Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 14680 funded different 3rd party file upload dialog windows xp programs. You can simply download any of 3rd party file upload dialog windows xp soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 RAIZEX 3RD PARTY COMPONENTS 3.1 RaizeX 3rd Party Components. TRzxShellTreeChk - Explorer-like tree view of the namespace, with checkboxes. Use SelectedNames:TStringList property to get list of selected (checked) filenames. TRzxTransparentGroupBar - Transparent version of TRzGroupBar. TRzxTransparentPageControl - Transparent version of TRzPageControl. You need Raize Components ...
Search Query points:75 UNIVERSAL FILE SPLITTER & MERGER 1.1 Universal File Splitter & Merger is a powerful, friendly and easy tool that helps you to split and merge any kind of files. You can then send, store, record, carry, upload, view, or play them. Features: * splitting/merging very ...
Search Query points:75 UNIVERSAL FILE SPLITTER & MERGER 1.1 Universal File Splitter & Merger is a powerful, friendly and easy tool that helps you to split and merge any kind of files. You can then send, store, record, carry, upload, view, or play them. Features: * splitting/merging very ...
Search Query points:65 FILE AND FOLDER PROTECTOR - Protect Files and Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:65 WAP UPLOAD 2.0.1 WAP Upload software helps people whose mobile phones do not have IrDA, cable, or Bluetooth interfaces to make their phones special. It allows you to upload games, music, MIDI, MP3, graphics, video and themes to the phone via WAP. Surprise ...
Search Query points:65 SYNCHRONEX FILE SYNCHRONIZER, BACKUP/FTP Realizes robust multi-directional file tree synchronization and backup over local & network paths in any situation: From laptop synchronization to scheduled backup tasks to incremental FTP/FTPS/DAV website upload. Supports true synchronization of (re)moved files and directories, provides collision detection, advanced ...
Search Query points:65 MSCUPLOAD FOR WINDOWS 2.0 MSCUpload is an Active Server File Upload component. It extentds standard Request object capabilities in handling uploaded data. MSCUpload is a perfect way for ASP applications to handle multiple uploaded files and still make another form fields easily accessable. ...
Search Query points:65 FILE & FOLDER PROTECTOR - Protect Files and Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:65 INSTALLAWARE STUDIO FOR WINDOWS INSTALLER 6.0 InstallAware builds Windows Installer MSI setups with completely customizable user interfaces and unique dialog controls. Build non-rectangular or transparent wizards, display bitmap buttons, standard or custom animations, create tabbed dialogs like the new Office 12 installer. Insert native file/folder browsers ...
Search Query points:65 BIGSPEED FILE SHARING LIBRARY 1.0 BigSpeed File Sharing Library includes two ActiveX controls (client and server) that dramatically simplify and accelerate the development of private file sharing solutions over the Internet. In addition to standard FTP operations, such as upload, download, rename, delete, etc., the ...
Search Query points:65 FILE & FOLDER PROTECTOR - Protect Files and Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:65 EASY FILE SHARING FTP SERVER 2.0 Easy File Sharing FTP Server is a very easy to use FTP Server that allows visitors to download/upload/remove/create files/folders easily through a Web Browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla) or an FTP Client such as CuteFTP. It can help you share files ...
Search Query points:55 FILE COMPARE & FOLDER SYNCHRONIZATION SOFTWARE 6.0 Use this program to keep track of and merge the most recent versions of your files from any device or computer. Keep your files updated by automatically synchronizing multiple copies of individual files. This tool is useful if you do ...
Search Query points:55 MASS FILE EDITOR 2.0.9 Powerful text operations engine to process large number of files routinely. Automatically edits any number of files chosen by a user supplied list, searches the plain text or regular expressions, maintains the data stack of what was found and allows ...
Search Query points:55 HANDY FILE TOOL 1.03 Handy File Tool (HFT) is a very fast and simple file manager. It has some internal utilities such as Renamer, Replacer and Finder. HFT has utilities necessary for webmasters, programmers and anybody who is concerned with computers. Imagine that you ...
Search Query points:55 1-ABC.NET FILE ENCRYPTER 1.00 Anyone who has access to your computer is also able to open all files located on your system. These files include personal documents as well as backups of old e-mail messages, photographs from your last holiday as well as contracts ...
Search Query points:55 ADVANCED FILE WORKER 2.30 Advanced File Worker - is a powerful file management, backup and rename utility. You can perform any number of file operations by pressing ONLY ONE button. Make your work faster and faultless. Program options give the user the possibility ...
Search Query points:55 ADVANCED FILE VAULT 1.02 Hide or password-protect any file instantly by clicking on it. Advanced File Vault works with all file types including pictures and movies. Once a file is locked or hidden, it is completely encrypted and none of its contents can be ...
Search Query points:55 FILE ACCESS SCHEDULER 4.32 Protect your files from being executed, viewed, changed and deleted. It will automatically enable a chosen protection based on currently logged-in user, current time and the schedule you specify. Disable Internet access, certain games and other software applications during certain ...
Search Query points:55 BIG FILE SENDER PERSONAL EDITION 1.6 No more FTP. No email attachments. Receive and send large files as big as 2GB to any PC in the World that has BFS running. Big File Sender comes in 4 editions- Personal, Home, Professional, and Enterprise edition. You can ...
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