Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 6119 funded different advanced jpeg compressor 4.7 download programs. You can simply download any of advanced jpeg compressor 4.7 download soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:135 ADVANCED JPEG COMPRESSOR 4.7 Advanced JPEG Compressor for Windows is an invaluable and useful tool for everyone who knows what is a digital image. This program allows you to convert images to JPEG format using the most powerful JPEG compression engine, shrink the ...
Search Query points:80 JPEG 2000 COMPRESSOR 1.0 Using JPEG 2000 Compressor you can easily convert pictures of JPEG and BMP format to JPEG 2000 format with the quality and color characteristics specified by you. Besides you can change the picture order. The results can be saved on ...
Search Query points:60 ICON CONSTRUCTOR - ADVANCED ICON CREATOR 1.0 Icon Constructor converts BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PSD, TGA and TIFF formats into Windows icons. You can find many images on the Internet and convert them to icons for use on your Windows desktop, in applications and much more. It ...
Search Query points:60 ADVANCED FILE JOINER 1.1 Advanced File Joiner is a simple software to combine files. If you have downloaded several parts of a larger file split in smaller files you may join them together. Advanced File Joiner merges plain ASCII text files, combines some movie ...
Search Query points:60 IMAGE COMPRESSOR 5 LITE EDITION 5.1 Image Compressor 5 is a software to compress your JPEG - digital photo file with barely noticeable quality loss. It also provides image resizing and rotating tools mostly used by digital photography users. All can be done in batch mode. ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED DIARY 2.0 Advanced Diary is so much more than just a simple diary! The features and appearance of Advanced Diary make it a more than worthy rival to all the journaling programs out there! With rich text, password protection, voice recording, ability ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED TIME REPORTS PROFESSIONAL 7.5.135 Advanced Time Reports is an intuitive time tracking & project management solution that will help you increase your billable hours by better managing all your projects, clients and working hours. Used by professionals and project-oriented businesses worldwide to perform essential ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED FILE ORGANIZER 2.61 Advanced File Organizer is a powerful yet easy-to-use cataloging utility that helps you find any file stored on a removable media or on your hard drive in a matter of seconds. Advanced File Organizer supports all kinds of media recognized ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED PORT SCANNER 1.3 Advanced Port Scanner is a small, very fast, robust and easy-to-use Port Scanner for Windows. Powered with multithread scan technology, Advanced Port Scanner can scan hundreds of ports in just a few seconds! Also, it contains descriptions for common ports, ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED LAN SCANNER 1.0 Advanced Lan Scanner is a small, easy-to-use, highly configurable network scanner for Win32. And it's fast. It's VERY fast. Advanced Lan Scanner uses multithreading technique, that gives it ability to scan more than 1000 elements per second! If used to ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED ENCRYPTION PLUG-IN PRO FOR WINDOWS EXPLORER 4.0.2 AEPE PRO lets you encrypt/shred/make sfx files from Windows Explorer's context menu using 17 encryption algortithms including Advanced Encryption Standard, CAST, Blowfish, Twofish, RC2 and so on. AEPE has full support for ZIP archives. Well, you don't need any ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED TIME REPORTS WEB 7.0.149 Advanced Time Reports Web is an intuitive time tracking & project management solution that will help you increase your billable hours by better managing all your projects, clients and working hours. Used by professionals and project-oriented businesses worldwide to perform ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED ENCRYPTION PACKAGE 2007 PROFESSIONAL 4.5.12 AEP2007 PRO most noteworthy feature may be its flexibility and military grade encryption: program includes 17 encryption algorithms (AES, TWOFISH, MARS, etc). 18 secure files erasure algorithms including: U.S. DoD 5200.28, GOST P50739-95 and others. Symmetric and RSA encryption using ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED REGISTRY DOCTOR PRO Advanced Registry Doctor Pro is capable of scanning for, diagnosing and curing multiple registry problems, which averts possible malfunctions and crashes, and significantly improves the speed of computer loading and performance. In addition, the program comes with a set of ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED USB PORT MONITOR 2.0.1 A USB Bus, Device and Protocol Analyzer with the robust functionality to capture and process USB traffic. It offers sophisticated viewing and searching to accurately and efficiently debug and test High (480Mbps), Full (12Mbps) and Low (1.5Mbps) speed USB devices. ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED ID CREATOR PERSONAL 6.13.47 Create and print professional ID cards and badges instantly! Advanced ID Creator allows you to create great looking id cards. Use the wide variety of tools to add text, graphics, shapes, barcodes, shadows and other effects to your design. Use ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED ID CREATOR ENTERPRISE 6.13.45 Create and print professional ID cards and badges instantly! Advanced ID Creator allows you to create great looking id cards. Use the wide variety of tools to add text, graphics, shapes, barcodes, shadows and other effects to your design. Use ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED TIME REPORTS WEB PREMIER 7.6.160 Advanced Time Reports Web is an intuitive time tracking & project management solution that will help you increase your billable hours by better managing all your projects, clients and working hours. Used by professionals and project-oriented businesses worldwide to perform ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED REGISTRY DOCTOR LITE Advanced Registry Doctor is capable of scanning for, diagnosing and curing multiple registry problems, which averts possible malfunctions and crashes, and significantly improves the speed of computer loading and performance. In addition, the program comes with a set of advanced ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED PDF TO HTML CONVERTER 1.9.8 Convert PDF files into HTML so they can be used for online browsing. Graphics, hyperlinks, bookmarks and lines will all be preserved. This version has the added option to save all pages into single HTML document with improved support for ...
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