Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 6239 funded different acdsee 70 software downolad programs. You can simply download any of acdsee 70 downolad soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 ACDSEE 7 ACDSee 7 is the essential photo management tool for enthusiasts, amateurs and professionals. Enjoy the freedom to find, organize, edit and share your photos faster and easier, with the best results ever: Display your files in 50+ popular formats Search ...
Search Query points:40 ACDSEE POWERPACK 7 Get the speed and efficiency of ACDSee 7, the next generation in ACD's series of lightning fast photo managers, plus the powerful editing and printing capabilities of award-winning ACD Photo Editor, ACD FotoSlate: Find, view, organize and share your image ...
Search Query points:20 PRIVACY FENCE 1.5 Privacy Fence is a handy tool kit designed to completely erase all your tracks on a computer. With just one mouse-click, it helps you to erase cookies, cache, history and auto-complete data of popular Internet browser. It also cleans ...
Search Query points:20 PASSWORD DOOR 8.3 Password protects any program installed on your computer, such as WinZip, AcdSee, MediaPlayer, RealPlayer, Outlook Express, Internet Explorer, Office etc. Password Door can add the password protection feature to any software on your computer. It is not an exe file ...
Search Query points:20 ADVANCED TRACKS ERASER 2.0 The complete solution for cleaning Internet activities and traces of your PC! It cleans up your browser's cache, cookies, history, recent document list and much more automatically! With Advanced Tracks Eraser FREE Plug-Ins you can clean the tracks of up ...
Search Query points:20 TRANSLATIONEXPRESS 2005 TranslationExpress, a Kingsoft product, is designed for people who need to do instant online translations. It includes 6 translation engines to perform multi-directional translations: Chinese -> English, English -> Chinese, Chinese -> Japanese and Japanese -> Chinese, with a simple ...
Search Query points:15 EXCEL COPY SHEETS MULTIPLE TIMES SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly make many duplicate copies of one Excel worksheet. Browse to your Excel file, select the sheet you want to copy, and specify the number of copies you would like to make. ...
Search Query points:15 EXCEL COPY & MOVE SHEETS TO ANOTHER WORKBOOK SOFTWARE 7.0 Copy sheets between two Excel books. Browse to your two files, select the sheet you want to copy, move, delete, or rename. ...
Search Query points:15 TEXT FILES TO MS ACCESS IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Load text files (or csv files) to MS Access. Create a new table or append to an existing table based on the contents of a file on your computer. ...
Search Query points:15 MS WORD PRINT MULTIPLE DOCUMENTS SOFTWARE 7.0 Batch print many Word files without having to open each one at a time. Quickly print mass amounts of docs all at once with this program. ...
Search Query points:15 TEXT FILES TO MYSQL IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Load text files (or csv files) to MySQL. Create a new table or append to an existing table based on the contents of a file on your computer. ...
Search Query points:15 CSV & TEXT FILES TO HTML TABLES SOFTWARE 7.0 Convert CSV and text files into HTML files. Each line in the file creates a HTML row and each separating character in a line creates a HTML column. ...
Search Query points:15 EXCEL IMPORT MULTIPLE TEXT FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Import many text files into one Excel file quickly. Load a list of text files into the program and the data will be inserted into a blank workbook. Each line of the text file can be chopped up by a ...
Search Query points:15 TEXT FILES TO MS SQL SERVER IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Load text files (or csv files) to MS SQL Server. Create a new table or append to an existing table based on the contents of a file on your computer. ...
Search Query points:15 MS WORD TO EXCEL IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly transfer MS Word data to Excel using an add-in that sits in Word. Each line in Word is a row in Excel. Columns can be created in Excel by splitting each line by certain characters (like a comma or ...
Search Query points:15 EXTRACT DATA & TEXT FROM MULTIPLE PDF FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Search for text within multiple PDF files and, if found, extract the entire line. Similarly, extract entire lines that do not contain certain text. Also, extract text between starting and ending characters throughout all files. Finally, extract the same line ...
Search Query points:15 EXCEL EXTRACT COMMENTS SOFTWARE 7.0 Get the comments from multiple Excel files. Save the results to a text file or put them in a blank Excel workbook. ...
Search Query points:15 RENAME FOLDERS SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly change the name of folders and subfolders. Features include: Change case of folder(s) to UPPER CASE, Change case of folder(s) to lower case, Change case of folder(s) to Proper Case, Change case of folder(s) to Sentence case, Add x ...
Search Query points:15 MYSQL TO TEXT FILES IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Save MySQL tables to text or CSV files. In the resulting text file, each field (column) is delimited by a comma or other character, each row is delimited by a newline. You can choose which fields to save in the ...
Search Query points:15 MS SQL SERVER TO TEXT FILES IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Save MS SQL Server tables to text or CSV files. In the resulting text file, each field (column) is delimited by a comma or other character, each row is delimited by a newline. You can choose which fields to save ...
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