX exchanges. It provides a possibility to record active calls on demand just by pressing a button on a digital(Optiset) phone or automatic recording without any knowledge of the monitored extension. It's ...
Search Query points:50 RIVER PAST SCREEN RECORDER 7.1 Easy-to-use and fast screen recording software. Capture screen from the full screen, window, region, or cursor area to AVI files, with choices of video codec with quality setting, including Cinepak, Indeo 3, 4, 5, MS Video 1, MS RLE, MJPEG, ...
Search Query points:50 EMAIL,PHONE AND FAX EXTRACTOR 3.0 Advanced and powerfull email, phone and fax extractor tool from website, popular search engines (google, altavista, excite, yahoo, infoseek etc.) using keywords for targeted consumer, internet marketing, website promotion, list management and research. You can build business mailing lists for ...
Search Query points:50 WEBCAM AND SCREEN RECORDER 1.517 Records webcams, full screen or part of the screen to a video file such as AVI and WMV. You can also record sound with the video. Use it to capture webcam sessions with your buddies and save those precious memories ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED INTERNET KIOSK - Advanced Internet Kiosk is intended for building Internet kiosks, public access PCs, or in-store terminals. It lets you disable access to files installed on your PC and prevent users from changing PC settings while gives full access to all necessary ...
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