Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 253 funded different accountview 1.3 programs. You can simply download any of accountview 1.3 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 NCS Z-TOOLS.HE ACCOUNTVIEW 1.3.903.9 Power account management tool for Windows 2000/XP/2003 including Windows XP Home Edition. This software give in addition to standard acount management functions: - creating groups in Windows XP Home Edition; - management of the hidden accounts (interdomain communications, ...
Search Query points:5 EDONKEY2000 LITE 1.3 eDonkey2000 Lite is modified version of the original eDonkey2000. This is special pro edition without banners and installer doesn't include bundled adware. In this version you have unlimited upload/download ratios. This version also includes The BitTorrent Plugin. ...
Search Query points:5 SILVER INVENTORY SYSTEM 1.6.2 Silver Inventory System is a complete inexpensive system for management of sales, purchases and payments. This system will help you in creation invoices, sale orders, purchase orders, receiving lists, payment receipts, product labels with bar codes and ...
Search Query points:5 REGFIX MANTRA 2.1 With due course of time, Windows Registry gets effected due to newer software installations, uninstallation, Adwares, spywares, Trojans, viruses etc. These changes generate inconsistencies in the Windows registry. The inconsistencies may be of varied nature like Empty keys, false uninstall ...
Search Query points:5 FUN SPOOKY HALLOWEEN SCREENSAVER 1.0 Fun Spooky Halloween Screensaver is a cute screen saver that is full of all your Halloween favorites. It comes with 13 pictures such as Betsy the Witch and Blood Fever. You will also be able to listen to spooky music ...
Search Query points:5 KGB 1.3 KGB'secrets Advanced MultiUser Contest Edition. Self-development game KGB'secrets is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your general attention, visual memory, multiple objects tracking, logics, visual processing speed, short term (working) memory, to increase your ...
Search Query points:5 VERYPDF AUTOCAD DWG AND DXF TO PDF CONVERTER 2.0 VeryPDF AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter allows you convert DWG to PDF, DXF to PDF, AutoCAD to PDF, CAD Drawing to PDF directly without need of AutoCAD, it converts DWG and DXF files into vector PDF files, quick ...
Search Query points:5 SIZEPOPUP 1.3 This software allows you sending short texts in computers networks (LAN/WAN). It's similar to the WinPopup, unfortunately win2000 and XP haven't got the WinPopup. Communication is based on a TCP/IP protocol.SizePopup has easy list of users and their IP addresses. ...
Search Query points:5 ALO CD & DVD BURNER 1.3 ALO CD & DVD Burner is an easy-to-use and effective DVD/CD burning software. With this burning program you can create Data CD, Data DVD, Audio CD, MP3 CD & Audio CD Grabber. ...
Search Query points:5 WORD WEB-STREAM 1.3 This win-cgi script allow to read/open the any MS Word documents on server side and return the html-converted contents (to client browser). The script don't use any external libraries (no MS Excel/Office, no ADO etc) and you may run ...
Search Query points:5 SHUTDOWN LOCK 1.3 Irritated with the fact that some applications just don't go well together with Window's Hibernate or Suspend features? The easiest way to fix the problem is to get Shutdown Lock that can hibernate-enable any application, like FlashGet, or AudioGrabber. ...
Search Query points:5 ATPRESENT EDITOR 1.3 Create Flash based highly interactive presentation, simulation, demo, tutorial, etc. Build your content visually, embed images, flash movies, text and audio using fully customizable layout. Add interactive elements and transformations: active areas, key presses, text inputs, hyperlinks, positive/negative reactions on ...
Search Query points:5 WATER GARDEN STUDIO TRIAL 1.3 Create your dream landscape complete with ponds, waterfalls, fountains, and streams. Design your house, deck, fence, and water features. Walk through your property in realtime 3D with accurate lighting, soft shadows, flowing water, highly detailed 3D plants, and much more. ...
Search Query points:5 EAHIDE ADV 1.3 EAHide Pro is a kind of software which is used for anti-spam on the web. The system makes the e-mail address shown as hidden messages in the web codes by encoding the e-mail address on the appointed webs. While it ...
Search Query points:5 EASESOFT ASP.NET BARCODE CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft Linear Barcode ASP.NET Web ServerControls use its internal HttpHandler to transfer barcode images directly to the client without any temporary files.It is the most efficient method to generate the barcodes dynamically.EaseSoft ASP.NET Barcode Web Server Control is full design-time ...
Search Query points:5 PHOTOECHOES 1.3 PhotoEchoes is a digital Kaleidoscope that generates awesome animated images based on photographs stored in your computer. It can run as a stand alone program (windowed or full screen) or as a screensaver. With the ability to capture and save ...
Search Query points:5 IMAGE TO PDF COMMAND LINE TOOL 1.3 Image to PDF Command Line Tool will convert one or more images into a PDF document from the command line or from within a batch file, with parameters that control it's operation. Parameters can be passed as arguments ...
Search Query points:5 UCERTIFY - MCSD.NET PRACTICE TEST FOR EXAM 70-320 - 250+ QUESTIONS 8.00.05 Pass MCSD.NET 70-320 in first attempt. 250 Questions with detailed explanation. 70-320 Study notes, Articles and Mock Test. 99% pass rate, 100% money back guarantee. Based on Latest Microsoft MCSD.NET Certification Exam pattern Exam Simulation and Study Guide. Download 70-320 ...
Search Query points:5 UCERTIFY - MCSE-2003 PRACTICE TEST FOR EXAM 70-299 - 251+ QUESTIONS 8.01.05 Pass MCSE-2003 70-299 in first attempt. 251 Questions with detailed explanation. 70-299 Study notes, Articles and Mock Test. 99% pass rate, 100% money back guarantee. Based on Latest Microsoft MCSE-2003 Certification Exam pattern Exam Simulation and Study Guide. Download 70-299 ...
Search Query points:5 UCERTIFY - LINUX+2004 PRACTICE TEST FOR EXAM XK0-002 - 275+ QUESTIONS 8.01.05 Pass Linux+2004 XK0-002 in first attempt. 275 Questions with detailed explanation. XK0-002 Study notes, Articles and Mock Test. 99% pass rate, 100% money back guarantee. Based on Latest CompTIA Linux+2004 Certification Exam pattern Exam Simulation and Study Guide. Download XK0-002 ...
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