Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1214 funded different ABB Icon Library Manager 5.1 Mac programs. You can simply download any of ABB Icon Library Manager 5.1 Mac soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:165 ABB ICON LIBRARY MANAGER 5.1 ABB Icon Library Manager is a professional and powerful icon conversion and management tool. ABB Icon Library Manager builds and maintains icon libraries as desired with no limit on the number of icons in each library. Manages icon libraries, ...
Search Query points:95 ABB IMAGE ICON CONVERTER 5.1 ABB Image Icon Converter is a powerful tool for converting images to icon. ** Support a lots of image formats: 1) Windows animated cursor (ani) 2) Windows Bitmap (bmp, dib, rle) 2) Windows cursor (cur) 3) Enhanced Metafile Format ...
Search Query points:95 ABB ICON EXPLORER 5.1 ABB Icon Explorer is a tool for exploring and extracting icons associated with files or contained inside of files. Main Features 1.Viewing and extraction of icons from files in EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, ICL, ICO, ANI, CUR formats. 2.Viewing and ...
Search Query points:90 ABB ICON EXPLORER 1.0 ABB Icon Explorer is a tool for exploring and extracting icons associated with files or contained inside of files. Main Features 1.Viewing and extraction of icons from files in EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, ICL, ICO, ANI, CUR formats. 2.Viewing and ...
Search Query points:80 MUSIC ICON LIBRARY 2.1 Your products will look more modern and attractive with Music Icon Library. Color formats include Windows XP and 8-bit formats. Available sizes are 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48. This icon collection includes the next icons: sound, music, phone, violin, drum, ...
Search Query points:80 HARDWARE ICON LIBRARY 2.0 The Icon Empire Hardware Icon Library is a comprehensive set of icons that cover most of the possible hardware-related application's needs. The level of detail and the exquisite look of each icon reflect the desire of the developers to provide ...
Search Query points:80 MP3 EZLIB MUSIC LIBRARY/PLAYLIST MANAGER 1.9.2 EZlib is a Free MP3 Music Library/Playlist Manager, written in assembly language, featuring a front-end Title/Artist (and 12 other ID3v2 tag fields) search which can be used to build a more refined working list of songs. EZlib features a ...
Search Query points:80 WORD ICON LIBRARY 1.1 Word Icon Library is a collection of wonderfully-crafted stock icons for use in commercial and personal products, including text editors, graphic editors, information managers. Icons have a bright color palette, smooth and well-rounded edges. They are delivered in a variety ...
Search Query points:80 AMELIX ICON MANAGER 2.1 Amelix Icon Manager will store your desired desktop icon layout. Then, if something changes your desktop icon layout, you can restore your desired icon array with a simple click. Also, if you want other users to be able to use ...
Search Query points:80 FINANCIAL ICON LIBRARY 2.0 Vista Financial Icon Library is a collection of money and shopping related icons in Windows Vista style. The collection is distributed in the BMP, PNG, GIF and ICO formats with each icon present in the 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and ...
Search Query points:80 CAR ICON LIBRARY 1.10 The SibCode Car Icon set covers a broad range to automobile-related topics: from a car credit to a car, from a jeep to a police car, from car business to traffic lights - all you can think of in a ...
Search Query points:80 BLUE ICON LIBRARY 1.0 Your products will look more modern and attractive with Blue Icon Library. Color formats include Windows XP and 8-bit formats. Available sizes are 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48. This icon library includes the next icons: open, save, save as, save ...
Search Query points:80 NETWORK ICON LIBRARY 1.0 Vista Network Icon Library is a collection of network-related icons. The collection is delivered in the BMP, PNG, GIF and ICO formats with each icon present in the 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256 sizes. There are 256-color icons (for ...
Search Query points:80 MEDIA LIBRARY MANAGER 7.0 User Friendly, maintain resources, extensive reporting, custom queries, context sensitive help, auto-complete to help speed up the entry process, extensive reporting capabilities. Reserve and search, simple check-in & out, circulation history, print barcode on pocket label, maintain volunteers, optional member ...
Search Query points:60 ICONCOOL MANAGER 4.94.70112 IconCool is a powerful tool to manage, extract, convert, modify, search, create, enlarge or reduce icons. An icon library with dozens of sample entries is included and accessible through a tree-style organizational system, allowing you to categorize icons and create ...
Search Query points:60 ICONCOOL MANAGER 4.62.60622 IconCool is a powerful tool to manage, extract, convert, modify, search, create, enlarge or reduce icons. An icon library with dozens of sample entries is included and accessible through a tree-style organizational system, allowing you to categorize icons and create ...
Search Query points:50 SIB ICON EXTRACTOR 3.0 Sib Icon Extractor is a handy tool that allows you to scan and extract icons from any location, be it a local file, folder, zip-archive or a website. You can even extract your favourite icons from Mac OS files and ...
Search Query points:50 GRANTHAALOK: THE BOOK-LIBRARY MANAGER 1.0 Granthaalok is meant for managing in a password-proteced secured way the book-lending & book-returning information of a small library, such as someone's personal (books & discs) collection, a neighborhood library or the mini-library in an academic department. (It doesn't take ...
Search Query points:50 CRAWLER DOWNLOAD MANAGER 4.1 Gain control with FREE Crawler download manager! Perform fast and efficient downloads. Start, pause/resume, stop and set options of the selected download, and get an overview about the download progress. Comes with a free customizable Crawler Toolbar that has ...
Search Query points:50 SHUTDOWN MANAGER AND TOOLS Features: - Clipboard Viewer: view your clipboards content, save images to BMP, JPG, GIF formats with several options, saves text content to file, send text content to keyboard to emulate keystrokes (i.e.: saves time when have to enter long ...
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