Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 130 funded different 340 cipher solve programs. You can simply download any of 340 cipher solve soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:25 ALIVECHAT 3.4.0 AliveChat allows you to connect with and track your web site visitors in real-time via a browser based live chat interface. Your company can now offer live support software to customers while increasing sales with Proactive chat. Some features include ...
Search Query points:25 GOOGLE SUBMITTER 3.4.0 Create and add your database of URIs and descriptions to Google and automatically save database for repeat use. Save time and resources over manual submission. Add each subdomain to be spidered in a single command. Supports full ...
Search Query points:25 ACCESS DENIED 3.40 Security program requests username and password or simple password upon boot-up and locks desktop by one mouse click. It can't be bypassed on Windows 95/98/ME. All unwanted people are kept out to your PC. Very flexible use: multi-user support(up to ...
Search Query points:25 ULTRA VIDEO SPLITTER 3.4.0 Ultra Video Splitter is a tool to help you split, cut or trim a large AVI (Divx,XviD,MPEG4), MPEG I/II, DVD(.VOB), RealMedia(.RM,.RMVB), VCD(.DAT), ASF/ WMV file into smaller clips . Using the included video player, you can split a movie file ...
Search Query points:10 ENHANCEMOVIE 2.3 EnhanceMovie is a comprehensive, yet easy-to-use video quality improvement tool. Using EnhanceMovie, you can solve many common problems: noisy and interlacing video, insufficient brightness and/or contrast, blurred image and others by applying video filters, such as: Denoise, Deinterlace, Brightness, Auto ...
Search Query points:10 30 MINUTE MARKETING MIRACLE 1.0 If you've ever wondered how to turn your marketing into a money-sucking machine, then this is most important message you will ever read. Here's why... When was the last time you actually saw a so-called "marketing genius" in action? When ...
Search Query points:10 WEBCAB FUNCTIONS FOR DELPHI 2.0 Add refined numerical procedures to either construct a function of one or two variables from a set of points (i.e. interpolate), or solve an equation of one variable; to your .NET, COM, and XML Web service Apps. Interpolate using Newton ...
Search Query points:10 WEBCAB FUNCTIONS (J2SE EDITION) 2.0 Java API Components offering refined numerical procedures to either construct a function of one or two variables from a set of points (i.e. interpolate), or solve an equation of one variable. The interpolation procedures provided include Newton polynomials, Lagrange's formula, ...
Search Query points:10 WEBCAB FUNCTIONS (J2EE EDITION) 2.0 EJB Suite offering refined numerical procedures to either construct a function of one or two variabl es from a set of points (i.e. interpolate), or solve an equation of one variable. The interpolation procedures provided: Newton poly., Lagrange's formula, Burlisch-Stoer ...
Search Query points:10 1 CLICK PC FIX 3.2 Are you suffering from computer rage? Solve PC problems instantly with 1 Click PC Fix and save both time and money with unnecessary call out charges and down time. Your system will then be much faster when booting up and ...
Search Query points:10 WEBCAB FUNCTIONS FOR .NET 2.0 Add refined numerical procedures to either construct a function of one or two variables from a set of points (i.e. interpolate), or solve an equation of one variable; to your .NET, COM, and XML Web service Apps. Interpolate using Newton ...
Search Query points:10 FATMAN ADVENTURES 3: AROUND THE WORLD 1.04 The inveterate traveler Fatman sets off for a challenging and captivating round-the-world trip! No matter where on Earth he emerges, the hazardous adventures, dreadful monsters and innumerable treasures are stored for him! You are to make your way through quick ...
Search Query points:10 15 PUZZLE 4.0 In this puzzle you must move squares round a grid to place them in order. If you can't solve the puzzle, it will solve itself before your very eyes. With this program you can transform your favorite pictures (in bmp, ...
Search Query points:10 POPPERS 1.6 Simple to play, but hard to master. This addictive puzzler has elements of many of your favorite puzzle and solitaire games. Your goal is to remove all of the colored balls from the pyramid. Remove colored balls ...
Search Query points:10 PIVO EMAIL VALIDATOR COMPONENT 1.01 Having problems with the email addresses in your mailing list?Are you tired of getting bounce backs every time you perform a mailing? Email Validator will solve your email validation problems. Email Validator is an assembly that requires the Microsoft .NET ...
Search Query points:10 DISKPATCH PARTITION REPAIR 2 DiskPatch Partition Repair is a menu driven DOS program designed to help you solve a wide range of harddisk problems. Mass data loss, a situation where access to an entire disk or partition is lost, is often caused by damage ...
Search Query points:10 FAST PHOTO RENAMER 2.1 If you are not happy about such names of your photo files as "Img_0275.jpg", "Dsc00403.jpg", you need a tool to solve this problem - it is Fast Photo Renamer. You can rename either each photo separately or all photos in ...
Search Query points:10 SUPER DUDESTER 1.0 The Dude is trapped in Dr Doooom's Bad Trip Machine! Only you can help him escape. You must make your way across the rooms in the machine, defeating each one as you go. Shoot, dodge, solve puzzle and occasionally eat ...
Search Query points:10 GRIDDLERS DELUXE 2006-6.1 Enjoy a brand new version of extra cool Japanese logic puzzles - griddlers (nonograms)! The logic it is based on is simple and fun. Simply use the given number keys and unveil the hidden picture. You'll love the splendid interface, ...
Search Query points:10 ANTISPAM SCANNER 1.31 Do you receive more and more spam every day? Use Antispam Scanner! Antispam Scanner will solve this problem, allowing you to quickly remove different trash from your mailbox before you receive your mail. The program will be helpful especially for ...
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