Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1220 funded different ACTMON UNINSTALL APPLICATION programs. You can simply download any of ACTMON UNINSTALL APPLICATION soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 IP2LOCATION APPLICATION 1.00 IP2Location Application (AP) is a free standalone software that enables end-users to detect country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, ISP and domain name by using an IP address. It is using IP2Location .BIN database as internal lookup reference and ...
Search Query points:40 APPLICATION AS SERVICE 1.0 Application as Service lets you run any application as Windows Service. You can easily configure Application as Service using its intuitive GUI interface or command line configurator directly from your software. Application as Service features very low CPU usage, custom ...
Search Query points:40 CORNOLIUS DATABASE APPLICATION 1.2 Cornolius Database Application enables you to build database structures based on primary-foreign key concepts. The program is equipped with a database wizard to help you build databases. So even though you may not be familiar with the steps to build ...
Search Query points:40 ACTMON PROCESS MONITORING 1.00 ActMon Process Monitoring displays detailed information about all running processes. For each process, it improves on Windows Task Manager, providing file path, security risk rating, description, start time, file version information and icon. The detailed process library helps you to ...
Search Query points:40 X-MAC 1500 MAC STYLE APPLICATION ICONS 1.0 The X-Mac icon collection provides you with a realistic style which has all the main characteristics of Mac © icons. The designs have been created to give a clean and smooth sensation for your software and web applications. It has ...
Search Query points:40 IMAGE TO PDF DESKTOP APPLICATION 1.3 The Image to PDF Desktop Application is a simple Windows utility that will convert one or more images into a PDF document. The conversion process is controlled through an easy to use and intuitive interface (split up into ...
Search Query points:40 ACTMON PWL PASSWORD FINDER (WASP) 2.03 WASP displays all passwords of the currently logged in user that are stored in the Microsoft PWL file password database. It allows the convenient management (i. e. supervision and /or deletion) of this file to improve the security / privacy ...
Search Query points:40 ACTMON PASSWORD RECOVERY XP 4.03A The newest version of this popular password recovery utility decrypts and displays the passwords behind the asterisks on ALL Windows systems. It works automatically on Web pages, Windows 9x/NT and even Windows 2000/XP systems. ...
Search Query points:40 ACTMON COMPUTER MONITORING SOFTWARE 5.20 Records all computer activities, including keyboard, chat, email, and visited websites. Useful in exercising parental and professional control over resources. It can even log passwords typed during Windows 2000/XP login. A unique file protection makes ActMon files truly invisible, even ...
Search Query points:40 UNINSTALL PLUS! V3.2 Designed to, completely uninstall and remove any traces of uninstalled programs, automatically repair registry errors, scan identify and remove errors in your registries, backup and restore your registry to prevent any malfunctions, repair any damage done by previously uninstalled,deleted, or ...
Search Query points:40 LINERA UNINSTALL MANAGER PRO 1.2 Incorrectly un-installed programs stuff your PC, traces of your history threaten your privacy, and less free space left on your hard drive...does this trouble you? Not any more! Linera Uninstall Manager is the quickest, safest and easiest way to put ...
Search Query points:20 REGISTRY SWEEPER 1.5 Do you often download and install software from the Internet and uninstall it after a while? Many uninstall programs, however, can't completely remove everything from your computer as you believe - information written into the registry by the application may ...
Search Query points:20 INNOVATOOLS ADD/REMOVE PLUS! 2006 5.1 Innovatools Add/Remove Plus! 2006 offers an easier and better way to uninstall programs you no longer want on your computer. All you have to do is double-click on a Desktop icon, quickly find the program you want to uninstall and ...
Search Query points:20 REGISTRY DEFRAGMENTATION Registry Defragmentation is a small utility that does gigantic improvements in computer performance. This application physically defragments the Windows registry file to give it the proper linear structure. This is an absolutely essential tool for all folks who install/uninstall new ...
Search Query points:20 1CLICKADDNREMOVE INSTALLER UNINSTALLER 1.5 1 Click Add n Remove is the perfect companion for installing and uninstalling software that is not completely identified and improperly removed by standard Windows methods. With the help of a simple design and interface, 1 Click Add n Remove ...
Search Query points:20 EMPLOYEE ACTIVITIES MONITORING TOOL Employee Activities Monitoring Utility records all pressed key board character including special keys of any application. Utility runs in invisible mode and not display in task manager, start menu and control panel add-remove list. You can check your kids to ...
Search Query points:20 COLOR PICKER ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Color popup cells dimension is changeable and can customize design. 2. Not only have all appearances and features of Windows Color Picker but also other extended features. 3. Can load or customize ramp palette file(.pal) at design ...
Search Query points:20 IPD PERSONAL WITH E-MAIL ALERT XP 3.2 IPD Personal with e-mail alert will notify you via e-mail of any changes in your dynamic IP address. You will have the option of having your IP sent to up to two e-mail addresses. This version includes IP release ...
Search Query points:20 IP DETECTIVE SUITE XP 3.2 IP Detective Suite is an ideal program for anyone using a dynamic IP address. IP Detective Suite will report any changes in your dynamic IP to your ftp site, it will e-mail your new IP to you (will e-mail ...
Search Query points:20 WINUTILITIES 5.12 WinUtilities all in one cleaners and optimizers suite is an award winning collection of tools to optimize and speedup your system performance. our suite contains utilities to clean registry, temporary files on your disks, erase your application and internet browser ...
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